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Guest Kamui

Gamecube Surpasses Playstation 2 in Sales

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Guest Kamui
I've never understood the idea of being a "Nintendo guy" or a "Sony guy". Why be a loyalist?

I dunno. I'm not a loyalist- I own all three consoles, and I've always been a multi-system guy (owned Genesis and SNES, then Saturn and Playstation, then Playstation, N64, and Dreamcast, etc.)


HOWEVER....I don't like Microsoft. I think you can tell that by now. The main reason is the one I listed above- they get great Japanese franchise after Japanese franchise and STILL manage to fuck it up. They took one of my all-time favorite games- Panzer Dragoon Orta, a series that sold very well in Japan for its time- and managed to mess up the marketing. If that game and the Xbox had sold as well in Japan as they should have, I could be playing Orta 2 right now- instead, Sega's practically called off any Xbox development that's not multi-platform or a sports game. This is depressing, and means I'll more than likely have to wait until the next generation of consoles, if I'm lucky, for another Orta game.

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Guest Kamui
Genesis and SNES had online Street Fighter in the US.

Ohhh, forgot all about that- what the hell was that called again? X-Band or something like that? I never had one of those, so that's probably why I don't remember it, heh.

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*bzzt* Try again!


The Dreamcast had the first online Street Fighter- Super Street Fighter II X. Most people missed this since it came out only in Japan when the system was pretty much already dead over here, but yeah. The correction is that Xbox is the only system with an online Street Fighter in the US, since you can't play SSF2X over here online.


If Microsoft's Japanese group had any sense of marketing then the system would be a lot better off and I wouldn't hate it as much, but the fact that they managed to blow potiental killer app after potiental killer app for the Japanese market killed any goodwill I could have for the system.


They managed to get Panzer Dragoon Orta, a game that should have sold like crazy, and fuck the marketing up. If the game had sold well, I could be playing an Orta sequel right now. They managed to get the only ONLINE version of Capcom vs. SNK 2, and fucked that up too. Wonder why Marvel vs Capcom 2 included no online play? TAKE A FUCKING GUESS! And what are they doing with Ninja Gaiden as we speak? FUCKING IT UP, BABY!


But hey, if you're a Japanese gamer and want to play a FIRST-PERSON SHOOTER or a WAKEBOARDING GAME, Microsoft will do everything it can to market THOSE games to you!

SSF2X sucked. It was played over dialup and it was laggy as shit. No one in their right mind considers it a decent Street Fighter. Same as for all the other DC fighters with net play. CvS 2 is the first online Street Fighter that does not suck ass.


Way to be nitpicky, by the way.


And who cares what Microsoft does in Japan; because you don't live in Japan, you live in America. It's like saying, "I want them to release games in another country I'll never be able to read and never be able to play without modding, and then they're expensive to import, but dammit! It makes me feel better about myself!"


CvS 2 was not fucked up. CvS 2 had a limited release because not a whole lot of people wanted it.


MvC 2 wasn't online because Activision has a contract with Marvel saying that only THEY can do online gaming with Marvel characters. Capcom had to weasel their way into releasing just an OFFLINE version.


And Ninja Gaiden is being fucked up how? Oh, a delay to 2004. Games get delayed all the time, doesn't mean they suck.


All your arguments are based on things that you can't really prove. Why does what Microsoft do in Japan affect you?

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Guest Kamui
And who cares what Microsoft does in Japan; because you don't live in Japan, you live in America.  It's like saying, "I want them to release games in another country I'll never be able to read and never be able to play without modding, and then they're expensive to import, but dammit!  It makes me feel better about myself!


Because once again- the worse the console does in Japan, the less games I like will be released for the console. If a Japanese company doesn't release a game IN JAPAN, they're not gonna release it over here either (the one exception being MGS2: Substance).


CvS 2 was not fucked up.  CvS 2 had a limited release because not a whole lot of people wanted it.


I think you need to read more about the politics behind that whole situation, Thoth...


