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ABC isn't "Fair and Balanced" Either.

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From the Boston Globe:


ABC recalls producers from three campaigns



A day after ABC "Nightline" anchor Ted Koppel generated criticism for over-emphasizing strategic issues as moderator of the Democratic presidential debate in New Hampshire, ABC News confirmed yesterday that it has pulled three "off-air producers" from the campaigns of Representative Dennis Kucinich of Ohio, former senator Carol Moseley Braun of Illinois, and the Rev. Al Sharpton of New York.


Asked if the decision was related to the three candidates' low standing in the polls and longshot status, ABC spokeswoman Cathie Levine said "as we prepare for Iowa and New Hampshire, we are putting more resources toward covering those events. We'll continue to cover these candidates as other news organizations do. To date, we've logged more hours with these candidates than any other news organization."


Kucinich responded to ABC's decision by saying, "Obviously, ABC is retaliating for my challenge to Ted Koppel in last night's debate. They have proven my point, which is the media, and now specifically ABC, is now trying to set the agenda for this election."



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ABC had reporters traveling along with the candidates producing stories on what they were doing.


Kucinich, Sharpton, and Carol "LOL" Brown weren't doing much, so they told those guys to come on back to HQ and get a new assignment.


The longshots who have had their media coverage pulled for sitting on their ass or doing SNL instead of campaigning are now complaining about how they've lost a voice.

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