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Guest ligerbomb03

Greatest Chris Benoit Matches

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Guest ligerbomb03

Okay, so I won't make it a poll this time to avoid messing up again.


What do you think are Chris Benoit's greatest matches?

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Guest ligerbomb03

Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle - RR03


Wild Pegasus vs. Great Sasuke - Super J Cup Final (04-16-94)


Chris Benoit vs. Bret Hart - Owen Hart Tribute Match


I will probably think of others later on.

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I'm gonna go with:


Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho (WWF Judgment Day 2000)

Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle (WWE Royal Rumble 2003)

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Guest Dynamite Kido

I can't believe nobody mention this:


Bret Hart vs. Benoit - Nitro - Owen tribute match

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Guest ligerbomb03
I can't believe nobody mention this:


Bret Hart vs. Benoit - Nitro - Owen tribute match

Why don't you read my earlier post over again, because I mentioned the Owen Hart tribute match already.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
I can't believe nobody mention this:


Bret Hart vs. Benoit - Nitro - Owen tribute match

Why don't you read my earlier post over again, because I mentioned the Owen Hart tribute match already.

Apparently I am fucking retarded.

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Guest krazykat72

Benoit & Otani vs. Black Tiger & Great Sasuke 10/94 (Finals) is one of the best tag matches I've ever seen even with the slightly botched ending.


I always thought the Benoit/Hart Tribute was somewhat overrated.




-Paul Jacobi-

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Guest ligerbomb03

Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit - Ultimate Submission


I would also mention pretty much all of his matches against Jushin Lyger when he was junior heavyweight champion for a few months.

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Guest wildpegasus

Benoit vs The Great Sasuke


Benoit vs Bret Hart--Owen Hart Tribute -- Not only is this match brilliant on its own but their previous matches add to it BIG time. However, since nobody has really seen them this match doesn't get as appreciated as it should. Overall, this is match is as smart as any match ever. Watch Bret and Benoit wrestle in their previous matches to truly get the most out of this. Unbelievable attention to detail.


Benoit vs Eddie Guerrero Top Of the Super Juniors 96 I like how puts Benoit puts Eddie over here. Very classy.


Benoit vs Eddie Guerrero Top of the Super Juniors 95 -- They actually had TWO matches here in the tournament. Both of them are great. I need to rewatch them someday but I know at least the finish of the 1st plays a factor in the 2nd match.


Benoit vs Eddie Guerrero -- WCWSN Late 95 Awesome match with one my favourite, most realistic finishers of all time. This was a rematch from a Nitro match.


Benoit/Ohtani vs Sasuke/Black Tiger (Eddie) This was from a tag tournament in late 94 I believe. They had two matches here but I thought the 2nd was better mainly because it had more time.


Benoit vs Angle at the Rumble -- I've gone into why I like this before. Benoit can wrestle at any style.


Benoit vs Liger -- They had two matches towards the later part of 90. I prefered the 1st one but the 2nd one does play off the first a good amount so it's kind of up in the air.


Benoit vs Liger at the G-1 CLimax 1992 -- Everything hit here is just done so perfectly and smoothly


Benoit vs Jericho Ladder match at the 2001 Rumble -- The best ladder match I've seen


Benoit vs Jericho 2/3 falls at Summerslam -- A very smart and intense enough. I think the WWF cut the knees out from under them here unexpectadly because the match was just too short.


Benoit vs Kanemoto -- 3/95 I liked how Benoit kept continually going for the headbutt. I wondered why he did when I first watched but than I rescently watched a Benoit tag match earlier on in the year where he pinned Kanemoto with the headbutt to set up this match. Benoit even cut an interview in the ring. The match later on in the year was on the same level too. I liked how Benoit adapted the match to Kanemoto's strengths.


Benoit vs Dean Malenko Hog WIld 96 -- A great match with lots of workrate. Too bad it didn't have a great ending but it wasn't Benoit or Malenko's fault.


Benoit vs El Samurai 7/7/95 Benoit and El Samurai go all out for quite a length of time. A little different than some matches as Benoit and Samurai hit some big moves a little earlier on and then go to more pinning predicaments as they try to snatch a victory before time expires. Another great workrate match. Perhaps my favourite Benoit match ever


Benoit vs Otani March 1996 I'd say the best of the Otani vs Benoit series. A match that's impossable to not like. The ending really fit well in here because anything else would've been anticlimatic. I also liked their match in 94 when Otani was a young lion as it did a great job of putting Otani over.


Benoit vs Malenko -- #1 contender match Nitro 1999 -- Not too long of a match but it was pure awesomeness in crowd reaction, execution of moves and intensity.


Benoit vs Sullivan -- Great American Bash 96 -- Intensity and "innovative" at the time especially for WCW. They bring the hatred here and you can just sense it through your TV screens and this was before Benoit and Woman got together.


