Ravenbomb 0 Report post Posted November 21, 2004 so the hippie Dianna Troy As A Prostitute chick isn't in it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RavishingRickRudo 0 Report post Posted November 21, 2004 Inara and Book at in it, I don't know why they aren't featured on the poster. I heard that both Morena and Ron filmed their scenes later on in the shooting process and that this photo could have been taken before they arrived. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ravenbomb 0 Report post Posted November 21, 2004 oh...so she's still in it, then...*snaps fingers* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mole 0 Report post Posted November 21, 2004 I am so not going to like the feature, cause seeing the blueish tint and the lil change in the background and seeing Kaylee not in a jumpsuit has me concerned... and that lil change will be nothing compared to some of the changes they will make in the film. You sound like those hardcore Star Wars fans. And I love it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
the pinjockey 0 Report post Posted November 21, 2004 I have faith that they just dressed Kaylee up for the photo. They'll give the jumpsuit (with the bear) back. My question is, when did Wash ever have a holster and sidearm? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RavishingRickRudo 0 Report post Posted November 23, 2004 *Pulls up chair* *Steps up on chair* *Reaches up* *Grabs noose* *Puts noose around neck* *Wipes tear from eye* ... From Joss.... Are you guys starting to hear that fanfare? Those distant drums? Are you slapping on your side-arms, pulling on your long brownish-colored coats and thumbing your crisp new bills in anticipation of the cinematic event of the year? Well, it's official: on April 22nd you, the true the blue the loyal, can step right up with the rest of America and WAIT FIVE MORE MONTHS. Heh. See, sometimes studios shuffle around release dates... Okay. Don't panic. right now you're panicking. you're thinking, "how could they do this to me?" But what you SHOULD be thinking is: "How could they do this to JOSS?". Seriously. That pity is mine and I want it back. So what happened? Well, nothing terribly original. April got crowded with a lot of titles aimed at a similar demographic, and the studio decided September was a clearer corridor for the film to make the kind of impact it should. This isn't about a lack of confidence in the film -- in fact, they told me this before they even saw it. And now they have seen it, and unless they're way better liars than I'm used to, they dug it. Actually, they dug it pretty large, which is a good sign since there's not a single finished effect in the film. There's no reworking the end, no reshoots, no "does it have to be in space?". It's just a marketing issue. Now you'll get to watch lots of trailers in the summer. And hopefully, by the time it comes out, other people, people who ain't us, will get a whiff of what we're up to, and come along too. I love this movie. I HATE waiting to show it too you. I felt pretty much the way I imagine you're feeling right now when they told me. But these guys know what they're doing, and they're trying to protect their investment, not bury it. So I gotta be a grown-up. The release date is September 30th. Hopefully it won't change again. Spread the word. Keep the faith. And gleam the damn cube already. -j. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
the pinjockey 0 Report post Posted November 24, 2004 I am eagerly anticipating an eventual May 2006 release date at this point. That way if it actually does come out before then I can be pleasantly surprised. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mole 0 Report post Posted November 27, 2004 SEPTEMBER??? That is the WRONG MONTH for a movie like this. September is the month with the lowest box-office numbers. Crap. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mole 0 Report post Posted November 30, 2004 New Serenity logo. Too bad we have to wait till SEPTEMBER. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RavishingRickRudo 0 Report post Posted December 5, 2004 http://www.buffy.nu/article.php3?id_article=7566 They are SO fucking. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mole 0 Report post Posted December 6, 2004 That they are. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RavishingRickRudo 0 Report post Posted December 10, 2004 http://www.iesb.net/movies2/movie120704.php !!!!! AWESOME~! HAPPY! Interviews with Filly, Tudy, Summy, and Moreny. I AM A BIG BIG FLAN! