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Guest JumpinJackFlash

Which WWE DVD should I get?

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Guest JumpinJackFlash

I saw both at Planet Music for only $10, and I was wondering which one I should get. Another question, was the Buried Alive DVD a Colesium video from the mid 90s, or is this a new DVD featuring old matches?

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Guest Metallica

The Taker one is the old video on DVD, the Austin one is worth buying. Lots of clips from his feud with the Hart Foundation, some ECW stuff too.

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I'd go with Cause Stone Cold Said So because it's all great stuff showcasing Austin's rise to superstardom, and the brief glimpse of his time in ECW is pure gold. There's also a good chunk of the WM 13 submission match. As far as I know, the Undertaker DVD is just a collection of crappy, plodding Undertaker matches from the early to mid 90's.

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'Cause Stone Cold Said So is one of the best videos/DVDs that the WWE/F has ever made, imo. Austin narrates himself and they show his rise to superstardom. Great footage and hilarious commentary by Austin himself.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Get both. $20 for the two is still cheaper than one at some places. (Sam Goody anyone?)

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Guest shez316

Buried alive sucks. The matches on it suck. It isn't worth $1, even if you're a taker fan!

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Buried alive sucks. The matches on it suck. It isn't worth $1, even if you're a taker fan!

Actually, I'd say it's worth about 5 bucks just for the mark out value of Old School Taker and Casket matches.

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It's basically a look at the Bret Hart feud which obviously is great,it runs an hour but has lots of stuff from their feud that people have forgotten.

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"If you're lookin for a video with a guy dressed up in pink or a guy dancing around next to some sparklers, then you picked up the wrong damn video."


Lines like that were so novel for WWF 1996.

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Guest JumpinJackFlash

The ECW footage was in there when it was first released. They're not adding anything.

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Are these UK only DVD's?

I thought so, but I live in SC and all of the Wal-Marts around here have both of the DVDs, in their bargin bin, for $5.50 each, or two for $11.


I couldn't believe that they had them here.

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