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Do you think Teddy Long would make a good GM?

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Ok well watching RAW last night I thought that Teddy Long could make a good evil GM. And I'm not taking about a co-GM I mean it if Long was just GM by himself like Bishoff does good as a GM without Stone Cold. If they just take away the race stuff I think he could be good. Now if only they could find a better wrestler for him to manage.

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Guest GreatMuta

He could be.....I'm still surprised he doesn't bring up his past, saying he's the first black manager, to with a black wrestler who eventually won the World Heavyweight Title

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I'm still surprised he doesn't bring up his past, saying he's the first black manager, to with a black wrestler who eventually won the World Heavyweight Title


Simple because it didn't happen in WWE. :D

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Guest GreatMuta
I'm still surprised he doesn't bring up his past, saying he's the first black manager, to with a black wrestler who eventually won the World Heavyweight Title


Simple because it didn't happen in WWE. :D

Oh yeah, I forgot about the rule, "If it doesn't happen here, than it never exsited" Just like Rey losing his mask.

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The term "good GM" is a contradiction in terms. The days of GMs, co-GMs, figurehead presidents, and on-screen "matchmakers" has long since passed.


Don't get me started on this whole "sheriff" bullshit either.

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Guest GreatMuta

The only good thing to come from the sheriff gimmick is when Triple H did all his jokes, that's it.

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Don't get me started on this whole "sheriff" bullshit either.


Yeah no kidding I was just loving the way HHH was just ragging on it.


BTW, did you notice that Teddy Long got more heat then Orton did? I mean they were going crazy for King to hit Long but, then Orton comes in and gives King the RKO and the fans BARELY boo or sound. And it looks really bad when you compare it the the heat Long got when he came out.

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Guest GreatMuta

Well, Long can get himself over as a heel manager, without this rascist bullshit angle. I think Long would make Orton look better if he was his manager.

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Guest Besus
Don't get me started on this whole "sheriff" bullshit either.


BTW, did you notice that Teddy Long got more heat then Orton did? I mean they were going crazy for King to hit Long but, then Orton comes in and gives King the RKO and the fans BARELY boo or sound. And it looks really bad when you compare it the the heat Long got when he came out.

Why did you have to mention Randy Orton and Not Mark Henry? He got cheered on Heat anyways.


He didn't get boo because he was liked by the crowd.

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Why did you have to mention Randy Orton and Not Mark Henry? He got cheered on Heat anyways.


Because Long and Orton were in the segment together and it's already been pointed out about Henry. And we all how much Heat doesn't matter.


He didn't get boo because he was liked by the crowd.


Well if that was the case wouldn't the fans be, you know, CHEERING Orton.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

I actually was entertained by Long last night. But to be perfectly honest, I HATE on air authority figures. It's the most overdone thing in the whole industry.

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Guest Skironox

Teddy Long was a refreshment from Bischoff last night but was also inconsistent with his more regular work. I noticed he fumbled around with his lines a bit in the Orton/Henry skit.


Teddy Long is great in moderation.

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Teddy long should be managing heels that aren't great on the stick, or doing heel commentary.


All figureheads in WWE should be reduced to making maybe four appearances a year.

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Guest JMA
I'm still surprised he doesn't bring up his past, saying he's the first black manager, to with a black wrestler who eventually won the World Heavyweight Title


Simple because it didn't happen in WWE. :D

Oh yeah, I forgot about the rule, "If it doesn't happen here, than it never exsited" Just like Rey losing his mask.

Actually, it was mentioned more than once in the WWF's publications (read: magazines). They even mentioned Simmons (yes, they used his real name) beating Vader for the title in question. This was during the time when Rocky joined the NOD and Russo was in charge of booking. One of Russo's rare good traits (besides pushing midcarders) was mentioning things from WWF history as well as history from other promotions.

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Guest JMA
Teddy long should be managing heels that aren't great on the stick, or doing heel commentary.


All figureheads in WWE should be reduced to making maybe four appearances a year.

I think a Ross-Long combination could work well in the announce booth. Long could still manage as well.


I also agree with your statement about figureheads. I LONG for the days of Jack Tunney and Gorilla Monsoon.

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The days of the heel GM need to end. It's just bad tv to screw the good guy every single week. Why can't they just have a GM who's partial to both sides...I think it would work better.


It's not like Bischoff puts asses in the seats anyway.

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"Do you think Teddy Long would make a good GM?"






As has been mentioned here several times, the role of authority figure is played out tenfold. It's the writers lazy ass way to get storylines across because "creative" isn't creative enough to figure out how to get angles and wrestlers from point A to point B without some stupid ass authority figure to bridge the gap and hold our hands while we cross the way.


Fuck Teddy Long. Fuck "Sheriff" Steve Austin and fuck Eric Bischoff too. Their roles suck and don't draw. Period.

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Why can't they just have a GM who's partial to both sides...I think it would work better.

Like Jack Tunney.

Yes...we need Tunney to return.


It's time...to back the Jack!

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Yes...we need Tunney to return.


It's time...to back the Jack!


Dude is Jack Tunney still ALIVE??

I haven't heard anything about him dying, so I think he's still alive.

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Guest Loss
He could be.....I'm still surprised he doesn't bring up his past, saying he's the first black manager, to with a black wrestler who eventually won the World Heavyweight Title

If you're talking about Ron Simmons, he didn't become a World champion until 1992 and he was managed by Long in 1990-early 1991. So he did not manage a WCW World champ even.


As you said, even if he did, it wouldn't be brought up.

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Guest Salacious Crumb



The GM angle has been stale for over a year now. Long is brilliant in small doses but I think they would run out of material for him if he had to carry several segments a week.

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