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RavishingRickRudo 0 Report post Posted December 15, 2004 Have you ever been so ridiculously happy at something so -when you look at the big picture- insignificant. I am here in class, finished my Supply Chain Management Exam (I think I did well), and have JUST READ REVIEWS FROM THE FIRST SERENITY SCREENING! HOLY FUCKING HAPPY! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I swear, I had a grin on my face so big that I had to bury my head in my arms for a second to FREAK THE FUCK OUT over this... EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://www.aintitcool.com/display.cgi?id=18992 Hercules and Others Rave About Joss Whedon's SERENITY Now!! I am – Hercules!! The version of “Serenity” that screened in Chatsworth Tuesday evening isn’t quite the movie we’ll be seeing next fall. The music was temporary and the special effects were only about half-baked, with Adam Baldwin hanging off wires and many spaceships lurching about without texture and detail. Still, in many ways the film is already a great antidote for those of us so terrifically bored by the “Star Wars” prequels. The lion’s share of my own disappointment with “The Phantom Menace” and “Attack of the Clones” can be traced to an absence of players as compelling and likeable as Han and Leia. “Serenity,” by contrast, returns to “Firefly” fans better than half a dozen Solo-caliber characters to sink our teeth into: thuggish Jayne, heartsick Kaylee, conflicted Mal, aristocratic Inara, heroic Simon and damaged River. In addition, the evil Alliance has dispatched a great new villain, a ruthless and amusingly philosophical self-proclaimed “monster” essayed by Brit Chiwetel Ejiofor. The new film is smart, romantic, moving, fast-paced, action-packed and, most crucially, one of the funniest films you’ll see next year. It’s certain to be a must-see for every “Firefly” fan, as it answers every question devotees may have harbored with regard to two important elements of the series: The Reavers and River Tam. (It also offers a bit of resolution with regard to two key shipboard romances.) But Herc loving a new Joss Whedon project hardly warrents a headline, yes? The better news is that "Serenity" is garnering raves from others who caught the screening, like “The Scientist”: Hey Herc! The Scientist here with a quick review of Serenity, although I suspect that you'll be sending a review as well since I saw you at the screening. I tried to stay impartial throughout the viewing of the movie since I'm an unabashed lover of the show and think that Objects in Space is one of the finest hours to ever air on the small screen. That being said, I'll try to break down my review for two audiences: the newbies and the oldbies. Non-Firefly viewers: First, if you've never seen the show before, the movie does a fantastic job of establishing all of the characters over again so you don't have to worry about coming in unprepared. Also, the more overt western aspects of the show have been tremendously tamed down, so it plays more straight-forward in a scifi universe, but all without losing the grittiness and rawness that made the worlds on the show so special. It's extremely funny, almost always surprising, and kick-ass. I especially think that those of you who like operatic martial arts films will enjoy the choreographed fights that appear now and then. Just wait until you see the first trailer, cause I'm guessing you'll all flip. Firefly droolers: Reavers! River and Simon back story! More shocks than you can shake a stick at! You can't take the sky from me! But seriously, when this thing gets through with all the post-prod. stuff, you're going to be peeing in your brown leather coats because it'll be like the clocks were rewound and you were in 2002 again. It's not perfect yet, mind you. I think that Zoe and Book get a little neglected and a couple of the new additions to the 'Verse are weak, but that's nitpicking the absolute blast I had seeing everybody again. Plus, there's some wicked gorram action that would have been way out of budget for the TV show. The temp tracks and rough cg sometimes detracted from the film and the editing is still rough in spots, but this thing doesn't come out for over 8 months! The only other extremely early preview I've been this excited about was when I was much more wee and saw a super rough cut of Toy Story (Hey! That's another one Joss had his hand in.) Start getting excited everybody, this one's a winner! The aptly-named “Happily Surprised” adds: Tonight, in Chatsworth, CA, I think I stumbled across the geek Holy Grail. Upon the announcement of said Holy Grail, cheers erupted from the crowd… For what we were “the first audience ever” to view was… Serenity. Since this has been the subject of much banter on this site and I’m sure there will be a million of other reviews, I’ll skip any other touching stories about the screening. But I will tell