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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

The OAO Hate/Defend Randy Orton Thread

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

Amazing, you want me banned because I like Orton, hate Paul London, yet liking The Big Show is ok?????

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
Amazing, you want me banned because I like Orton, hate Paul London, yet liking The Big Show is ok?????

<<Never said that.


I only said ban for the non-stop Jeff Jarrett bashing in TNA. I don't like him either, but it was way too overboard.



London >>> Orton

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Amazing, you want me banned because I like Orton, hate Paul London, yet liking The Big Show is ok?????

Hey man, it's against general opinion, so that means ( in here ) you deserve it.

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Amazing, you want me banned because I like Orton, hate Paul London, yet liking The Big Show is ok?????

Oh, and considering you are judging your London hate on what WWE have given ' which is not a lot' then you aren't giving him the chance he deserves.

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Guest Quik

Why do people bother questioning why Smarks have an unnatural amount of hate for Orton? Look at the guy for Christ's sakes.


1. The smug, asshole smile and just that general "I'm cool" look on his face.


2. The stupid tattoos


3. The preppie clothing when he isn't in the ring


4. He's practically part of the "popular" people of the WWE, the clique.


It's very simple: the guys a jock for Christ's sake! Here we are years later, many smarks out of high school, long forgetting the Todd Martins, Chad Stevens, and Chip O'Reilly's of yesterday. The torment, the name calling, the swirlies; everyone who blindly hates on Orton is simply subconsciously having flashbacks to high school whenever they see him. The man is a varsity jacket away from being the anti-Christ... that's why everyone here hates him.

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Why do people bother questioning why Smarks have an unnatural amount of hate for Orton? Look at the guy for Christ's sakes.


1. The smug, asshole smile and just that general "I'm cool" look on his face.


2. The stupid tattoos


3. The preppie clothing when he isn't in the ring


4. He's practically part of the "popular" people of the WWE, the clique.


It's very simple: the guys a jock for Christ's sake! Here we are years later, many smarks out of high school, long forgetting the Todd Martins, Chad Stevens, and Chip O'Reilly's of yesterday. The torment, the name calling, the swirlies; everyone who blindly hates on Orton is simply subconsciously having flashbacks to high school whenever they see him. The man is a varsity jacket away from being the anti-Christ... that's why everyone here hates him.

Yeah I remember those preppy assholes that stole my girlfriends.......they were horrible wrestlers just like Orton. Maybe there's a connection.........

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Guest Ghettoman

But he's not a horrible wrestler, see thats the whole point here.


Your opinion can't be used as a fact or total preference, and then used as a standard at which a business should operate. That's just silly.


Get it!?

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I don't think Orton's a horrible wrestler by any means, but I'm more impressed by Adam West who pulled out a Monkey Flip on the Joker's henchmen

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But he's not a horrible wrestler, see thats the whole point here.


Your opinion can't be used as a fact or total preference, and then used as a standard at which a business should operate. That's just silly.


Get it!?

But.....you're using your opinion to say that he ISN'T a horrible wrestler.


Who's to say that YOUR opinion is more valid than anyone else's?


Your logic has an enormous gaping hole.

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Guest Ghettoman

Because horrible is a term being applied so something clearly average at worst, which means someone's exaggerating horribly.


If you want to say in your opinion he's a horrible wrestler, by all means do, but realize if you presenting it as a fact, and it's not, at all, your not going to have a point.


And sorry, "how many *** matches has he had" isn't a point in this matter.

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Guest JMA

I'm pretty indifferent to Orton. Sure, his constant push is annoying, but other than that I don't really dislike the guy. I see him as average and still a little green. Nothing more, nothing less.

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Yes how many *** matches he has had IS relavent because the more high star matches you have the better a wrestler you are.

And he is right....you are using your opinion to say he's not horrible. Funny you complain about the smark double standard but you turn around and present a huge one yourself.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
Yes how many *** matches he has had IS relavent because the more high star matches you have the better a wrestler you are.

And he is right....you are using your opinion to say he's not horrible. Funny you complain about the smark double standard but you turn around and present a huge one yourself.

Here, Here!


Damaramu is #1 for the time being.

