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EVIL~! alkeiper

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The first episode. And they're promoing the second episode for next week. You'd think they'd have more than two shows ready.


By the way, when you're hiring an actor to portray a foley artist, you should pick one without a distinct voice. H. John Benjamin has done too many Squigglevision shows for me to miss than.

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Guest Anglesault

There's just something bad about dorky guys who think they're funny.


::Looks at TSM::



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"I was never much of a math guy."-The Grammar Hammar. I am sick of that same episode!!! What was the episode last week? Was that the Cal Vs. Stanford one?


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I saw one episode while channel surfing and I watched it only for the old school wrestling. The skits during and between matches were terribly unfunny. Seeing some jobber get dumped on the back of his head after seemingly slipping out of The Iron Sheik's overhead belly-to-back suplex was worth the watch though.

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