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Guest wildpegasus

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Guest wildpegasus

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From: Sashiel | Posted: 12/31/2003 7:14:44 AM | Message Detail

ok first off this was my first ever wwe taping so i was really excited. let me see what i remember ok. here we go:


Rey Mysterio vs. Tajiri for the Cruiser title.


i must say its the first time i have seen these guys live. it was a good match IMO. tajiri came out with his 2 buddies that tried to enterfere a few times but in the end it was a great match ending with rey rey winning the title.


right after winning the title and thanking the ppl, rey was interrupted by the Big Show. show got in the ring and payed no attention to rey what so ever. he rambled on about his new wwe shirt while mysterio was still in the ring. it came to the point where rey couldnt take it anymore and took shows shirt away then proceeded to throw it in to the crowd. big show got mad and kicked mysterios BUTT around the ring and from the back came running Bob holly to help rey out as he was going to be chokeslamed. drop kick by holly to show then came the 619 from rey. after holly and rey left the ring to the locker room. Show was pissed and while he was in the backstage area he started destroying anything he got his hands on. Enter, Hayman to calm the show and made a match on the spot which would be the main event: Holly vs. Show.


Bradshaw def. Rhyno


the cameras cut to backstage. john cena talked to hayman about being the champ, to which hayman reacted very badly and preceed to book a match with the stipulation that if he wins he and a partner of his choosing can enter the rumble, but that was not all, it would be a handicaped match John Cena and ???? vs. The FBI. Cena had to find a partner in less than a minute since hayman made his match next. Cena looked worried.


John Cean and ???? vs. The FBI


Fbi came out and stood there waiting for cena. the doctor of thuganomics came out alone and stood in the aisle with mic in hand. he busted out a few lyrics for the FBI one of witch mentioned about one of them's door "swings the other way"(come on you know who). he finished his rap and walked towards the ring and stopped and then some familiar music hit: it was the RABBID WOLVERINE Chris Benoit. He wanted to enter the rumble so he join cena this time. the fbi dominated the first half of the match. later came a comeback by benoit and cean. both of them hit their finishers thus winning the match and entering the rumble.

John Cena and Chris Benoit def. The FBI


From: Sashiel | Posted: 12/31/2003 7:16:05 AM | Message Detail

Benoit went backstage to tell hayman that he is now a rumble entry and that he will be the next champion. hayman the made him be the number 1 entry in the rumble wich he didnt take well and almost broke haymans finger.


Kurt Angles music hit. the olympic champion is back. as any good american angle talked about how thankful and proud he is about our troops around the world. his promo was mostly about how troops live and work to make us safe(which they do) and how hard their lives are. in honor of them kurt was entering the rumble to kick ass and throw 29 other wrestlers over the top rope and going to the big one to win back the championship.


Rikishi and Scotty2Hotty vs. The Bashams

this was a no constest. the bashams just bean rak and scotty and just left them there.


backstage you see mysterio celebrating with other wrestlers which included Eddie which Chavo didnt agree with. they were up next.


Los Guerreros vs. Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas

the WGTT dominated most of the match. eddie was blind tagged by chavo. chavo then got his ass handed to him. eddie couldnt get a tag so when the ref was distracted he went in the ring pulled chavo close to the corner and waited so the ref could see the tag. eddie kicked ass all over the ring. he hit haas with his triple suplex move ending haas in frog splash distance as eddie was about to climb the turnbuckle he was blind tagged by chavo who wanted to win the match for them. chavo climbed the tb then he went for the frogsplash which was countered and then got pinned.

WGTT def. Los Guerreros


Chavo took a mic and then cryied to eddie about how they lost because of him and that he never helps the team out. chavo slapped eddie and eddie just stood there. as soon as eddie was about to kick ass Angle came in the ring to stop him and told him to just chill. chavo left. angle left. eddie left. Cut to angle and eddie backstage. Eddie was irrate that angle came in but angle tried to make eddie think about what he was going to do to chavo. eddie just thinks.


Holly vs. Big Show


not much to watch here. rey came to help bob. holly just hit show with continuos shots. end smackdown.



