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Guest Besus

Randy Orton

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I'll ignore the rest of the dreck, but this deserves my attention:


No, he doesn't.


Do you mean he "hasn't"? Because I said he "has".

No, you said "has got," which is bad grammar on your part. You mean "has," for which the negative is "doesn't have."


You are one of the last people to be correcting my grammar.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
I'll ignore the rest of the dreck, but this deserves my attention:


No, he doesn't.


Do you mean he "hasn't"? Because I said he "has".

No, you said "has got," which is bad grammar on your part. You mean "has," for which the negative is "doesn't have."


You are one of the last people to be correcting my grammar.



Insulting other people's grammar when yours is even worse is begging for trouble. I admit mine isn't 100% perfect, which is probably obvious in the first sentence I wrote.

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- If Orton does go to Mania, he shouldn't do it by winning the Rumble because there's no need for it. There is however a need for Benoit to win the Rumble, because otherwise he can't get a title shot as long as Heyman remains in charge.



We know the cunt is coming back so why not fucking use her for something GOOD for a change and have her be the catylist for Benoit's title shot?

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Consider this, Orton haters:


How much heat was Brock Lesnar getting in mid 2002? Not much.


How many good matches was he having in mid 2002? None.


How many good promos did he do? None.


Brock got better AFTER his "god" push, so how do you know Orton won't?


Brock turned out pretty fucking well after all...

Care to clarify when Brock wasn't getting his god push? Because as I recall, he was looking pretty god-like from the get-go, basically destroying everyone he came across, including big guys like Rikishi. The guy didn't look vulnerable in the least until he was turned face.


As for the Orton arguments, they're tired. He's not horrible or good, he's simply average. Were he to be given a nice spot in the midcard where not so much attention was thrust upon him, he'd have a chance to develop. As it is, WWE is just setting him up to be a huge failure at the rate they're going. And Besus, how old are you, exactly? Your posts make you sound like you couldn't possibly be more than 13-years-old or in classes where you didn't write with safety pencils on circles of paper.

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We know the cunt is coming back so why not fucking use her for something GOOD for a change and have her be the catylist for Benoit's title shot?


Because then it will be...


Heyman: Damn you Stephanie McMahon, I will make it my lifes work - as the Agent of Brock Lesnar - to make your life a living hell.


Then we'll have months of Stephanie getting wrestlers to challenge Brock - the first of whom is Benoit, who will lose. Cause the first person representing Steph can't win; it has to be someone big like the Rock.... or maybe a returning Edge.

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I just want to know whatever happened with getting over before getting any kind of world title push? Orton is getting this undeserving push just like Lesnar did last year while guys like Benoit,Eddy,RVD and Jericho have to earned their push by actually being over with the fans.Orton is still years away from being a true IC threat, that's why the fans are not buying him as anything worthwhile.Just look at Lesnar, he went from not getting any reaction b4 winning the wwe title from Rocky, to turning #1 babyface while Angle was getting bigger pops than him (even though he was still a heel), to turning heel again in a matter of months because he wasn't as over as a babyface compare to a Rey Mysterio or the man who had a standing ovation at the RR 2003, Benoit.

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Maybe the WWE thinks if you get over, you'll hurt the belts.


Cause when RVD, Jericho, and Eddie all got over, they lost their belts and were demoted to mid-card status.


But when they weren't over, they were pushed into the main event scene until the crowd wanted them to win.


Something is backwards in Titan Towers. OVER guys should be in the main event, not the heatless wonders.


I'm still waiting for Kane to get over so he can have a feud with Rico.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
I'm still waiting for Kane to get over so he can have a feud with Rico.

Um.....Kane IS over...not as much because of SHANE FUCKING MCMAHON, but he is.


From July-September, RAW's highest rating segments included (gasp) KANE!

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1) I don't think Randy Orton sucks. I sure as hell would take him over Mark Henry or Dave Batista. I think a lot of people have taken the chance to jump on the 'Orton Hate' bandwagon.


But ...


2) He is NOT over, and Dave Batista probably WOULD be a better choice as at least the fans give a shit about the guy. They may not care a LOT, but who DO they care a lot about these days. I say if they wanna take a risk, have Randy Orton winning the Royal Rumble, and then see what happens, but I think that it will probably bomb. The safe option would be to have Chris Benoit win and have him lose to Brock at WM, to build towards Benoit's win at Summerslam.

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