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OAO America's X-Cup

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Seriously. These have been happening WAY too frequently lately. TNA should make an angle out of it.


Opening interview with Team NWA by Scott Hudson after the recap stuff highlighted JEFF JARRETT AND DON CALLIS, NEITHER OF WHICH HAVE ANY-FUCKING-THING TO DO WITH TONIGHT'S SHOW. Fuck you, JJJ.

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Guest Markingout

I thought this was only going on my TV. Honestly the sound is shit and the video is going out every like 3 minutes. Its pissing me off. If this continues I am going too call up InDemand and demand for a refund

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The sound is all miscued for the opening promo's with Team NWA and Team AAA, so let's see if it's the same for the match. Opening bout is Juvi/Sabin...


...nope. Sound is decent for the match. Quality sucks, but hey, whatever.

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Guest Markingout

Nice hurricanrana on the outside by Juvi. For me the sound is horrid and the picture is good.

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Guest Markingout

Damn shame man the Juvi-Sabin match has been an awesome spotfest. Very cool sequences here.

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Guest Markingout

WTFFFFFFFFFFFF~! The match was about too end and it goes tech diffculties! AH FUCK. Last thing I saw was Juvi standing on the top and Sabin gave him an inococlasm(sp?), FUCK TNA AND INDEMAND

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Guest Markingout

Yep,I still dont even know who won the fucking match. The picture and sound seems too be good now.

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Guest Mosaicv2

I bet Corey that TNA is doin this on purpose :)

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Guest Markingout

Don West just spoiled the fucking show the score is 1-3 and he says if Lynn and Dutt win it would be 3-3...

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Don West just spoiled the fucking show the score is 1-3 and he says if Lynn and Dutt win it would be 3-3...

No he didn't.


You get 2 points for winning the tag matches. So if Lynn/Dutt won it would have been 3/3 right then and there...regardless of the other match to come.




You know...if they hadn't lost the feed for the end of the Sabin/Juvi match I wouldn't have cared about the rest of the technical hiccups. I can still see/hear the matches...but that was a major goof.


The lesson is: Always go live I guess.

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Guest Markingout

The opening minutes and the the last 30 seconds or so of Juvi and Sabin.


That last match was so awesome.

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I only missed the last, like, 10 seconds of Juvi/Sabin.




Don West (to Jeff Jarrett): "You are single-handedly ruining TNA!"

As Scott Keith used to say, "I love shoot comments that aren't supposed to be shoot comments."


Didn't get to see much of the show, but that's what the tape's for. Did see the NASTY Wrist-Clutch Ki-Krusher (911 Juvi Driver) that Juvi gave Lynn that probably gave Jerry the stinger. BRUTAL move. I LOVE it.


911 Juvi Driver. Northcutt Driver. Two best moves in TNA today.

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Guest Coffey

The understatement of the year: This was a bad PPV.


My goodness. I had such high hopes for tonight's show too. Everything went wrong. Bad production, bad spots, bad finishes. Everything.


Did anyone else notice that two of the matches were different crowds? Which means they were taped during different times. I'm sure it's been brought up before. Not really a big deal, but it just made me hate the commentary more when they were talking about "earlier tonight."


What was up with Essa Rios and his ass hanging out all night? My God, I think I saw brown-eye. Jesus Christ.


Every match was bad. All of them. The final match wasn't anything special. Maybe **. All of the spots in the match we saw previously in the PPV. I definitely didn't think AAA was going over however. That caught me off guard. I avoided reading this folder for almost two weeks because I didn't want anything to be spoiled for me. I did know about Jerry Lynn getting injured, because I lost self control once.


Man, I'm so disappointed right now. Even moreso than I was with the Royal Rumble.


Is it just me, or did it seem like Abismo, Hector & Aguila were all out of ring shape? They were blown up after a minute or two. I was having Scott Steiner/Triple H flashbacks. It was sad to watch. Nothing stood out on this PPV except for the bad.


Man, it's a good thing I didn't pay to watch this, or I might not ever watch NWA:TNA again. Hugely disappointed. By far the worst show I've seen. It was almost CZW or XPW bad.