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The FBI cost Benoit the Rumble and we get Albert/Angle/Benoit vs. FBI and Brock vs. Berg at WM.

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Guest Anglesault

The Latino Leech now has ANOTHER guy to try and leech off of.


RUN KURT, RUN and take Eddy with you.

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I sense something entirely different...and bear with me as I am catching the flu so this is being told to me by a talking snow globe


What if Angle, Cena, and Crippler are the final three. And then, they do the double clothesline over the top but Angle goes with them and they all THREE hit the floor at the same time. Now, I know the timing to nail that is next to impossible...but the snow globe wants to finish so let's hear it out.


Then you can have Angle vs Crippler vs Cena at NWO with the winner going to Wrestlemania while Brock takes on....Eddie with Chavo costing him the title match to complete the Chavo heel turn. Eddie gets his title match, you get a great three way match and you have some real interest to see who will be facing Brock at Wrestlemania.



SEE! SEE! It all fits!...This snow globe is stupid. That would mean three Smackdown stars would be the final three and even I KNOW that won't happen. Crippler is screwed and I need to go to bed.

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Meltxer has some Spoilers up


by Gumaro Vazquez


First of All, Laredo, Texas doesnt have UPN, so we

dont get Smackdown.


Spoilers: First Dark Match match of the night was

Jeremy Lopez vs ???, Winner: Lopez

Second Dark Match was Two unknown Wrestlers,

one was billed "from Laredo, Texas", which is a total

Lie, "Laredo wrestler" won...the crowed thought he was

from Laredo, so he was the crowd favorite, LOL


Third Dark Match was Los Maximos (aka SATs

from NWATNA)who were also ("from Laredo,Texas crowed

didnt believe it this time or they just didnt care)

vs Basham Brothers w/Shaniqua, Winners: Basham






Shanon Moore and Orlando Jordan vs Akio and Sakoda

winner: Moore/Jordan


Jamie Knoble w/Nidia vs ??? Winner: Knoble via



A-train vs Funaki Winner: A-train (Squash)



Cruiserweight Championship Match

Rey Misterio vs Tajiri w/Akio and Sakoda

Winner: and NEW CHAMP Rey Misterio

Michael Cole interviews The New Champ, Big Show makes

his way to the Entrance and interrupts interview of

Rey Misterio to Promote his New "Chicks Dig Big"

T-Shirt. Rey doesnt like it, and Makes Big Show Mad by

tossing his shirt to the Crowd. Big Show Attacks Rey,

Hardcore Holly makes the save.


Bradshaw vs Rhyno

Winner: Bradshaw (short match)


Backstage Heyman tells John Cena he wont participate

in the Royal Rumble if he can't win his Match Tonight

against the F.B.I. Heyman tells Cena he is Allowed to

Choose a Partner of his Choice, and the Match is Next!

Cena Cuts a Good Promo on F.B.I.

John Cena and Chris Benoit vs F.B.I. in Handicap Match

Winner: Cena/Benoit


Backstage Big Show is still Mad, Heyman makes Hardcore

Holly vs Big Show as tonights Main Event


Basham Brothers w/Shaniqua vs Rickishi/Scotty 2 Hotty

Winners: Basham Brothers


Backstage Chavo tells Eddie he is tired of Eddie

getting all the credit for the Team


Kurt Angle returns, says he is back and will return at

the Royal Rumble, promised he will win it this year,

as 2004 will be his Year. Then talks about being proud

to be an American, and how hard a sacrifice is to

leave a daughter and wife home to fight for America,

and about the US Soldiers kicking ass for America, as

he Kicks ass in WWE. USA! USA! USA!



Promo:Billy Gunn makes his return at the Royal Rumble


Eddie Guerrero and Chavo Guerrero vs The Worlds

Greatest Tag Team (Shelton Benjamin/Charlie Haas)

Winner: The Worlds Greatest Tag Team

Chavo Guerrero turns his back on Uncle Eddie, after

Chavo refuses to Tag Eddie in the Match. After The

Match Chavo says its "always eddie eddie eddie" ,

Slaps Eddie, Eddie gets Mad!, Kurt Angle runs in to

Seperate Eddie before he attacks hes Nephew Chavo.