you that I am not a hardcore Joss Whedon fan. I’ve seen a handful of Buffy and Angel episodes (and enjoyed them) and I admire his dedication to his online fanbase, but I’ve never seen Firefly and I’ve never totally bowed down to him. No hard feelings, just haven’t been so totally familiar with him as to realize his genius. My bad. This movie rocked. While it seemed a tad too long, that just means more gold for the DVD. Anyway, I don’t even know what they could cut out because just about every scene kept the movie moving along. Before I contradict myself again, I’ll just get to the meat. Whedon has created such incredible characters and dialogue in this movie. What has always struck me about most science fiction movies is that no one speaks normally, it’s almost as if space has stifled their sense of normalcy and rammed a giant stick up the characters’ asses. Well, as most of you will already know, Whedon can put his characters in the most unimaginable and incredible circumstances and still give them personalities, wit, and true emotion. It doesn’t sound like much, but between the dialogue, the characters, and the visuals (effects were unfinished, but you could tell what will be in store for the final product), I believe that he has really not just elevated the genre, but has transcended it. The characters are as fleshed-out as most Whedon fans would probably expect, but I was not prepared for this. Nathan Fillion (a guy I ashamedly say I only really recognized from Two Guys A Girl and A Pizza Place) is a great addition to the heroes of the big screen. He’s the best Han Solo since… well… Han Solo. The rest of the cast, filled with people I kind of recognized, seemed so comfortable and so natural. Their rapport with each other was perfect. It really shows that they all spent time together on a TV show… albeit a short-lived one. But the best character (and I think she was new to the troupe) was a waifish girl, Fiona Apple look-alike, named River. The story centers around her. She’s a mentally unstable psychic who is also a trained killer. The government (here, called The Alliance) has been doing tests on her for years, utilizing her psychic abilities and building her killing skills, until her brother rescues her. This is the set up for the prologue, which blew everyone away. Months later, we see that they’ve been on-board the Serenity and her brother is being used as an on-board doctor and she is being used for her psychic skills as an asset on their money-grabbing runs. I’m sure someone else will have a more detailed synopsis. As for me, I’m going to boil it down because it wasn’t what really impressed me about the movie. Bottom line is that, The Alliance is trying to find her. Led by an assassin (who, of course, was written beautifully and with great complexity), they know that she’s on-board Serenity. Despite being tracked by these folks, Fillion and his crew keep her around for her skills, out of curiosity of what she’s all about, and because Han Solo has a heart. You see, what makes her so interesting and what kicks ass most about this movie is that, when she whups ass, she whups ass! I’ll honestly say that her fight scenes blow away anything I’ve seen on Buffy, in Kill Bill, or just about anything I’ve seen in a long time. I found myself hoping for more fight scenes when, much of the time, she was in her crazed psychic state… and then the fight scenes came. Whedon knows what his audience (old fans and, like me, new ones) like. The final fight, by the way, will not disappoint anybody, if you like air battles, check. Gun fights, check. Attacks by nasty ass villains (the Reavers), check. Hand to hand, check. Swords, check. Battles of wit, check. The audience was filled with old Whedon fans. And they seemed quite ecstatic about the whole thing. The cheers didn’t just erupt at the beginning, they were all throughout. There were actual screams at points. These would break out with little bits of dialogue from familiar characters, after the fight scenes, during space battles, at looks characters would give each other, and, of course, at the end. I’ll be happy to drag my uninitiated friends to this when it comes out and I just may feel like I’m a little more on the inside this time around. But no matter… it’s a great movie, none of this horseshit Steven Sommers-type popcorn movie, this is a great movie. