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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

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Yeah Loss has been active in the WWE Folder. Sure has been a positive change eh?


*looks at the wwe folder*


wait. no it hasn't.

Your opinion, and your poor sarcasm.


Loss has done more for the board than the complainers have? What a load of horse shit.

Uh-oh, someone's panties are developing a twist.


Just because we aren't cerebal Americans who lick your dick constantly in CE folder doesn't mean anything we've done is less important than what you've done.

Some of them only give me hand jobs, I'll have you know.


Besides, I think it's intrinsic to any board that staff members do more for it than regular posters do, simply because of the duties they perform. It's not a shot at anyone, just an observation.


and aren't you always telling people it's just a messageboard?

Yes, and a few of you still need to learn what that means.


but now you're justifying favortism and lack thereof by what people have contributed to A MESSAGEBOARD.

Because I feel that, regardless of the medium, people who help make sure something runs should get a few perqs. Rank has its privileges, as some have said, or at least it should.


Can you say Hypocrite?

No, but I'll give you a thumbs-up for spelling it right. :P

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way to be professional Tom. It's a good thing Dames left you in charge.

If I close the thread, I'm a dictator. If I respond to people, and the barbs they're directing at me, then I'm being unprofessional. C'est la vie. I guess I'll have to settle for being unprofessional, then.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

barbs? you think too highly of yourself Tom.


I don't give a rat's ass about you. I care about TSM though. and I'm tired of seeing you close threads, justify favortism, and generally acting like a egotistical prick.


I know I'm not the only one. even if I was I don't care. It needs to be said.

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Guest FrigidSoul
There used to be a political party in America, called the Know-Nothings.


Perhaps you should look into reviving that movement.

I would but I think you're currently running it

Did you come up with that one all by yourself?

Cop-out, it seems you've run out of things to say...maybe you should close the thread.


See Tom, I've spoken to alot of TSM members(not all, but alot) and the thing is...nobody likes you as a mod(with the exception of Sass, who might I add is a good guy)


You preach about "rules this and rules that" but you only follow them when its a positive to you, not the board. If its not breaking a rule sometimes you'll just go "I don't care, I didn't like it" and be done with it. In this case you're saying "The mods don't have to follow the rules, fuck it...we're above them", and while I could careless about the name change(the fact he's using Loss is no big deal to me) I begin to wonder what one will be allowed to be broken next because you have that nifty shade of blue next covering your name.


See I can put this in football terms


Posters = Players

Mods = Officials


The only time things go shitty is when they decide to throw a flag for every minor thing, let the players play.


Thing I like about Sass, Malibu, Dames, and BPS(I like Loss' approach but I'm not going to include him because he has like less than a month) is when they do something most of the time they don't make their presense known and they do the things that need to be done. They're damn good at the Mod thing because they do things to favor the board, not themselves and when shit goes bad say "Oh my, being a Mod is such a thankless job"(which might I add you're free to quit anytime now).


In closing if this is a job I hope Dames has a damn good medical insurance plan for his "workers" because you're in dire need of stick-from-ass removal surgery.

You make the board less fun

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
There used to be a political party in America, called the Know-Nothings.


Perhaps you should look into reviving that movement.

I would but I think you're currently running it

Did you come up with that one all by yourself?

Cop-out, it seems you've run out of things to say...maybe you should close the thread.


See Tom, I've spoken to alot of TSM members(not all, but alot) and the thing is...nobody likes you as a mod(with the exception of Sass, who might I add is a good guy)


You preach about "rules this and rules that" but you only follow them when its a positive to you, not the board. If its not breaking a rule sometimes you'll just go "I don't care, I didn't like it" and be done with it. In this case you're saying "The mods don't have to follow the rules, fuck it...we're above them", and while I could careless about the name change(the fact he's using Loss is no big deal to me) I begin to wonder what one will be allowed to be broken next because you have that nifty shade of blue next covering your name.


See I can put this in football terms


Posters = Players

Mods = Officials


The only time things go shitty is when they decide to throw a flag for every minor thing, let the players play.


Thing I like about Sass, Malibu, Dames, and BPS(I like Loss' approach but I'm not going to include him because he has like less than a month) is when they do something most of the time they don't make their presense known and they do the things that need to be done. They're damn good at the Mod thing because they do things to favor the board, not themselves and when shit goes bad say "Oh my, being a Mod is such a thankless job"(which might I add you're free to quit anytime now).


In closing if this is a job I hope Dames has a damn good medical insurance plan for his "workers" because you're in dire need of stick-from-ass removal surgery.

You make the board less fun

I've talked to a lot of people as well and they also think Tom has gone too far.

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Guest HungryJack

Stop being such nutless bitches. If Tom, Loss and Sass didn't do such a good job modding this slagheap, the ignorance would cause TSM to implode. CWM, you're always talking shit on how you think TSM is done by the end of this year. If it is, it's becausedumb fucks like the people the mods are supposed to rein in are left to go free. Unmodded, the WWE folder would be far worse than it is or everh as been.

