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Zack Malibu

Ratings Feed 1/28/04

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I loved the show. Very promo heavy, but then again, the matches that were there were great. The ads were a nice touch as well.


I'd be interested to know what people thought of the Axel-Crystal segment also.

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I haven't talked to Cal since the weekend. I also, like an idiot, missed other segments from Sly. I didn't think I'd be home after work, so I was scrambling to get the show done, and I apologize.

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8 from me. Good post-PPV show that set up some new things. I'm intrigued by the Axel-Crystal twist, the Panther-Bryte match was probably MOTN, but Zack-Hoff was very good in it's own right. I liked that little bit in the end with CWM collapsing, preventing the "OMG he was faking all along, he's not hurt!!" plot twist, which is kind of played.


And the commentary was golden, as always, probably one of THE reasons I like reading HD over IZ.


Coach: Oh baby, I feel like Dick Vitale because I'm about to call a match with some PTPers, baby! Whooo ha! Fellows, this match is going to be hotter than fresh tar.


Caboose: Did you just call me "fellow"?


Coach: Sorry. Can I call you Boo-Boo?


Caboose: Only if you want a knife in the stomach

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Guest FrigidSoul

I still haven't been able to read the whole thing(short attention span and I actually may need ritalin) but here's how I see it from what I've read.


First off too much un-needed profanity. If that's your style fine, I just don't like it because I imagine this show being on a UPN or similiar network and god knows they wouldn't air that. Profanity from time to time is ok, using it rarely thus showing you're obviously pushed over the edge to use it is really good(like on a PPV), using it all the time takes away the shock value.


Opening segment was entertaining

I liked the interview between Matt and Red, and the match flowed into it nicely. Match gets 3 1/2 out of 5

Weird church thing made me think of a mixture of The New Church and that big guy in Mad Max: Beyond Thunder Dome. I'm pretty indifferent to it

Didn't really care for poor Macho Man being relegated to backstage interview duties. I'm just a big Randy Savage mark though.

Panther vs. Chris Bryte match just seemed to drag on to me and a few times I thought Panther came from the land of Dragon Ball Z hehe overall I give it a 1 1/4 out of 5

X-Division thing intrigues me

Jenna Elfman is Dharma isn't she? If so BOOOOO lol

Mixxed gender matches kinda bore me but I had a good laugh at Dusty Rhodes being concealed in a box. I don't believe they make boxes that big though.

Not gonna rate my own thing

I hate lovey-dovey segments!

Ok I'm not going to go into detail mode, I'm just going to say I enjoyed the rest of it...also there was a Freudiliant(sp?) error where Crystal makes the entire crowd NUT lol she must have soooooome sex appeal hehe


Keep in mind I'm just giving my thoughts, not bashing anybody

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Like I've said, Frigid, a lot of this stuff is based on takeoffs and parodies. While many angles are "serious", we tend to cater to the offbeat. Just might take some getting used to.


I'm pretty sure no one is going to worry about you bashing them, because honestly, it's about time we had some "honest" comments. No offense to anyone, I think we all do a great job and I'm glad when someone simply submits something, but usually we're always singing each other's praises. Constructive criticism is welcome, so I'm glad you took that initiative.

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I was actually glad to hear it, because I know I've been using a lot of profanity lately, simply because, well, in real life I use a lot of profanity. I'll certainly try to cut down, there's no need for it.


Anyway I'm going to sing praises. :P 10 for me, I loved it all. I especially dug the Axel/Crystal skit, I like Axel's character a lot, too. I'm interested to see where this goes and how Gunner fits in (hope that helps, Adam).

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