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Tonight's Show (December 10th)

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The crazed Scotsman made the huge announcement this past week - he will RETURN to TNA this Wednesday night, live and uncut on Pay-Per-View! And, according to Piper - HE'S BRINGING BACKUP! What will TNA Management Consultant Don Callis have to say about all this? WHO is Piper bringing in to stand by his side? Tune in this Wednesday as Roddy Piper returns to TNA!




In an effort to stop Raven's march towards the NWA Championship, TNA Management Consultant Don Callis has the monster Abyss standing in Raven's path this Wednesday night live on Pay-Per-View! Can Raven overcome what is without a doubt his biggest challenge thus far in TNA in Abyss? Tune in and find out!



Like Raven, The Gathering of Punk and Julio also face their biggest challenge yet this Wednesday on Pay-Per-View as they will battle Kevin Northcutt and Legend! TNA Management Consultant Don Callis has ordered his "Red Dogs" to annihilate Raven's friends this week - can they get the job done?




AMW has waited months to get another shot for the NWA Tag Team Title, and this Wednesday they finally have their golden opportunity to bring the champiosnhip back home! But, 3Live Kru isn't going to step aside for Harris and Storm! With Gilberti and crew still in the title picture, who will come out on top this week with the gold? Tune in and find out!




Low Ki earned a shot at Shane's gold this past week after beating Kid Kash and the Fallen Angel in a Triple Threat Match, but all hell broke loose later on as Christopher Daniels brutally assaulted former Triple X partner Low Ki in the locker room! As a result, Low Ki has been injured and will be unable to compete - and TNA officials have put The Fallen Angel in the match! Whether or not Daniels will suffer the consequences from Low Ki remain to be seen - but can the Fallen Angel win his first X Title this Wednesday night on TNA?




Kid Kash made the career move of his life this past week when he assisted Jeff Jarrett in beating AJ Styles to keep his NWA Championship! With Kash firmly on the side of Jarrett and company, it will be the K-I-D in action this Wednesday against NWA Security Don Harris, who has been the subject of verbal attacks by Kash in recent weeks! Can "Heavy D" finally smack some respect into Kash? Tune in and find out!



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I agree, it looks pretty dull. I am looking forward to the Piper deal though, but I'm sure it wont be anything big. The dynamic with him is so different now that Russo is gone. If Russo was still around as a character, I wanted to see Piper in, now I'm just kind of "eh" about it since I'm sure all it will lead to is a feud with Callis and the Red Shirts and that whole weak heel crew.


Abyss v. Raven....another "eh." Both ways to work this suck, if Raven jobs, thats sad (unless they do a Punk heel turn FINALLY). If Abyss jobs, that would hurt this supposed push they are giving him. So who knows.


The rest of the matches are just bland sounding to me. Sad that this AMW thing has run its course where I could care less if they win the titles again. They played it out too long and too often with those two chasing for the titles. Just give them the belts and let them have a long run for once, and even turn them heel after their run becomes stale as champs. Speaking of that, they really need Konnan and James to turn on Killings, or vice versa. Killings needs to be a single star, and NOW. They need more suitable talent on the top of the company to build a few strong feuds. I keep stressing this, but they need to bring back D-Lo to feud with Killings. They also need to say "fuck it" and restructure that deal with Jerry Lynn and bring him back in. Its showing how depleated this roster is getting with the company structure right now. They need to either keep or bring back in some of the people that made this company the kind of organization I liked, and that is guys like Lynn, Juvi, Killings, etc, and in the right direction for them too.


I've been really turned off from the product the last two weeks (especially last week and that fucking main event) where I'm getting close to stop ordering these shows anymore. And this is coming from someone who has been getting them since week one. If this Hogan deal is pretty much dead or as close to as in limbo as humanly possible, then they have to get off their asses and start doing some interesting shit that will actually lead somewhere.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

I think Raven/Abyss has potential to be good.


A.J/Abyss had a really good match a few weeks ago, and their styles are very different.


I just expect Raven/Abyss to be more of a hardcore match, with Raven just beating the crap out of Abyss until Abyss decides to return the favor.



C.M. Punk won't turn. Every week someone says it and every week it doesn't happen. Just let it go, if it happens it happens, if not, then Raven might win the World Title finally.

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I think Raven/Abyss has potential to be good.


A.J/Abyss had a really good match a few weeks ago, and their styles are very different.


I just expect Raven/Abyss to be more of a hardcore match, with Raven just beating the crap out of Abyss until Abyss decides to return the favor.



C.M. Punk won't turn. Every week someone says it and every week it doesn't happen. Just let it go, if it happens it happens, if not, then Raven might win the World Title finally.

Logic would dictate that Raven, now that Styles seems to be all but out of the title hunt (I cant see them doing another rematch, sadly but true) would get a title shot, but I'm not sure what will happen....in other words, I'm not counting on it. In typical TNA fashion as of late, they will slow build that title opportunity. I was initially thinking it was a good idea, but the way these slow builds have been booked, I am somewhat changing my mind.


The CM Punk thing, I could care less if he turns or not, since a Raven-Punk feud doesnt really get me interested, it's just that they have seemingly been building up a turn so much that its getting old that it hasnt happened yet. Point being that I've noticed Mantel drawing out things a tad too long (same with the AMW title chase) where it's losing steam or has lost ALL steam.


Ideally what they should do, especially now that Hogan is on the outs, is to just go ahead and do their big Bound for Glory show, only charge double of a normal TNA show, still put it on a Sunday, and add an extra hour to the show. Main event is Raven v. Jarrett 2. That is the only match even close to being worthy of a show like this now that Hogan isnt around (and its highly debatable if this match could even draw right now, even as well as it did the first time around). I just think it looks absolutely amateur to wait and wait, now til mid 2004, just to put together the Bound for Glory show. At that rate when it comes around, again, the steam is going to be lost on alot of things. They need to get Bound for Glory together early Feb to build some momentum and give some direction leading into that show. That would give them enough time to build a few quality feuds and programs, contact stars from other promotions (wasnt Tiger Mask coming in for this show originally?), etc. Make a deal with Hogan to appear on the show if they have to, have his 1st TNA appearance be here.


Went off on a tangent of sorts there, I guess my point is that I'm still frustrated with the product and want them to get their shit together and prove to themselves and others that they can at least attempt a major Sunday ppv without the likes of Hogan v. Jarrett on top, to start. I think doing such would give the TNA wrestlers some hope for the future, as well as possibly force Mantel and Co. to get some fire lit under them so there can be some structure together in TNA. My viewpoint of things as they stand right now is that the roster seems (for the most part) very apathetic about how things are, as well as the fans. Bringing in Luger sure didnt help on top of all this Hogan and Jimmy Hart powerplay shit. And then a guy like AJ Styles is being dinked around, the booking being bland and dry as two week old bread, etc, and it all adds up to more negative than positives to this company right now as a whole.


And NO, the answer is not to bring Russo back into writing power. Could they listen to some of his ideas (ala Paul Heyman in WWE current) and maybe even impliment a few of the better ones in their own booking way.......maybe. Then again maybe it would just take a guy like Jerry Jarrett to stick his head back in the fold a little more to get things rolling again, creatively. I dont think Jeff himself should particularly be a part of creative anymore than his father, and from reports it seems like Jerry is just sitting around for the most part while Jeff does this, that, and another thing, even in creative, alongside Mantel.

Edited by RedJed

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When Russo was there, most things didnt make sense, but the things that did were good. With Mantel, most of the stuff is stupid. Its like watching WCW again when Russo came in and Bischoff lost power.

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