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You preach about "rules this and rules that" but you only follow them when its a positive to you, not the board. If its not breaking a rule sometimes you'll just go "I don't care, I didn't like it" and be done with it. In this case you're saying "The mods don't have to follow the rules, fuck it...we're above them", and while I could careless about the name change(the fact he's using Loss is no big deal to me) I begin to wonder what one will be allowed to be broken next because you have that nifty shade of blue next covering your name.

The worst case of this: The initial locking of Rawmvp's thread.


Tom, do you mind explaining why the thread was closed in the first place? Because I still don't remember ever hearing of an explanation for it. I know YOU didn't like it....I know YOU thought it was stupid....I know YOU thought it had run its course.....but where was the reason for closing it, besides your opinion that the topic sucked? I know you said the other posters calling for a closing was the driving force behind your decision but come on, we both know that wasn't it. Anybody that read those comments could see that they were designed to get under Rawmvp's skin. But you used that as a weak excuse and we never really found out the real reason behind the locking.


So what was it? Did it just have to do with that you found it the epitome of stupidity on the board, so you thought it was mandatory to show an exercise of power? Or was there ACTUALLY a justified reason for it?


And while explaining that, could you explain why the Paris Hilton thread was closed as well? Besides Ghettoman, the people that commented to you also included their thoughts on Paris in the same post. So it's not like the thread was wildly off-topic. Why was that one closed as well?

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I always thought it was "perks," with a K.

It's short for "perquisites," if I remember old English classes correctly. It can be spelled both ways, but as a Word Whore, I think it looks cooler with the Q, and opt for that one.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

i have no problem with Sass and Loss. Sass especially is the man.


The wwe folder is a problem there's no denying it.


and yes I say tsm will die. but I'm not GLAD. I like TSM> I see tsm getting more and more like it was when SK ran it every day and it pisses me off.


I like Dames. Dames is cool. but he trys to please everyone so h let's tom make the tough choices. and Tom is just being a jerk lately.


the Rawmvp thing was stupid.

the other LSD thing too.

closing threads constantly. sometimes is fine but too much sucks

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
You preach about "rules this and rules that" but you only follow them when its a positive to you, not the board. If its not breaking a rule sometimes you'll just go "I don't care, I didn't like it" and be done with it. In this case you're saying "The mods don't have to follow the rules, fuck it...we're above them", and while I could careless about the name change(the fact he's using Loss is no big deal to me) I begin to wonder what one will be allowed to be broken next because you have that nifty shade of blue next covering your name.

The worst case of this: The initial locking of Rawmvp's thread.


Tom, do you mind explaining why the thread was closed in the first place? Because I still don't remember ever hearing of an explanation for it. I know YOU didn't like it....I know YOU thought it was stupid....I know YOU thought it had run its course.....but where was the reason for closing it, besides your opinion that the topic sucked? I know you said the other posters calling for a closing was the driving force behind your decision but come on, we both know that wasn't it. Anybody that read those comments could see that they were designed to get under Rawmvp's skin. But you used that as a weak excuse and we never really found out the real reason behind the locking.


So what was it? Did it just have to do with that you found it the epitome of stupidity on the board, so you thought it was mandatory to show an exercise of power? Or was there ACTUALLY a justified reason for it?


And while explaining that, could you explain why the Paris Hilton thread was closed as well? Besides Ghettoman, the people that commented to you also included their thoughts on Paris in the same post. So it's not like the thread was wildly off-topic. Why was that one closed as well?

the reason is tom is Darth Maul..,duh.


He doesn't mod for what other people like he mods for what HE likes.

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Guest FrigidSoul

Malibu is somebody I could see chilling out with and just being stupid together


Sass is somebody I could see going to a Hooters with and enjoying hot wings while oogling da womens


BPS is that Sports Bar buddy kind of guy


Loss is like an interior decorator. He has pride in his work but he's not gonna fuck with things if it doesn't get good feedback from the majority of people.


Tom is that manager that rides everybody because he has the power to do so. Thus the workers slip extra sugar in his coffee and hope he's a diabetic.


Dames is cool but he cost us all girl scout cookies. I'll probably get high with the man one day and when that day comes those girl scout cookies would have been nice to have around.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

That Paris Hilton thread shouldn't have been closed after Reading it.


Do you make this stuff up as you go or what, tom?

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There used to be a political party in America, called the Know-Nothings.


Perhaps you should look into reviving that movement.

Such a knowledgeable man MUST know that the Know-Nothings were a party that, when questioned by authorities, claimed that they knew nothing, correct? Nothing to do with intelligence or anything of the sort. But I'm sure that you knew that.


Does the thread get locked now that you made a mistake? Or maybe you'll make another thread in site feedback apologizing for using something as an insult that isn't really an insult? "I made a mistake, and I'll take the heat for this one."

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Cop-out, it seems you've run out of things to say...maybe you should close the thread.

Where do you have this idea that I go around closing so many threads?


See Tom, I've spoken to alot of TSM members(not all, but alot) and the thing is...nobody likes you as a mod(with the exception of Sass, who might I add is a good guy)

That's nice. The old "I've talked to a lot of people..." gets tacked onto an argument when you don't think your point stands up well enough on its own, and that's supposed to lend some kind of weight to the whole thing. It doesn't. Here's the thing: I do what is right. What is right is not always what is popular. People are going to disagree with me, and some may even dislike me. Neither bothers me.