Big Show vs Hardcore Holly

Rey Misterio does a Run In, but not succesful, as he

gets beat by Big Show. Low Blow By Hardcore Holly

Winner: Big Show by Disqualification

After The Match, Hardcore Holly beats Up Big Show with

a Steal Chair, Big Show is Busted Open, and Fuming Mad

after he gets back up on his feet, as Rey and Holly

Leave to close the Show


Best Match: Rey Misterio vs Tajiri


Biggest Pop: 1.Kurt Angle 2.Rey Misterio 3.Eddie and

Chavo Guerrero 4.Chris Benoit 5. John Cena


Biggest Heat: 1. Chavo (after heel turn) 2.Big Show

3.Basham Brothers 4.F.B.I.


It was a Good but not Great Show...Crowd was Loud in

Spurts. Crowd wanted Divas, as none appeared on the

Show except Dawn Marie appearing only backstage...


Im not sure if im missing something, as i didnt take

notes, just typing all from my HEAD.

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Hopefully this marks the end of any further involvement between Benoit and the FBI.


And Billy Gunn's back for the millionth time, you'd think eventually even a company as blindly stubborn as the WWE would give up on him eventually.

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Christ, they're actually going to go through with the Brock/Holly title match at the Rumble? They have this huge roster of guys, some of them very talented, to pick from and they pick Spark Plugg. Unbelievable.

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Guest Anglesault
Then you can have Angle vs Crippler vs Cena at NWO with the winner going to Wrestlemania while Brock takes on....Eddie with Chavo costing him the title match to complete the Chavo heel turn.



You realize that Eddy has been running this God damned angle with the Latino leech SINCE OCTOBER? And you want it to last another THREE MONTHS?


That'll be the end of Eddy.

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It looks like they may be hinting at an Angle heel turn and a possible feud with Eddie if these two descriptions of the backstage segment are correct.



-Backstage package was shown with Angle trying to calm Eddie. Kurt accuses Eddie of being at fault for being selfish when trying to enter the Rumble. Angle told Eddie he entered the Royal Rumble for the troops but Eddie had to back Chavo because it was family. Seemed like a hint that Angle may turn heel again.


-Backstage Promo with Angle telling Eddie that he agrees with Chavo. Tells him Chavo is his blood and he has to stick with him. Eddie just yells that Angle isn’t his family and that he’s done so much for Chavo. Angle just keeps repeating that he agrees with Chavo.

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Guest Anglesault
It looks like they may be hinting at an Angle heel turn and a possible feud with Eddie if these two

Oh God no



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So...is Chavo a heel now?


Is Angle about to side with Chavo? Maybe Kurt is one of Chavo's 'real friends' that he mentioned months back...(why I remembered that, I don't know).


Would they be considering Eddie/Angle at Mania?


Benoit's doing the Rumble ironman run now?


Tajiri drops the belt?


Is Show feuding with Rey now? Or Holly? Or still Cena? And the F.B.I are fueding with Benoit? Or Cena? Or both?




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Guest Anglesault
So...is Chavo a heel now?


Is Angle about to side with Chavo? Maybe Kurt is one of Chavo's 'real friends' that he mentioned months back...(why I remembered that, I don't know).


Would they be considering Eddie/Angle at Mania?

God NO!

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So...is Chavo a heel now?


Is Angle about to side with Chavo? Maybe Kurt is one of Chavo's 'real friends' that he mentioned months back...(why I remembered that, I don't know).


Would they be considering Eddie/Angle at Mania?

God NO!

Hey, it's not all bad.


Angle and Chavo can appear in comedy skits where they discuss the differences between milk and tequila. Angle denounces tequila, saying it's the demon drink (ooh, shoot comment?), and makes Chavo do the same. They are then united as the 'Milkmen'...kind of a rip-off of CM Punk's gimmick. They denounce all that is wrong. Drinking. Smoking. Cheating. Remember the skit were Angle had that sandwich board saying he praised abstinance. That's the stuff we're looking for.


