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Lightning Flik

TSM Head-to-head FantasyBaseball League~!

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The bad thing about the Autodraft is that it could give you 5 or more players from the same team. I remember getting a team consisting of Expos, Pirates, Braves last year.

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Please god NO Autodraft.


We all just hafta come up with a time where we are ALL availible. maybe post your times of availibility for the next couple weeks?

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In all seriousness it's near impossible to get 100% particpation in a live draft so no matter what time it is not everyone is going to make it. It's a free league anyways, no one's money is on the line so if someone gets a bad draft because they can't make it (me included) then well that's the way it is.

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Now before you all get your collective panties in a bunch, this offline draft will be held in an AIM chatroom at a certain time or place. As long as I can get two thirds of the majority to agree on a date and time, that will then be the selected date for the draft.


During that AIM Chatroom Draft, each manager will be given two full minutes when it is their turn to select a pick on whom that person will be. The Commish will then ask if that is their correct pick (by repeating said pick). There will then be a brief discussion (as those things tend to happen) about the pick, and then The Commish will announce whomever is on the clock. If you don't select a pick within two minutes, the NEXT person will then jump the que and will get a shot at making a pick. The person who did not pick will then get a second chance after the que jumper at making a pick within a minute. Failure to get a pick a second time will null and void your pick for that round. Your voided pick will not be available to you till the end of the draft.


After each round is completed, a round summary will be posted up. Yes, this means you actually will have to remember who is picked so far that round, because The Commish is not about to tell you during a middle of a round. Also check back at the last post in this thread, as that will usually have the draft results (all rounds will be posted for summaries).


At the end of each round, there will be a pause of at least five to ten minutes (I'm not sure how long I want the break to be, as this will be for 20+ rounds) for people to set up strategy for the next round.


This draft will probably be broken up over a period of 4 days. Each day will be a round of five players drafted. This way, people have a good idea of whom to choose.


That said, we should be good to go. I just want ONE day we can agree upon for the first five rounds. From there, I will select three more dates for the other 15 rounds.


Should anyone not be present for the selected round, please have a list of players you would like (auto-pick, except I'll go by listing). Have at least 15 players on that listing.


That should cover the plans I have for the draft. Now then, can we please at least agree on the starting date?

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What on this list sounds the most reasonable to you guys?


During Raw (6pm PST, 9pm EST)

During Smackdown (6pm PST, 9pm EST - I'm talking American, for those Canadians wondering)

Saturdays - 1pm PST, 4pm EST

Sundays - 1pm PST, 4pm EST

Saturdays - 4pm PST, 7pm EST

Sundays - 4pm PST, 7pm EST

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If we're going to do it on AIM, why not just do a live draft instead?

My thoughts exactly. This offline draft idea seems way too tedious. Like I said there's no money at stake here, who cares if everyone can't show up? It's more important that everyone stays involved during the season than getting everyone to be there for the draft. Let's just do it this Monday or the following Monday during Raw and bang it out in one night. It will only take a couple of hours.

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If we're going to do it on AIM, why not just do a live draft instead?


That being said, any of those times looks good to me.

Because I get a draft time that leaves it pretty out there for a lot of people, as it is during the "work hours". Even I'm not sure if I'd make a day time.


Hence why it'll be an "offline" draft, but held within a chat room.


My thoughts exactly. This offline draft idea seems way too tedious. Like I said there's no money at stake here, who cares if everyone can't show up? It's more important that everyone stays involved during the season than getting everyone to be there for the draft. Let's just do it this Monday or the following Monday during Raw and bang it out in one night. It will only take a couple of hours.


...and as I said, I can't get a official "online" draft going.


Hence why we'll be in an AIM chatroom, doing the EXACT same thing as we normally would be. Except it'll just be told in the chat. I'll copy write it down on a sheet of paper (post up the summary for each round in a post in this thread), and when we are finished, I'll post up the final results in the computer online.


As for doing it this Monday, I can agree with that since the feeling is Monday's during RAW is fine. So at 6:30 EST everyone should probably be on AIM (the 15 involved) and I'll post up the "who gets what position in the draft" at that time.



That sound cool to everyone then?

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I just notice that the league needs one more team for it to have a draft. There is some silly rule that if the number of teams is odd it cannot draft.

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There is some silly rule that if the number of teams is odd it cannot draft.



Ahem. As I was saying through my absurd joke, we can still run with 15 if we've only got fifteen, so worries.


LightningFlik, make sure you change the live draft option in the settings soon.  Otherwise it'll run the draft automatically on the 26th.

Uh... The draft is Monday (maybe, as something might come up and I might be away, and since I'm plugging this stuff in, I'm making sure I'm there for this draft). Why should we worry about the "live draft" thingy then? I'll fix it when we get to that point. *goes and fixes it*


So is the draft this Monday?

Yes. Monday during RAW. (might be changed, but I doubt it).


Draft order?

Draft order will be officially up tomorrow.


Will it be straight or serpentine(1st: 1-16, 2nd: 16-1, etc.)?

Since people might let a good player go till the fifth round (as was with the NBA league) this one is straight. And no one complain, I had already stated as much in my very first post (of this thread).


I hopped in so the teams are even now.


Whalers on the Moon.

You didn't have to, but appreciated.


Yippee! WooHoo! So what's the order chief?

The order will be whoever does as I requested, like the below.


People who are participating in the draft, send a PM (as in Private Message on TSM) to myself with your AIM name and Team Name (that way I'm not looking for it in here). I will then place your Team Name in a bowl or something and pull it out. I will then post up the draft order here tomorrow at like 3pm EST (that's noon MST, hence why I'm doing that).


So if I don't get anyone's AIM and Team Name, you will then be placed after those who's names I've pulled out of a hat, in the order that those people finally notify me (via PM) that they aren't on the draft order. Oh and to those that forget, I won't place you on the draft order until I get both your AIM and Team Name. If you only produce one of the two, you won't be placed on the draft order.


And should anyone forget to do so? You'll be placed dead last.


Deal? Deal.



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