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RavishingRickRudo 0 Report post Posted January 1, 2005 Happy 1 year Anniversary, thread. In honour of this special occasion, a message from Cappy. Happy Holidays to all Browncoats from the Captain Belated holiday wishes to the greatest fans a fella could ask for (and my fantastic castmates should they drop by this site). My wishes have all been granted thanks to a healthy, happy family, and a cousin in Phuket who is safe from harm and will be returning to us soon. Let the disaster that has befallen so many remind us all how tentative our grasp is on this planet earth. As much as we have, all can be swept away in an instant. I’m sending thoughts and prayers those who have lost loved ones and those who are still searching. I will be sending clothing, blankets, and canned food as soon as I return to LA, and hope you all do the same. Be well, Browncoats. Grab hold of your loved ones, let them know you are there for them, and make the most of all your blessings. See you at the movies! Nathan Fillion Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mole 0 Report post Posted January 1, 2005 That's right, this time last year we all got it for X-Mas. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mole 0 Report post Posted January 8, 2005 I had a dream last night about Serenity. From what I remember, I saw a trailer for the film and it was titled "Lilo and Stich on Serenity," or something like that. I was soooooo pissed off because the special effects looked so bad and it was just horrible to see. Thank God it wasn't true. I'd go and hit Joss or something. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mole 0 Report post Posted January 11, 2005 I don't know if this had been posted but the Serenity trailer is to be released THIS Friday with Elektra. I might go see Elektra just for this trailer... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RavishingRickRudo 0 Report post Posted January 11, 2005 I heard the trailer for the movie has been bumped back to run during the Summer since the movie is in the fall. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mole 0 Report post Posted January 11, 2005 No, you're lieing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Ghost of bps21 0 Report post Posted January 12, 2005 It was supposed to be on Elektra when the movie was coming out in May. Last I heard it will be on Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mole 0 Report post Posted January 12, 2005 Booooooooooooooo. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jingus 0 Report post Posted April 11, 2005 *bump* Just now finally got around to renting the DVD and seeing Firefly for the first time ever. Don't yell at me, there's a shitload of great movies/tv/books/music/wrestling in the world and I can't get to everything at once. Also, the idea of a "Space Western", starring three of my least-favorite Buffyverse villains, which had been cancelled before it even got a season finale, well it didn't exactly appeal to me. But watch it I eventually did... and Holy Random Chinese Cursing but did this show kick ass. It kicked so much ass that it had to lie down, take a nap, and allow the ass's wounds to heal just so it could wake up and kick it again. I know everyone had their various thoughts to share way way long ago, but dammit I never did, so here goes: -Alright, first off, the show wasn't perfect, so let me bitch just about one little thing. The Western theme. Didn't like it. Thought it detracted from the show a little, cuz it just didn't make sense to me to have people living in dirty shacks and riding around on horses in the era of spaceships. And the weakest episodes (Hearts of Gold comes to mind) all seem to have focused on the Western aspect more, while the strongest ones tended to be more about spaceships. If I wanted to watch a funny futuristic Western that was cancelled too soon, well the complete Adventures Of Briscoe County is just an ebay auction away. But anyway, that's pretty much the only big complaint I had. -The casting fucking ruled. They somehow found the most perfect actor to play each part. Even characters that should've been boring as hell (Book, Wash) or ones who seemed ripped off other Joss characters ("And now starring Adam Baldwin as Spike and Jewel Staite as Willowfred") instead seemed fresh and interesting thanks to the people playing them. -The fact that they'd bring minor one-shot characters back for another episode. I never expected to see Nischtka or Saffron again, and it was a pleasant surprise when I did. -Creepy villains that we practically never saw. Though we barely glimpsed the Reavers or the Men In Black & Blue, they were all the more effective because of that. -Making casual sex into an acceptable thing on the first season of a one-hour action/scifi/drama show. So much of the time on network TV, sex is either treated as a grave matter or just avoided entirely. (Shit, how long was it before anyone got laid onscreen in any episode of any Star Trek series, or X-Files, etc?) Even Buffy fell into this trap. But thankfully Joss seems to finally gotten a