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Guest Ghettoman

No the double standard would be if I say he's the best wrestler on Raw, or in the WWE, or say he's a top 5 guy easily. Because that would be taking something to the extreme simply because of how I feel about the guy's character and use.


And if that were true, that silly notion that the amount of *** matches you've had determines whether your a good worker or not, that would mean Steven Richards is a horrible wrestler. That would mean Tajiri, horrible wrestler. Hell Noble, horrible wrestler. Hell, actually, if that were the case, anyone who's ever had a bunch of good matches, is still good now. Not the case, especially considering were talking about a young developing worker.


Orton's had about two matches to really show something, both of which are the only two matches that have seemed to be "inoffensive" to everyone, his match with Venis on Heat and his match with RVD on Raw. All his other matches were either bogged down by use or the angle of the moment and didn't really give us a clear cut vision of what he could do.


And if you say they were horrible, your just exaggerating for the sake of your points credibility, which is ironic in some way....


He's just not as bad and unover as you guys really want to believe. No one here is saying he's approaching Eddie levels in the ring and is getting deafening Rock pops, were just saying to suggest the other extreme is just as ridiculous as how you view that extreme.


He's ok, he can be entertaining, and he's still got a LONG way to go before he can be written off. Hell considering how much he's talked about I'm starting to wonder if this is just the early stages of something big. I mean this guy has done pretty much nothing accomlishment wise, has been nothing but a singles roll filler for a stable up until this point, and he's generating this positive/negative buzz where people just want to talk about him. Sounds familiar.....

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Orton's had about two matches to really show something, both of which are the only two matches that have seemed to be "inoffensive" to everyone, his match with Venis on Heat and his match with RVD on Raw. All his other matches were either bogged down by use or the angle of the moment and didn't really give us a clear cut vision of what he could do.


You know, this kinda falls back on the old 'he hasn't broken **' thing. How many ** matches has Booker T or Chris Jericho had these days ? I'll tell ya how many they have had. NONE ! Once again I am gonna stress that WWE have majorly fucked up the Orton push.


He's just not as bad and unover as you guys really want to believe. No one here is saying he's approaching Eddie levels in the ring and is getting deafening Rock pops, were just saying to suggest the other extreme is just as ridiculous as how you view that extreme.


Randy Orton is about as 'over' as every other wrestler on RAW, I think that's the point your making here.


He's ok, he can be entertaining, and he's still got a LONG way to go before he can be written off. Hell considering how much he's talked about I'm starting to wonder if this is just the early stages of something big. I mean this guy has done pretty much nothing accomlishment wise, has been nothing but a singles roll filler for a stable up until this point, and he's generating this positive/negative buzz where people just want to talk about him. Sounds familiar.....


Hey, it's TSM, which means Orton is NEVER gonna get a chance. Orton could probably have a ***** match with Mark Henry and everyone would complain about it.

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Guest BionicRedneck

You see, the match he had with Michaels (at whatever PPV it was) was better than Flair-HBK PPV match (which people pimped as ***). I reckon if Randy Orton wasn't Randy Orton he would have had some "*** matches" by now.


You know, this kinda falls back on the old 'he hasn't broken **' thing. How many ** matches has Booker T or Chris Jericho had these days ?I'll tell ya how many they have had. NONE !


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Are you serious?!

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Hey, it's TSM, which means Orton is NEVER gonna get a chance. Orton could probably have a ***** match with Mark Henry and everyone would complain about it.

If Orton starts pulling off awesome matches and getting good heat, he'll start getting respect around here. Look at AS (one of the most critical guys here) & Lesnar - AS was shitting on Lesnar at every opportunity when he first came in. Once Lesnar started having good matches and drawing heat, AS did a complete 180 on him. If the same thing happens w/ Orton, I'm sure people will start giving him his props.

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Guest Ghettoman

Yeah but it's unmerited at this point, which means all of this bitching and complaining is pointless, and everyone here shouldn't have to read it in every thread until he puts on a match good enough to shut people up.

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Seriously, though, I don't think most people would mind if he was in the midcard, going through some feuds to get him over before bumping him up to ME status (if warranted). But, as it is, he got put in the top group on Raw, hangs w/ the champ, and is scheduled to beat Foley at WM, all while doing nothing to really distinguish himself as a top player. I'll agree he's improved somewhat in the ring, but he's still incredibly vanilla. His mic skills are passable, but nothing special. His heat is negligible, and the Foley feud is seen by most as a desperate attempt to get Orton over to justify his placement on the card. Add in to that the rumors that he'll eventually (sooner, rather than later) end up feuding w/ HHH for the title, and it's easy to see why most people hate him.

