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Guest hebtheeagle

Quick question...

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It's almost surprising how good he is...


If Ron Killings ever re-signs with Vinnie Mac, or Cena ever leaves WWE for TNA...I'd love to see a battle between the two.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
It's almost surprising how good he is...


If Ron Killings ever re-signs with Vinnie Mac, or Cena ever leaves WWE for TNA...I'd love to see a battle between the two.

Hope Cena goes to TNA, otherwise Vince will just make Killings "K-Kwik" again and job him out on Sunday Night HEAT to Garrison Cade or Mark Jindrak

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Honestly, I don't *ever* remember K-Kwick winning a match. I know he did, but I can't think back. :ph34r:

He won his first WWF match where he teamed with the Dogg.


Also, IIRC, he's a former Hardcore Champion (not that that's saying much)

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Yeah, Kidman teamed with John "bland babyface" Cena, the only team to make Jindrak and Cade look charismatic, in the Smackdown tag title tournament. The next week, having lost to Los Guerreros, Cena challenged Kidman to a match, which he won with some sneaky cheating. The next week, they had a rematch, Kidman got his win back, and thus ended the greatest feud ever.

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Also, IIRC, he's a former Hardcore Champion

Is there anybody who hasn't held the Hardcore title? Hell I think I had it once or twice

Vince McMahon, surprisingly enough.

Or Shane. Or D-Von (while Bubba held it several times).

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Also, IIRC, he's a former Hardcore Champion

Is there anybody who hasn't held the Hardcore title? Hell I think I had it once or twice

Vince McMahon, surprisingly enough.

Or Shane. Or D-Von (while Bubba held it several times).

Shane did too hold it.


He defended it against Steve Blackman at Summerslam 2000, if I remember correctly.





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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Cena didn't turn heel heel with the rapper gimmick until Halloween last year when he dressed up as Vanilla Ice and did some rapping.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
I thought he started the rapping by challenging Rikishi to rap-offs. Or was that after the Halloween show?

Could have been from Halloween show, cause he had a few segments, pissing people off backstage...or one of the weeks following.



I miss Cenas "Little Mac" (Punch Out character) ring attire from when he debuted. The Green with white stripes.

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It's almost surprising how good he is...

It's sad that people actually think Cena is good...

He's not bad at all. Don't hate.

he's not BAD(That honor is held for Orton)


But, he's not "Good"


He has Charisma....that's all.

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Ummm...we were talking about rapping abilities, not wrestling abilities.


And everybody knows Cena has a long way to come in the ring. But for somebody with as little experience as him? He's fine. Easily carried, charismatic enough to have the fans not notice when he's having a truly bad match, and he hits his moves pretty good (despite the fact that the FU sucks).

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Guest Besus

Mixx ,Do you always have to mention Orton to get your point across?


You think he sucks! I think we all know that by now.You dont have to keep trying to remind us.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
That would have been the inital stuntman bump match

Except he didn't use a stuntman... you're thinking of Sting.

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