Then Eddie can spray Angle and Chavo with tequila from his second cousin Pepe's 'tequila truck'. Chavo would be like a fourteen year old getting his first achololic drink, and Angle would have to control him.


Which leads to a Tequila on a pole match at Mania between Chavo and Eddie, with Angle watching the corner. Eddie wins, and goes to make Chavo drink the tequila...but, (swerve coming), the bottle is actually full of milk! Angle proceeds to smash the milk bottle over Eddie head.



After that, Angle could use his 'latino connections' to form a new LWO, or something.

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Guest hhheld_down

bah humbug, holly/lesner for the WWE title, good luck getting a buy for that one, HHH/HBK that may happen will be good but its beed done a thousand times so i dont care about that one, looks like this is the first royal rumble i will NOT be ordering, thanks vince

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Guest Anglesault
So...is Chavo a heel now?


Is Angle about to side with Chavo? Maybe Kurt is one of Chavo's 'real friends' that he mentioned months back...(why I remembered that, I don't know).


Would they be considering Eddie/Angle at Mania?

God NO!

Hey, it's not all bad.


Angle and Chavo can appear in comedy skits where they discuss the differences between milk and tequila. Angle denounces tequila, saying it's the demon drink (ooh, shoot comment?), and makes Chavo do the same. They are then united as the 'Milkmen'...kind of a rip-off of CM Punk's gimmick. They denounce all that is wrong. Drinking. Smoking. Cheating. Remember the skit were Angle had that sandwich board saying he praised abstinance. That's the stuff we're looking for.


Then Eddie can spray Angle and Chavo with tequila from his second cousin Pepe's 'tequila truck'. Chavo would be like a fourteen year old getting his first achololic drink, and Angle would have to control him.


Which leads to a Tequila on a pole match at Mania between Chavo and Eddie, with Angle watching the corner. Eddie wins, and goes to make Chavo drink the tequila...but, (swerve coming), the bottle is actually full of milk! Angle proceeds to smash the milk bottle over Eddie head.



After that, Angle could use his 'latino connections' to form a new LWO, or something.

You joke, but we both know that we will have a three month comedy feud with the Latino Leech buzzing around both of them culminating in a third match of the card at the biggest show of the year.

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So...is Chavo a heel now?


Is Angle about to side with Chavo? Maybe Kurt is one of Chavo's 'real friends' that he mentioned months back...(why I remembered that, I don't know).


Would they be considering Eddie/Angle at Mania?

God NO!

Hey, it's not all bad.


Angle and Chavo can appear in comedy skits where they discuss the differences between milk and tequila. Angle denounces tequila, saying it's the demon drink (ooh, shoot comment?), and makes Chavo do the same. They are then united as the 'Milkmen'...kind of a rip-off of CM Punk's gimmick. They denounce all that is wrong. Drinking. Smoking. Cheating. Remember the skit were Angle had that sandwich board saying he praised abstinance. That's the stuff we're looking for.


Then Eddie can spray Angle and Chavo with tequila from his second cousin Pepe's 'tequila truck'. Chavo would be like a fourteen year old getting his first achololic drink, and Angle would have to control him.


Which leads to a Tequila on a pole match at Mania between Chavo and Eddie, with Angle watching the corner. Eddie wins, and goes to make Chavo drink the tequila...but, (swerve coming), the bottle is actually full of milk! Angle proceeds to smash the milk bottle over Eddie head.



After that, Angle could use his 'latino connections' to form a new LWO, or something.

You joke, but we both know that we will have a three month comedy feud with the Latino Leech buzzing around both of them culminating in a third match of the card at the biggest show of the year.

Which'll most probably have Chavo's interference all over it. Hell the only good thing to come out of that mess would be Angle not having to play Pro-U.S.A suck-up heel.



Oh well...maybe this is one of those things the WWE will forget about come next week.

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Guest wrestlingbs

You know, I really want to ask Vince if he's sat down and actually looked at the RR card with Holly vs. Lesnar. Because, to be honest, I don't see how ANYONE could look at that and think it would draw a single PPV buy.

