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Silver Bullet 2 & Pet Sematary 3

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From Bloody-Disgusting:


"There are plans to make a Silver Bullet 2 with Stephen King as a consultant but he will have nothing to do with the writing dutie's the story will revolve around Corey Haims character all grown up in the same small town as the original with some new cast. The details have yet to be worked out but it looks like that might happen. But for the big news that I know every one will love to finally hear, Pet Sematary 3 is a go were going to be going on a script that was written back in 93 when plans for Pet Sematary 3 was shelved. Like part 2 Pet Sematary 3 will have nothing to do with the one before, Mary Lambert is in talks to direct this but we are looking into other directors in case she passes. Filming plans to start in April for a sometime later fall release. Please get the word out the more anticipation will help this film in the long run I don't want to see this film killed before it starts again same for Silver Bullet."

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This is one of the reasons the horror genre gets no respect. No matter how terrible it was (even by the shitty horror movie standards), you're almost ensured that you'll get a sequel or two.

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"Please get the word out the more anticipation will help this film in the long run I don't want to see this film killed before it starts again same for Silver Bullet."



I want this project dead, right here and right now. Both of them.


What's next? The Monster Squad 2???


Or that god awful "The Lost Girls" they were discussing at one point.

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Nah, I got it. Halloween Constipation. Or A Nightmare On Elm Street 7: Candyland. Or maybe Jason Takes McDonald's.


I'd rather see "Freddy vs Jason...in a game of shutes and ladders"


First in line for that sequel I would be.

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Ridiculous.....they should have freakin shelved Pet Semetary 2....that film was god awful. Part 1 scared the shit out of me though. It doenst make sense to come out with a sequel to a movie that licked balls, ten damn years later. NOONE is gonna give a rats ass about it.

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