MvC 2 wasn't online because Activision has a contract with Marvel saying that only THEY can do online gaming with Marvel characters.  Capcom had to weasel their way into releasing just an OFFLINE version.


Didn't know this, but still. If CvS 2 had gotten the chance to do well, we'd be seeing that new Street Fighter 2 port for the PS2 on Xbox as well, and online. Instead, we get yet another offline version. Joy.


And Ninja Gaiden is being fucked up how?  Oh, a delay to 2004.  Games get delayed all the time, doesn't mean they suck.


Just wait and see how well that game and the system sells in Japan. Wait, and see. Because, again, if Microsoft handles this marketing right this SHOULD be a killer app for them and it should be flying off the shelves along with Xboxs....but it's probaby not going to happen.


All your arguments are based on things that you can't really prove.  Why does what Microsoft do in Japan affect you?


Because once again....99% of the time I don't like American games. The worse the console does in Japan, the less games I have to play. Pretty simple, really.

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Didn't know this, but still. If CvS 2 had gotten the chance to do well, we'd be seeing that new Street Fighter 2 port for the PS2 on Xbox as well, and online. Instead, we get yet another offline version. Joy.


And the Gamecube betters this how?

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What kind of Japanese games do you want? Traditional rpgs? GC doesn't exactly set the world on fire with those either. While Xbox's sales in Japan have something to do with it, a big part is also just that PS2 is so dominant.

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Guest Kamui
What kind of Japanese games do you want? Traditional rpgs? GC doesn't exactly set the world on fire with those either.

It will next year. Baiten Kaitos & Tales of Symphonia, plus FF: Crystal Chronicles (which is action) and Phantasy Star Online Episode 3 (which is online). This is a direct result of the console selling better in Japan.


The better the console sells, the more companies you can convince to make games for it in the same country. Funny how that works.

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That's like, 4. It's not like GC is this haven for them either. PS2 is the best for traditional rpgs.

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I think you need to read more about the politics behind that whole situation, Thoth...

Politics? What the crap?


If you mean things like dropping, there's stupid crap in every online game.

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Guest Kamui

Okay- Microsoft's Japanese division can be equated to the WWE. Rather than listening to what their fanbase wants, they want to TELL the Japanese gaming market what they should like.


This is why Halo got more marketing power behind it than Panzer Dragoon Orta or Capcom vs. SNK 2 (which was originally supposed to have a bigger release- look it up), despite the fact that any person who's ever even semi-followed the Japanese gaming scence could have told you that Halo was going to bomb (and it did), while Orta or CvS2 could have been system sellers with the right marketing. This is why people largely view them as incompotent.


And Sakura, that's still 4 more than the Xbox has. ;) Plus, I like Nintendo games (all the various franchises- my first system was an NES, after all), while there's nothing of the sort on the Xbox.

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I highly doubt CvsS2 would have moved units no matter what the marketing. Capcom fighting games are no where near as popular as the 3D fighting games.

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Guest Kamui
I highly doubt CvsS2 would have moved units no matter what the marketing. Capcom fighting games are no where near as popular as the 3D fighting games.

In Japan?!?

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Yes. Why do you think Capcom is basically done with the genre? No Capcom 2D fighter has sold a million since the SF 2 days.


The 2D fighters are popular with the hardcore crowd, but games like SC and Tekken outsell them even in Japan.

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That's like, 4. It's not like GC is this haven for them either. PS2 is the best for traditional rpgs.

Which is why the PS2 is the only system I own. I am considering a GameCube simply because I do like the first party Nintendo games and the Rogue Squadron series, but there is only one game on X-Box that I am even slightly interested in, Knights of the Old Republic. I don't like online gaming in general, although I am interested in FFXI. Again, PS2 is my only option there since my PC won't run it.

I do like wrestling games, but RAW is inferior to Smackdown in every way except for graphics.


And like Kamui, almost everything I want is a Japanese game. I need my systems to do well in Japan or I won't be getting what I want over here.

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Yes. Why do you think Capcom is basically done with the genre? No Capcom 2D fighter has sold a million since the SF 2 days.


