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Guest vicvenomjr

Russo interview

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Guest vicvenomjr

To Bran----You sir are an asshole of the highest degree.


All I wanted to do was read the interview and see what the man (Russo) said, but this prick had to put in his five cents, at one point, almost every single paragraph.


In not one review I read, transcribed by this douche bag, did his opion take control of the shoot interview. It did with Russo's.


Hey asshole, you're not unique. No one likes Russo. But let the man say his piece, without your mindless opinions (most of which were wrong) confusing the reader.


For future reference, Bran if you want to share your opinons believe me that's fine but leave it toward the end and sprinke it throughout the shoot. But in no way are you the authority on this topic, the shoot interview wasn't about you and your mindless repetitive drone like comments but about Russo. It's not tough to recite a shoot interview and throw in sixth grade level comments. All you need is no life, a keyboard and $20. Fucking asshole.


I hope my anger comes across in this, because what could have been an enjoyable read turned into one more reason to hate the business. The negativity and mindless repetitve thought process by smarks SUCKS.


Who got Austin, Rock, Foley, Crips over more than anyone else STUPID, it was Russo


Funny I bet $20 Bren started watching rassling during the Attitude era. Wonder why? Russo booking style perhaps. And if he didn't I guarantee at least 60 percent of the so called smarks on the site did.


Fucking, fucking, fucking asshole.......

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The one thing I'll dignify with a response is that I did NOT start watching in the Attitude era... I started in 1988 just after Randy Savage became champ.

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Guest Boo_Bradley

I enjoy the reviews, but Bret wasn't a great worker in late 99/early 00, and would'n't have helped the house shows much at all.

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Guest Black Tiger

To the douche bag who started this thread: FUCK OFF


The interview was fine, and Brandon ALWAYS puts in his two cents, if you don't like it then grab and tape, have a seat and recap the god damn thing yourself. If he DIDN'T put his two cents in then he wouldn't be REVIEWING it now would he?

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I think that this was put in Hardcore Discussion rather than Site Feedback speaks volumes about the complaintant.

Actually, this started out in General Wrestling but several staff members decided that it deserved to be here instead of Site Feedback.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
The one thing I'll dignify with a response is that I did NOT start watching in the Attitude era... I started in 1988 just after Randy Savage became champ.

I wish you were a Mod so you could ban vicvenomjr's ass.



Anyway, I enjoyed the review as usual (like all the other shoots just aboot), as Vince Russo seems to be flip flopping his answers now and then. I just wish I knew where his video stores were back in the day so I knew when to murder him before ruining wrestling.

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