bit bolder in that department. To me, one of the biggest laughs of the whole show was the revelation of how Kaylee first got her job. -Casual shock violence also rules. Whether he's dealing with a slimey cop, an overly vindictive giant, a fencing fop, or even a wayward member of his own crew, I loved how Mal wasn't afraid to skip the small stuff and jump right to deadly force when necessary. -River Tam. And for that matter, Summer Glau. The perfect example of how this show could take a lame old idea and turn it into something captivating. I mean, come on, yet another Insane Genius Superhero who was operated on by an evil secret agency? Shit, that idea was already a cliche even when Wolverine first came around. Plus, the character of the Creepy Little Girl Who's More Than She Seems ain't exactly new either ::plays The Redeadening theme music::. But River turned out to be my favorite character on the show. (Well, second favorite. Jayne rules.) Glau's performance was so amazingly dead-on. I've known (and dated) a few stark raving psychopaths in my time, and the portrayal of River was right on the money as far as such people are really like: completely coherent and likable at some times, deadly mindfucking crazy at others. And the climactic moment where she "just did the math" was both a major mark-out and terribly unsettling. Like everyone, I can't wait til the movie comes out. But I do wonder how it'll address & tie up all the various loose ends and plot issues. There's a shitload of them: River's past, Mal and Imara's relationship, Jayne's disloyal streak, Book's past, Simon and Kaylee's relationship, the Reavers, Imara's past, Mal and Zoe's relationship, the Alliance, and the whole crew's endless quest for freedom. Quite a lot to polish off in just two hours. But if anyone can, it's Team Joss, so here's hoping. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RavishingRickRudo 0 Report post Posted April 11, 2005 WHOO HOO~! I missed this thread like a motherfucker. The movie, apparently, has toned down the Western elements a lot (no horses) and is more of a sci-fi. I still don't know how I feel about that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LessonInMachismo 0 Report post Posted April 11, 2005 WHOO HOO~! I missed this thread like a motherfucker. The movie, apparently, has toned down the Western elements a lot (no horses) and is more of a sci-fi. I still don't know how I feel about that. That is the result of the studio stepping in. To be honest, we are lucky to be getting a movie. The proposed Babylon 5 movie was canceled after the studio wanted the actors from the show to be replaced with "name" actors. JMS told them to fuck off. Good for him. But yeah, I can't wait for Serenity. Does anyone know where I can buy/download the theme? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
the pinjockey 0 Report post Posted April 11, 2005 Depressing thought for the day: By the original schedule, we would only be 11 days away from seeing this movie. I'm going to go cry now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Ghost of bps21 0 Report post Posted April 12, 2005 "Alright, first off, the show wasn't perfect, so let me bitch just about one little thing. The Western theme. Didn't like it. Thought it detracted from the show a little, cuz it just didn't make sense to me to have people living in dirty shacks and riding around on horses in the era of spaceships" That's because they'd dump people on newly terraformed planets with nothing. The poor people would live in dirty shanty towns. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RavishingRickRudo 0 Report post Posted April 12, 2005 In some parts of the world today, people still live in huts. The whole point is there are the "haves" and the "have nots". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LessonInMachismo 0 Report post Posted April 12, 2005 In some parts of the world today, people still live in huts. The whole point is there are the "haves" and the "have nots". It's living under a collectivistic, dictatorial regime. The inhabitants of these "western" towns probably receive free rice cookers... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Anya 0 Report post Posted April 20, 2005 Oh god, I just read a major spoiler... Wash and Book die. From the sound of it Wash dies just like Anya, in the final battle completely out of no where without any warning. He is trying to crash land the ship while joking around and a piece of a Reaver ship impales him in the chest. Brutal. This really sucks.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RavishingRickRudo 0 Report post Posted April 20, 2005 I really shouldn't have read that. Fuck. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites