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Greatest matches from these guys.

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There is definitely alot of talk about these guys on the independent scene, so I was wondering what everyone thought have been the best matches from B.J. Whitmer, C.M. Punk, Chris Hero, and Homicide. Mine would have to be B.J. Whitmer vs. Homicide (IWA King of the Deathmatches '03), C.M. Punk vs. A.J. Styles (Traditions Continues), Chris Hero vs. B-Boy (Ted Petty Invitational '03), and Homicide vs. Trent Acid (Then And Now, WrestleRave '03, and Beating the Odds).

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So, so much IWA for that list.


For Hero, Punk & Whitmer, TPI 2002 is the way to go.


Hero/Homicide and Whitmer/Homicide from KODM 2003, which also has Hero/Danny Daniels.


Hero/Punk 93 minutes in When Hero Met Punk, also the 55 minutes Ladders and Tables match in the last event at the old House of Hardcore, can't remember the name off-hand.


TPI 2003 has Hero/B-Boy, along with their rematch from a later show in 2003, again can't remember the name.


For ROH, Do Or Die is Punk's coming out party, in a scramble with Colt and then a four way with Jimmy Rave, Christopher Daniels and someone else, along with some kick-arse promos.


Others will add more.

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Guest bort

Chris hero vs CM punk 2/3 falls 93 min


Homicide vs Trent acid Wrestlerave,


Homicide vs Hero IWA


Cm punk gaunlet vs COlt, Ace, Hero

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The Hero/Punk 55 min TLC was at '2nd Anniversary of the House of Hardcore' from 2/9/02, and the Hero/B-Boy rematch was at 'Stylin & Profilin' on 12/20/03.


Throw in CM Punk vs. Chris Hero vs. BJ Whitmer from Retro Night, and also the 60 Minute Draw between Punk and Hero at the Clarksville, IN show on 12/21/02.

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Almost all of the Punk-Hero matches are gold.


Homicide-Hero is Cide's best non-brawl ever.


By the way, Acid-Cide from 9/6 is a lot better than Wrestlerave, so check that out.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

11/1 Homicide v Whitmer is a great, stiff match. I loved it.

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Punk: 55-Minute TLC Match vs. Hero at Last House of Hardcore show (Punk heels it up like never before, and then dies for our pleasure), the 93 minute Hero match, vs. Jimmy Rave from Ultra Styles Clash Night One, vs. Chris Daniels at TPI 2002, and other stuff that gets mentioned here.


Hero: first two as above, vs. Homicide from KOTDM, vs. Ian Rotten from an IWA show in Dayton, OH in May 2002, any of his series with Danny Daniels, vs. Jimmy Rave (TPI 2002), vs. B-Boy (TPI 2003), vs. AJ Styles (Winter Wars 2003; best Styles singles match I've seen)


Whitmer: vs. Ace Steel (TPI 2002), vs. London vs. Cabana vs. Homicide (ROH Revenge of the Prophecy), any IWA match vs. Hero


Homicide: vs. Hero (KOTDM), vs. Cabana vs. Whitmer vs. London (RotP)...honestly can't remember too much stuff of 'Cide's that would belong on a list like this, but he is freaking great.

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Guest Markingout
Homicide: vs. Hero (KOTDM), vs. Cabana vs. Whitmer vs. London (RotP)...honestly can't remember too much stuff of 'Cide's that would belong on a list like this, but he is freaking great.

Any of his matches with Acid were excellent. OH! Nobody has mention these two awesome classics in MLW. Both his matches with Jerry Lynn. Both of those were so good. I thought Homicide vs Somoa Joe from Do or Die was awesome aswell.

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