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Lightning Flik

Request: Banner

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I'd like to request 3 images for my EWR Diary.


I'd like one that's 100x100, 756x53, and 300x150.


For the 100x100 it needs to have UCW on it.


For the 756x53 it needs to have Ultimate Championship Wrestling (with UCW faded into the background).


For the 300x150 it needs to have Ultimate Championship Wrestling.


I leave the rest of the images up to your own vivid imagination.


Thanks to willing to do this for me. Appreciate it.

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I can change them if you want me to as well so if you want anything, just let me know.


Thanks for doing these up. Much better than the crap I've slapped together.




Ok. I have to admit that I do like this one. Simple, effective, and definitely pleasant to see. However, I'm not too fond of the font and just a little uncertain about just plain white. Other than that, it is good.




Sorry to say, I'm not feeling this one. The writing is unique and definitely interesting, however the color scheme just detracts from the eyes.


*laughs* And although, you HAD done something I asked, I guess I should be a little more clear with what I meant. I'll explain.


When I meant UCW must be faded in the background, is that Ultimate Championship Wrestling be normal, but have the logo (that being UCW), faded in the background.


I guess I should've been more clear on that. My bad.




I really like the writing for this one. Nice and effective. I'd rather have some different type of background than just ordinary black though.



Overall, nice job with them. Personally, I'd go with the writing style from the 300x150 for everything, and perhaps just something bold on the color scheme. Other than that I don't really have much to say except:


Thanks a lot!

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Ok. This time, I'll just comment.


Firstly, I really like 100x100. Definitely nice stuff. Really like it.


Just curious, would you be able to use the colors for both the 756x53 and the 300x150?


And here's an idea. How about using the writing from the 300x150 for the Ultimate Championship Wrestling, and use the writing that is currently being used for the 756x53 for the UCW? Think that might work?

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Firstly, Rant, enough already.


Here's hoping 3rd time's a charm!


Ok. Let's take a see.




I must say that the font works very well and is spaced out just nicely. Definitely keep the font the way it is. Background however is a no-no. Just because I don't really care for green and black together.



Um... No offense, but I can barely make out anything on that. So it's a no on all fronts.

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I sort of like this, I think the yellow and black go together nicely.



I think the text itsself is really only going to work on colors like white, grey or yellow. I can try it with a color that you'd choose but I'm not sure if it'll mesh as it'd have to be a fairly light color.

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