Benoit/Angle vs Edge/Mysterio No Mercy -- They pull off the face in peril twice in this match which is rare in the WWE and something I don't even remember happening in the WWE before that. Edge hitting the Barry Whindam like small package here was nice as I believe that was how he beat Angle earlier in the year.


Benoit vs ANgle vs Mysterio Jr from Smackdown 2002 -- A really fun match which had some innovative spots (Benoit and Angle even built off their last PPV match here some). A good story as well with Angle and Benoit hating each other so much they neglect to give Mysterio enough attention.


Benoit vs Austin from Edmonton -- Some say the Raw match is better but I don't agree with them. Benoit and Austin go out and have a great match without really even planning anything out. Reportedly even better without the clips. I loved how they played the crowd here. (About 5 min was taken out of the match on TV)


Benoit vs Booker T Match #8 from the Best of 7 series. Played off their previous matches. Everything's hit real smoothly which I'm a big fan of.


Benoit vs Regal from the Pillman show -- Flawless match which saw Benoit and Regal escape the WWF style for a night. The dim lighting, intensity and stiffness adds to the underground fight feel.

Edited by wildpegasus

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Guest ligerbomb03

Excellent choices for matches there, though I would definitely add...


Chris Benoit vs. Al Snow - ECW

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Guest wildpegasus
Excellent choices for matches there, though I would definitely add...


Chris Benoit vs. Al Snow - ECW

Forgot about that. Anyone besides me think that Al Snow might've been hurt here and Benoit wa sstalling for time? Benoit and Al Snow actually had another great match in front of about 30 fans on a handheld before which I absolutely love. Benoit and Al Snow have great chemistry.

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Guest ligerbomb03

Ah yes, back when the Steiners could actually wrestle and put on good matches.

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Guest Monday Night Jericho

A match that hasn't not been mentioned (sorry if it has) is Benoit vs El Samurai from BOTSJ 93. Brilliant psychology from Benoit who is determined to prove himself in front of the NJ crowds as a serious competitor (and threat to Liger as the feds #1 guy), and makes Samurai into the perfect underdog face letting him get the right amount of offence in so that he'd remain credible, yet is still over-whelmed by Benoit's intense beating. Some great near falls in this match that suck you in and an awesome finish.

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Guest Ray

Benoit's New Japan work *kills* his WWE work.


vs. Black Tiger (Eddy Guerrero) - 6/11/96

vs. Shinjiro Ohtani - 3/20/96

vs. Black Tiger (Eddy Guerrero) - 7/13/95

vs. Great Sasuke - 4/16/94

w/Jushin Liger vs. The Steiner Brothers - 4/4/94

vs. El Samurai - 6/15/93

vs. Owen Hart - ?/?/91

vs. Jushin Liger - 11/1/90


If you remotely like Benoit from watching him in WCW/WWF, these matches will probably give you a heart attack, they're so good. And there's still lots of Benoit matches in NJ I haven't seen. Those eight are just the start!


In WWF/E, the ones to look for are:


vs. The Rock - Fully Loaded 2000

vs. Steve Austin - Raw 11/20/00

vs. Chris Jericho - Royal Rumble 2001

vs. Chris Jericho vs. X-Pac vs. Eddie Guerrero - No Way Out 2001

w/Chris Jericho vs. Steve Austin/Triple H - Raw 5/21/01

vs. Steve Austin - Raw 5/28/01

vs. Steve Austin - Smackdown 5/31/01

w/Kurt Angle vs. Los Guerreros - Smackdown 10/17/02

w/Kurt Angle vs. Edge/Rey Mysterio - No Mercy 2002

vs. Kurt Angle - Royal Rumble 2003

vs. Matt Hardy - Smackdown 7/17/03 (underrated, says I)


I don't like his No Mercy 2000 match with Triple H all that much, as it's just a lot of technical work that lead nowhere. Well executed work, yes. But no great flow or story.


Haven't seen much of his ECW work.


vs. Al Snow - Double Tables 1995 is superb though.




vs. Dean Malenko - Hog Wild 1996

vs. Kevin Sullivan - Great American Bash 1996

vs. Raven - Souled Out 1998

vs. Diamond Dallas Page - Superbrawl 1998

vs. Bret Hart - Nitro 10/4/99


And I probably forgot a bunch more. Benoit is god. :)

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Guest wildpegasus

Since most people haven't seen Benoit's Stampede work I'm going to put down some of his best work from there: Sorry about the dates


1) The Benoit/Idol vs Cuban Commandoes (Asassin/Morrow) series. Week after week after week these two wrestled each other in a feud which I enjoyed every match. They even had a fun little story line going on during the series. Notes--There were two different Cuban Assasins--Jerry Morrow is a real good wrestler


2) Benoit vs 1/2 of the Viet Cong Express from around April of 1987 (Hiro Hase) -- pretty good match but as with many Stampede matches you don't get to see the beginning since it's clipped so you miss the period of action where Benoit is dominating the action. I think Benoit was mainly in Japan at the time training but managed to sneak this match in. Benoit does the Mr. Perfect standing dropkick off the ropes which I love so much.


