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Youth N Asia

They gotta change something in the rumble

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I have no problem with people fighting on the outside. If you stop it during the Rumble, you might as well say 'no fighting on the outside in singles matches' as well.


The running out of the ring can be a good way of building cocky heels (Nowinski) or cowardly ones (Lawler), seperate action from the inside of the ring when there's many people (Austin in Rumble 98) or when the story needs it (Austin/Vince, which stupid as it seemed gave the Rumble a story through it's otherwise mediocre parts).


I don't think you can really outlaw wrestlers from going outside the ring, Rumble or not. Going out of the ringside area equalling automatic elimination would be smarter.



The other rules...fine.

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The old Bunkhouse Stampede's were cage battle royals, where the object was to throw your opponents out or over the cage. I've never actually seen one, so I have no idea how they work, but it's what my otherwise iffy memories are.

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Lawler hiding under the ring gave me a flashback. I think it was the 2000 Rumble. Road Dogg just seemed to disapear for a while, and when the camera came back to him he was in one of the corners just clutching onto the bottom rope, no one else was even around him...it was so damn funny cause he'd do it a couple of times.

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They could solve the problem by having a 30 second time limit outside of the ring. If you are caught outside, no matter if you are there voluntarily or not, you're eliminated. It cuts down on overused and abused "heelish" acts where they purposely slide under the ropes to leave or dwell outside.

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