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You know, I really want to ask Vince if he's sat down and actually looked at the RR card with Holly vs. Lesnar. Because, to be honest, I don't see how ANYONE could look at that and think it would draw a single PPV buy.

Most people buy the Rumble for the Rumble match though. Hence the big Angle return to help build it. And the Benoit/Cena v F.B.I match to build it.

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Guest Anglesault
So...is Chavo a heel now?


Is Angle about to side with Chavo? Maybe Kurt is one of Chavo's 'real friends' that he mentioned months back...(why I remembered that, I don't know).


Would they be considering Eddie/Angle at Mania?

God NO!

Hey, it's not all bad.


Angle and Chavo can appear in comedy skits where they discuss the differences between milk and tequila. Angle denounces tequila, saying it's the demon drink (ooh, shoot comment?), and makes Chavo do the same. They are then united as the 'Milkmen'...kind of a rip-off of CM Punk's gimmick. They denounce all that is wrong. Drinking. Smoking. Cheating. Remember the skit were Angle had that sandwich board saying he praised abstinance. That's the stuff we're looking for.


Then Eddie can spray Angle and Chavo with tequila from his second cousin Pepe's 'tequila truck'. Chavo would be like a fourteen year old getting his first achololic drink, and Angle would have to control him.


Which leads to a Tequila on a pole match at Mania between Chavo and Eddie, with Angle watching the corner. Eddie wins, and goes to make Chavo drink the tequila...but, (swerve coming), the bottle is actually full of milk! Angle proceeds to smash the milk bottle over Eddie head.



After that, Angle could use his 'latino connections' to form a new LWO, or something.

You joke, but we both know that we will have a three month comedy feud with the Latino Leech buzzing around both of them culminating in a third match of the card at the biggest show of the year.

Which'll most probably have Chavo's interference all over it. Hell the only good thing to come out of that mess would be Angle not having to play Pro-U.S.A suck-up heel.



Oh well...maybe this is one of those things the WWE will forget about come next week.

You don't think they'd do curtain-jerk worthy Leech-Angle vs. Eddy/Mystery Partner(Edge) do you?

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So...is Chavo a heel now?


Is Angle about to side with Chavo? Maybe Kurt is one of Chavo's 'real friends' that he mentioned months back...(why I remembered that, I don't know).


Would they be considering Eddie/Angle at Mania?

God NO!

Hey, it's not all bad.


Angle and Chavo can appear in comedy skits where they discuss the differences between milk and tequila. Angle denounces tequila, saying it's the demon drink (ooh, shoot comment?), and makes Chavo do the same. They are then united as the 'Milkmen'...kind of a rip-off of CM Punk's gimmick. They denounce all that is wrong. Drinking. Smoking. Cheating. Remember the skit were Angle had that sandwich board saying he praised abstinance. That's the stuff we're looking for.


Then Eddie can spray Angle and Chavo with tequila from his second cousin Pepe's 'tequila truck'. Chavo would be like a fourteen year old getting his first achololic drink, and Angle would have to control him.


Which leads to a Tequila on a pole match at Mania between Chavo and Eddie, with Angle watching the corner. Eddie wins, and goes to make Chavo drink the tequila...but, (swerve coming), the bottle is actually full of milk! Angle proceeds to smash the milk bottle over Eddie head.



After that, Angle could use his 'latino connections' to form a new LWO, or something.

You joke, but we both know that we will have a three month comedy feud with the Latino Leech buzzing around both of them culminating in a third match of the card at the biggest show of the year.

Which'll most probably have Chavo's interference all over it. Hell the only good thing to come out of that mess would be Angle not having to play Pro-U.S.A suck-up heel.



Oh well...maybe this is one of those things the WWE will forget about come next week.

You don't think they'd do curtain-jerk worthy Leech-Angle vs. Eddy/Mystery Partner(Edge) do you?

I thought Edge was going to job to Trips.

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Guest Choken One

Let's See...


Eddy, Flair and Shawn are the ONLY three people I was willing to see Angle with at Mania. Why Eddy? Never fought on PPV or TV for that matter...It's actually a fresh match and it's EONS better then Matt Morgan.

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