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Matt Young

The "Games You Just Bought" Thread

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I just hit the mother load. I scored NINE GameCube games that would make any of my fellow hardcore gamers ejaculate multiple times. Here's the list:


Sonic Heroes

Skies of Arcadia: Legends

Soul Calibur II

NCAA Football 2004

Viewtiful Joe

Super Mario Sunshine

Metroid Prime

Mario Party 5

WWE WrestleMania XIX


I've been playing them each night after getting home, but I didn't find my memory card until today thanks to the movers not being able to organize anything. Now that I can actually save my progress, I'll be busy for a long time. Between all these games, reading The Shining, watching the Ric Flair DVD Collection, and trying to meet people and all that out here in Cali, I'll never run out of things to occupy my time.

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I'm into getting the retro arcade games for PS2, the latest of which is Namco Museum. I'm enjoying the hell out of playing Pole Position II, which I have to say is easier to control than my emu ROM, and trying to remember my old dot-gobbling patterns on Pac-Man.


But all of that takes a back seat to BGDA2, now.


Speaking of PS1 RPG that cost too much, I keep seeing Valkyrie Profile on EBay going for AT LEAST $60.

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Electronic Boutique is charging $50 for used copies of RPGs on Playstation.

Figures... RPGers WILL pay that much for RPGs.


Yet on the PS1? It must be Suikoden and Wild Arms.

Yes it was Suikoden along with the Final Fantasy Chronicles and Anthonogy.

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Electronic Boutique is charging $50 for used copies of RPGs on Playstation.

Figures... RPGers WILL pay that much for RPGs.


Yet on the PS1? It must be Suikoden and Wild Arms.

Yes it was Suikoden along with the Final Fantasy Chronicles and Anthonogy.

:huh: Chronicles and Anthology?


...that's weird.

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That's weird. The *first* Suikoden?? Suikoden II I could understand a little better, though not much... Suikoden is what, four years old? five?

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