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Guest Ghettoman

"I don't think most people would mind if he was in the midcard, going through some feuds to get him over before bumping him up to ME status "


Take evolution out of the picture and thats exactly how he's been used. HBK, RVD, all mid-level fueds, never really moved him anywhere, all before the fued with Foley, which may bump him up to ME status.


It's why they've used HBK and RVD, two over babyfaces, because they want to get him over as a heel. It's why he didn't beat HBK and why he beat RVD, it shows he's not a main event heel, he's simply a heel on his way.

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I don't think Orton's a horrible wrestler by any means, but I'm more impressed by Adam West who pulled out a Monkey Flip on the Joker's henchmen

How about the time Batgirl did a moonsault on a Riddler henchman, now that was impressive.And Orton sucks. :headbang:

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"I don't think most people would mind if he was in the midcard, going through some feuds to get him over before bumping him up to ME status "


Take evolution out of the picture and thats exactly how he's been used. HBK, RVD, all mid-level fueds, never really moved him anywhere, all before the fued with Foley, which may bump him up to ME status.

I didn't see that as working his way up through the midcard. I saw it as having him penciled in the uppercard/ME scene, and using those feuds to get him the required heat (which failed). And the Foley feud, to me, is them saying "well, those other ones didn't work, so let's try this, and if this doesn't work, then we're in trouble."

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Guest Ghettoman

The Foley fued has obviously been planned for a while now, going back to when Orton was simply the punk of Evolution. So I don't think they were gonna change there minds on that based on how he was used until then, if anything it gave them an excuse to be lazy with him since they knew they'd be using him in a more important role later on, and considering how early they started to play on the Foley thing I think that was the case. A few basic wins, a title, that was there build to his first major fued. And where did it all happen? In the confines of the midcard.


Now he has some steam, a title and a few wins under his belt, but nothing main event. His only interactions with main eventers like Goldberg and HBK made it clear that he is not being used as a main eventer. I think people are just assuming this is what they'll use to justify his future main eventing, because it's what happen with Triple H. Few fans, not too many people caring about him personally, he gets two or three overly convincing wins over Foley and he's been king of the WWE since.


There definetly not going that route, as Foley has been presented as higher than Orton, where as Triple H was considered at the least an equal if not better(he had that build ya know) so when he won, it followed the formula of a basic underdog win match, without the underdog win. They were victories that came out of the WWE's basic formula and made Triple H the guy people liked simply because he was that damn good, at least to us.


This time Orton's gonna be the heel underdog nobody wants to see win, and most likely I can see them using the match to turn him face, which could and usually is done WITHOUT winning.


So really, Ortons been going through small mid-card fueds, the only difference is he's in a stable, which means more air time and a hard to define station, which in turn causes this; 3, 4 page threads on how bad he sucks or doesn't suck.

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Yeah but it's unmerited at this point, which means all of this bitching and complaining is pointless, and everyone here shouldn't have to read it in every thread until he puts on a match good enough to shut people up.

It's not unmerited. I don't like to see the guy wrestle so therefore I do not want him on my TV.

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Guest hunger4unger

Time to defend Orton I think.


This is a young guy in terms of age and his time in WWE. From what he's done so far he's proven that he is charasmatic, can work the mic, can maintain a very good physique and that he can work to a good standard. He's no Benoit granted: there again neither is The Rock and he's done more for WWE in terms of entertaining and drawing than Benoit ever will. A good match or great match even doesn't always come from two technically sound workers - a brawl can be a classic too. Orton's feud with Foley is great stuff. The pay off match, if they do it, Cactus Jack vs Orton, is going to make Orton into a huge star. With so-called smart marks complaining about "the hhh effect" and "glass ceilings" I would have thought that a young, fresh and talented character like Orton would be "over" with the smark crowd.


He's over with me anyway.

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Guest Ghettoman

"It's not unmerited. I don't like to see the guy wrestle so therefore I do not want him on my TV. "


And God said, let there be a remote!

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