By the way, whoever it was that said Don West is getting better, lied.

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The network problems that were happening earlier on the show were pissing me off too. When the picture faded to black during the Juvi/Sabin match, the last thing I saw was Sabin going for the Cradle Shock, but Juvi got onto his feet, then the picture went off and when it came back on, Juvi won. I'm assuming Juvi went for the Juvi Driver or rolled Sabin up to beat him.


I loved Don West's "You are single-handedly ruining TNA" comment to Jeff Jarrett, though.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Definitely not a "Bad" PPV. I ordered the replay, so all the technical difficulties were fixed. wOOt!



BTW, they were blown up because they had to travel from Japan to Mexico and to Nashville to compete, and were drained for the singles matches. This was covered in a thread a little ways down the page. I didn't really notice anything bad though (Except Aguilas tights. AGH!).


Juvi/Sabin was pretty good, like the XCup match, maybe not as good. Skipper/Negro was good, nothing great, but not "OMG TERRIBLE!" Only matches I didn't enjoy were Sonjays. I just don't like the guy. Maybe its his look or his offense sucks.


And why is a guy from India on the "American Team"? Sure it's NWA-TNA's division, but it's called the AMERICAN X CUP not International/AAA.



Plus it's nice to see Tenay is the new Jim Ross, except still coherent and good. I'm shocked he said Jarrett didnt have the balls to fire him. Not the statement, but the fact he said balls. I was expecting a SOB or bastard comment.

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Guest TDinDC1112
The understatement of the year: This was a bad PPV.


My goodness. I had such high hopes for tonight's show too. Everything went wrong. Bad production, bad spots, bad finishes. Everything.


Did anyone else notice that two of the matches were different crowds? Which means they were taped during different times. I'm sure it's been brought up before. Not really a big deal, but it just made me hate the commentary more when they were talking about "earlier tonight."


What was up with Essa Rios and his ass hanging out all night? My God, I think I saw brown-eye. Jesus Christ.


Every match was bad. All of them. The final match wasn't anything special. Maybe **. All of the spots in the match we saw previously in the PPV. I definitely didn't think AAA was going over however. That caught me off guard. I avoided reading this folder for almost two weeks because I didn't want anything to be spoiled for me. I did know about Jerry Lynn getting injured, because I lost self control once.


Man, I'm so disappointed right now. Even moreso than I was with the Royal Rumble.


Is it just me, or did it seem like Abismo, Hector & Aguila were all out of ring shape? They were blown up after a minute or two. I was having Scott Steiner/Triple H flashbacks. It was sad to watch. Nothing stood out on this PPV except for the bad.


Man, it's a good thing I didn't pay to watch this, or I might not ever watch NWA:TNA again. Hugely disappointed. By far the worst show I've seen. It was almost CZW or XPW bad.


By the way, whoever it was that said Don West is getting better, lied.

What exactly is necessary to please you if you thought the matches were bad on the ppv?

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Only matches I didn't enjoy were Sonjays. I just don't like the guy. Maybe its his look or his offense sucks.

Maybe it's because he seems too much like an Amazing Red wannabe.


As for his look, I think he reminds me too much of Sonny Siaki with more facial hair.

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Guest Coffey

I can't believe anyone is praising that botch fest. It's official, this board now makes me sick. Good day.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

I really couldn't tell how good the show was, considering I didn't see one whole match without technical difficulties......

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I kinda have to agree with Coffey here. That show was BAD. I liked the final match somewhat, but that finish was TERRIBLE. I mean, maybe it was because I expected TNA to win, but come on now... Lynn had the crowd in his hand and then he gets dealt with like a bitch. Of course, the fact that they had Jarrett on AGAIN and wasted more of my time with another non-wrestler probably helpped make me into an even more bitter bastard concerning this show.


BTW, how dumb is it to book the AAA guys to work multiple matches after they'd just done a tour in Japan, anyway?

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Guest TDinDC1112
I can't believe anyone is praising that botch fest. It's official, this board now makes me sick. Good day.

Well, be sick then. If you didn't enjoy the wrestling last night, what do you need to see to be entertained?

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