3)The Benoit vs Johnny Smith series -- It was fun to watch this as you could see both wrestlers getting better. The problem here was that Stampede made a lot of the matches English style rounds which interrupted the flow of the bouts. There was a bout in Jan 89 which was absoulutely top notch which I wish I could see in full. Smith was such a great heel as I'll never forget him starting off a match with a kick to the groin even before there was a hookup in the ring. If Benoit and Smith would've had any matches during the 90s they easily could've been Benoit's best work. My top dream match is definitely a match with Benoit and Smith wrestling a hybrid of Stampede/All Japan with some submission on the side.


4)Benoit/Owen Hart vs The Zodiac/Jason the Terribble -- From Stampede in 1987 -- A really good hate filled brawl that gets out of control. There's even a piledriver on the announcer table! Note -- At least one version of this match going around is shorter than the other version available.


5)Benoit/Wellington/B.Hart? vs Commandoes/Smith -- This was pretty good. Benoit and Wellington would eventually form a tag team called the Youngbloods. Wellington is the wrestler that appeared in the "Stampede" tag match from the Clash of the Champions tag team tournament.


6)Benoit/Wellington vs Singhs -- This was a real solid match.


7)Benoit vs Sumo Hara -- Plain old good wrestling


8)Benoit vs Wellington -- A rare face vs face match. They had two matches with one being Benoit's return in 1987 and the other in very early 1989.


9)Benoit vs The Great Gama -- They had a million matches but one that I was really impressed with somewhere in early 1989.


10)Benoit vs Yang Chun -- They had a couple of solid matches in a two week span during 1988.


11)Benoit/Wellington vs Smith/Great Gama -- Good match 1989 sometime


12)There's a Benoit vs Black Mephisto match from around Jan of 1986. It's only about 1 month in Benoit's career but the match is sussposed to be pretty good. Mephisto is reportedly none other than Kawada or David Sapolis as both of them are said to have wrestled underneath the mask. Never seen it yet though.


A few more of Benoit's Japanese matches


1) Benoit/Liger vs Hashimoto/Chono Tag Tournament 93 -- In New Japan as a rule the juniors don't do well against the heavyweights at all as far as winning percentages ago. Clipped a little but but very good match where you can't help but cheer for the underdog team of Liger and Benoit.


2) Benoit/Liger vs Hase/Muta Tag Tournament 93 -- Very good match here as well. I prefer this one over the previous match. I really liked Hase's work here. Once again, Benoit and Liger are the underdogs.


3) Benoit vs Malenko -- Top of the Super Junior tournament in 94. This match slipped under the radar somewhat but it's definitely better than their well known bout from 1993. I found the match comes off a little better on handheld than it does on TV as the crowd's into this but you just don't really hear them on TV.


4) Benoit/El Samurai/Liger vs Takiawa/Otani/Kanemoto -- Great final stretch here with a super near fall by Takiawa on Benoit. It was real nice to see the crowd behind Benoit like they were.


From WCW


1) Benoit vs Scorpio at Superbrawl III --


2) Benoit/Wellington vs Liger/Pillman -- The match that made me a Benoit fan


From ECW


1) Benoit/Malenko vs Tazz/Sabu for the tag straps


2) Benoit vs Scorpio -- Not the tournament match


From Handheld


1) Benoit vs Sabu -- They had two real good matches on handheld.


2) Benoit vs Liger -- From Australia in 1993. 2 sweet little matches.

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Benoit's best match ever is probably Sasuke/Benoit at the Super J cup finals in 94. I really don't need to tell everyone how great the match is.


From WCW? I haven't seen a lot of his matches there, but from what I have witnessed, I was blessed to see Benoit/Bret, in the tribute to Owen.


From WWE? His match with Steve Austin in Edmonton (SD, 5/31/01) smokes everything else. Not one pointless resthold, and every single thing in that match makes sense (even the finish).

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Guest ligerbomb03
2) Benoit/Liger vs Hase/Muta Tag Tournament 93 -- Very good match here as well. I prefer this one over the previous match. I really liked Hase's work here. Once again, Benoit and Liger are the underdogs.

Now that is one match I would love to see for myself.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
2) Benoit/Liger vs Hase/Muta Tag Tournament 93 -- Very good match here as well. I prefer this one over the previous match. I really liked Hase's work here. Once again, Benoit and Liger are the underdogs.

Now that is one match I would love to see for myself.

I got it....and yes it rawks.

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Benoit/Jericho vs Austin/HHH is one of the greatest tag matches of WWF/E history.


Did anyone see Benoit's WCW debut vs Brad Armstrong? Fun match. Jim Ross calls the Dragon suplex as a German, which is amusing in a smarky kinda way.

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Guest ligerbomb03

Yeah, Benoit's match with Brad Armstrong was indeed pretty good. Haven't seen that one in a while though.

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