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The Mandarin

The OAO Armageddon PPV Thread- 12/14/03

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Once again, I look over the PPV card and I ask "Why?"


I wonder what the Heat match will be.

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Another sucky PPV

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Then it would be a wise idea to save your money

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Guest Peter_Griffin

It would help if I could even order the fucking thing.


I'm just rubbing it into the people who have ordered :)

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It would help if I could even order the fucking thing.


I'm just rubbing it into the people who have ordered :)

Some of us don't mind spending the money. :headbang:

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Guest OnlyMe

Well, this looks to be the first PPV that I've missed "live" since 1997, and the first WWE PPV that I'll probably never see.


And the sadness is just... non existent.


Thank you WWE.




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I'm takin' a few of my fraternity rushes to check out the card at a sports restaurant/bar in Bridgewater, NJ. They seem excited for what looks like a small card.


Goldberg/Kane/HHH could be average. Does Goldy retain tho, or do they give Kane the belt, setup a RR rematch, and return Taker, costing Kane the belt, setting up WM?


Goldy going over tonight and then at Rumble, too (or another rematch) makes Kane look like a puss. So this match could be surprising.


How long has it been since we CLEARLY knew HHH was losing in a title match?


The I-C title match will be decent. Orton's no Malenko, but he can hang with RVD. Foley's involvement will pop the audience.



Storm/Venis, Fucking Lame Superheros, French Rookies, Bland Rookies, Stale Dudleys and Roids on Parade. THEY ALL SUCK...alright, Venis and Storm work well, but they're just uncreative and dull.


However, I like Steiner and Test, if only because they're too idiots and make my friends & I laugh. Steiner on RAW last week: "Shut up, Booker T!" Hope Scott & Test win.


Batista and HBK. See, Batista's the "Sid" of the Horsemen I guess. But the difference? People LIKED SID...they chanted for him, popped for him, and he was cool. He sucked in the ring for the most part in 90-91, but still, people saw him as the cool, enacing badass. Batista, on the other hand, is boring, slow, plodding, and sucks monkey balls. If Michaels gets him over ** 1/2 I'll be shocked.


Who else is fighting?


Oh, Booker T, repetitive yawner and Mark Henry, Fat Slob. Yay, this'll give me a chance to order some food.


Oh and Christian and Jericho Vs. Two Women. WTF. This'll last 5 minutes...


So we get 5 actual matches?


Turmoil is one long tag match. Most likely La Resistance over Supershitty Heros in 4 minutes. La Resistance over Storm/Venis in 5 minutes. Dudleys over Frenchies in 5 minutes. Dudleys over Steiner/Test in 5 minutes. Cade/Jindrak over Dudleys in 8 minutes.


Batista bringing the working shoes tonight!!!! 30+ minutes!

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I would be happy if Kane won tonight. You have his new evil character that's been rampaging on the show since June. I take tonight as one of those "Now or Never" moments.

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Guest hhheld_down
I would be happy if Kane won tonight.  You have his new evil character that's been rampaging on the show since June.  I take tonight as one of those "Now or Never" moments.

thats my feeling on it as well, ideally Kane should have the world title by now but he got in that stupid shit with Shane-o-mac, Kane should win the title tonight if there is any justice in the world.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

This pretty much HAS to be better than Unforgiven though.








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Guest Douche

Goldberg vs. HHH vs. Kane is going to suck because Game can't work with Goldberg. Goldberg can't work. Kane always blows big moments for him and others involved. Fucking trainwreck of a main event. I predict HHH gets another injury from this match that's only major enough to affect his work more.


Orton vs. RVD should be equally horrid. RVD brings the crowd heat. Orton brings the....nevermind. I wonder who botches the 1st spot and injures someone else.


Batista vs. Michaels is the only match I want to see. Batista learned how to talk or never did before because I have loved his promos so far. Michaels always puts on a good show except when it was against Orton. Michaels also always bumps good for big men.


Mark Henry and Booker T has been done like 8 times now and it's only making Booker look like crap. End it now.


The women vs. men tag match is only going to include some cool spots like hopefully the flashback on Lita but then it'll probably lead moreso to the Jericho face turn.


Tag turmoil is hopefully, hopefully won by Venis & Storm. Give these two something to do other than a feud with Rico who totally kills the heat of every segment.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Better than Bad Blood at least. We can only hope...

But Bad Blood was better then Unforgiven...



You don't make sense Rico...

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I'm interested in seeing how Triple H looks tonight. Last time we seen him his fat ass was out of shape.


If he shows up ripped tonight no one better try to agrue he doesn't roid.

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I don't think the show will be as bad as many of us think. Throughout the year, when I thought that a PPV had NO chance at all, they usually ended up being pretty entertaining to me.


I just don't think it'll be the worst thing ever like many of you seem to like to think...I'm just saying.

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Lets not kid ourselves. I'm expecting the worst:



RAW after Armageddon last year...



Give these two something to do other than a feud with Rico who totally kills the heat of every segment.


Not his fault they won't let him act more gay.

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Guest Douche
Give these two something to do other than a feud with Rico who totally kills the heat of every segment.


Not his fault they won't let him act more gay.

How much gayer should he be? The guy just can't get heat or do any moves besides that armscissor roundhouse.

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More gay = more crowd reaction and Rico has many moves to his arsenal.


Anyway, remember that Randy pushed Mick Foley down the stairs back in June so I'm thinking Foley wants payback and will try to screw Randy over maybe?

Edited by Rico Costantino

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Guest Max Peter David

I think Bad Blood was better than Judgement Day. Hopefully, we will never see anything as bad as Judgment Day again.

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Rico's problem is he tries to hard to be gay. When he was Mr. hair dresser he didn't say he was gay but the crowd loved to chant "you're gay" at him and he would play off it and be offended. Now if they chant "you're gay" he shrugs it off like it's nothing and he enjoys it which takes the fun out of it.


Besides, people have already done the gay gimmick better. Gorgeous George, Adonis, Goldust, Lenny, Lodi, the Clique, etc.

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Rico's problem is he tries to hard to be gay. When he was Mr. hair dresser he didn't say he was gay but the crowd loved to chant "you're gay" at him and he would play off it and be offended. Now if they chant "you're gay" he shrugs it off like it's nothing and he enjoys it which takes the fun out of it.


You gotta chant "Rico sucks!" to offend him now.


Besides, people have already done the gay gimmick better. Gorgeous George, Adonis, Goldust, Lenny, Lodi, the Clique, etc.


Yes, but they never simulated skull fucking anybody.


Or this:



Edited by Rico Costantino

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Here's a trivia question for you people:


What was Mark Henry's last PPV before SSeries 2003?

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