The 2D fighters are popular with the hardcore crowd, but games like SC and Tekken outsell them even in Japan.

That really sucks--although Capcom hasn't actually made any original 2D fighting games in, what, 5-6 years? The Darkstalkers were great, but other than that we've had cross-over titles galore.

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Worldwide, MK Deadly Alliance is the best selling traditional fighting game in years.


Hurray for MK.

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Guest Kamui
Yes. Why do you think Capcom is basically done with the genre? No Capcom 2D fighter has sold a million since the SF 2 days.

It sells well enough for them to continue to be made, at least in ports. See: SFII port for PS2 coming out soon.


Kahran- you really should consider getting a Gamecube then, because honestly, if you like RPGs Baiten Kaitos could be worth buying a system for. The more I read/see about this game, the more I'm convinced it's gonna be a possible GOTY for '04.

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Guest Kamui
Worldwide, MK Deadly Alliance is the best selling traditional fighting game in years.


Hurray for MK.


My thoughts exactly.

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I find sales figures interesting, but they don't make much difference to me practically. I have a PS2, it does everything I want, I haven't put any real thought into getting another system. PS2's library is too complete, and while there's a couple games on GC and X-Box that I'd like to play, it's not enough to justify the purchase. It's possible I'll buy a GC next year for MGS:TS, but I dunno.


I doubt this sales lead is going to last long in the US. Every system gets a sales jump from a price cut, so when X-Box comes down more, its sales will go up too. Worldwide though, GC will probably always be second because it's so far ahead in Japan and it's close everywhere else.


MKDA... Sigh. It's annoying that most people don't care about substance in their fighting games, but meh, it's always been like that. I'm curious, what's the best selling fighter of the post-SNES era? I'm guessing Tekken 3... Does anyone know?

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Oh man...this is hilarious. Duo...give it up. Nobody cares how well it's selling or if YOU feel that there aren't enough games to warrant buying it. Because those of us that LIKE that system don't think there's like 6 games we can play and there's plenty of games that I want to play. And no it's not 2 games a year or whatever. I'm a huge fan of anime-style RPG's but I still play my X-Box more than any other system. Why? Because I like the games on it. So what are you trying to prove? That you dislike the X-Box? Great we know. You don't have to remind us in every post. Get off of it. You are just making yourself come off as badly as you possibley can.

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I'm curious, what's the best selling fighter of the post-SNES era? I'm guessing Tekken 3... Does anyone know?

Yes, Tekken 3.



I like fighting games with style and with substance. Which is why Tekken is the best!

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While I am not exactly a Microsoft fan, I don't really think it's fair to blame Microsoft for "fucking up" Panzer Dragoon Orta or Capcom vs. SNK 2. They didn't develop or publish either game and therefore are not responsible for how well they did. Why PDO did so bad I don't know, since it had great graphics and was heavily promoted (I saw the commercial for it a lot). I really though Sega had a big hit on its hands, but I guess not. CvS2, on the other hand, was sort of destined not to be a big seller, as 2D sprite-based games on consoles haven't been big sellers in years, online or not.

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Guest Kamui
Oh man...this is hilarious. Duo...give it up. Nobody cares how well it's selling or if YOU feel that there aren't enough games to warrant buying it. Because those of us that LIKE that system don't think there's like 6 games we can play and there's plenty of games that I want to play. And no it's not 2 games a year or whatever. I'm a huge fan of anime-style RPG's but I still play my X-Box more than any other system. Why? Because I like the games on it. So what are you trying to prove? That you dislike the X-Box? Great we know. You don't have to remind us in every post. Get off of it. You are just making yourself come off as badly as you possibley can.

As I said, I was just reporting sales figures & what is being talked about on other game boards right now (Nintendo gloating & M$ fans sulking). If everyone else wants to turn it into a debate, that's their perogitive.


And prez, Microsoft did fuck up PDO, at the very least, in Japan. This is well-documented and can be found out with minimal research.

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Xbox is STILL the only system with online Street Fighter.


God damn it...

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