You preach about "rules this and rules that" but you only follow them when its a positive to you, not the board.

Cite an instance where I have used or bent a rule for the sole benefit of myself.


If its not breaking a rule sometimes you'll just go "I don't care, I didn't like it" and be done with it.

And I did this... when, exactly?


Come on, laddie, if you're going to make the argument, you're going to need more than empty rhetoric.


In this case you're saying "The mods don't have to follow the rules, fuck it...we're above them"

Put words in people's mouths much? What I've said, several times now, in fact, is that staff members should get a few perqs that regular posters don't. I have never said staff members are above the rules. There is an obvious difference there. Now your rhetoric is sloppy, in addition to being empty.


See I can put this in football terms


Posters = Players

Mods = Officials


The only time things go shitty is when they decide to throw a flag for every minor thing, let the players play.

Meh. That's not a very precise analogy, but if it floats your boat, whatever. The thing is, for the most part, I DO let the players play. When have I closed a thread because person A was "flaming" person B? I care less about "flaming" than anyone here. When I close threads, it's typically because of trolling. I closed the Paris Hilton thread (since I know you're going to bring that up, given as you already have) because the argument between Ghettoman and me (and people picking up on it) had taken the thread woefully off course. If Ghettoman wishes to discuss things with me, he can PM me; if he wishes to flame me, he can make a post in HD. If people want to keep talking about Paris Hilton's sex tape, they'll get on with life and make a new thread.


when they do something most of the time they don't make their presense known and they do the things that need to be done.

How do they not make their presence known? And what things do they do so stealthily?


and when shit goes bad say "Oh my, being a Mod is such a thankless job"(which might I add you're free to quit anytime now).

I might add that you're free to quit bitching anytime now, too.


Right, thought so.


You make the board less fun

Actually, I think people like you and CWM, who bitch and cry about small things and then carry them to farcical extremes when they don't get the answer they wanted, make the board less fun. But to each his own. Shrug.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

yes. all I do is bitch. I've never done anything else here. I contribute nothing. Oh Ban me, I am not worthy of being in your presence.


teach me how to be more like you.

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The worst case of this: The initial locking of Rawmvp's thread.


Tom, do you mind explaining why the thread was closed in the first place? Because I still don't remember ever hearing of an explanation for it. I know YOU didn't like it....I know YOU thought it was stupid....I know YOU thought it had run its course.....but where was the reason for closing it, besides your opinion that the topic sucked?

The people in the thread calling for it to be closed. Yes, there were people who thought it should have stayed open. But I looked at the thread and looked at both arguments, and decided that closing it was mercy-killing it, so I opted for that.


I know you said the other posters calling for a closing was the driving force behind your decision but come on, we both know that wasn't it.

Um... actually, that WAS it. Call it weak if you want, believe it or don't, but that was the reason.


And while explaining that, could you explain why the Paris Hilton thread was closed as well?

I just did; scroll up a bit.

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Where do you have this idea that I go around closing so many threads?

In the past month, I'm aware of you closing three threads:


-The Rawmvp thread


-The Paris Hilton thread


-The Anti French-Sentiment thread


Three threads in less than a month. Two of which should not have been closed in the first place. I'm not even going to go into the amount of threads you may have locked in 2003.


Perhaps this is why some get the idea if you being somewhat of a dictator on this board.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

since when does a thread get closed just because some people ask for it?


and as for my whining?


*looks at forum title*


Site fee....d...ba...ck.


Huh. So I geuss i shouldn't offer my feedback on the actions of the mods?


We should delete the forum then since our opinions obviously mean noto you.

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Such a knowledgeable man MUST know that the Know-Nothings were a party that, when questioned by authorities, claimed that they knew nothing, correct? Nothing to do with intelligence or anything of the sort. But I'm sure that you knew that.

I did. I was simply exploiting the name to make a point. Speaking of points, I also know that the Know-Nothings used to get in voting lines and, if they saw a ballot that wasn't filled out for them, used to hit people with icepicks to get them to change their vote.

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I care less about "flaming" than anyone here. When I close threads, it's typically because of trolling. I closed the Paris Hilton thread (since I know you're going to bring that up, given as you already have) because the argument between Ghettoman and me (and people picking up on it) had taken the thread woefully off course. If Ghettoman wishes to discuss things with me, he can PM me; if he wishes to flame me, he can make a post in HD. If people want to keep talking about Paris Hilton's sex tape, they'll get on with life and make a new thread.

This is a fun excuse. Unfortunately, if he would have made said thread in HD, you would have shown up, said something along the lines of, "This is a waste of bandwidth, you should have PMed me," and then locked the thread. If he would have PMed you, you would have said, "Take it to HD, that's where flaming belongs." It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation whenever Dr. Tom pops into a thread. It's basically the equivalent of a house party where everyone is having a great time, then the cops show up. Everything gets broken up and you spend the rest of the night trying to find somewhere else to go to equal the good time you were having until the "holy fucking trinity" decided to shit on everyone's good time.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

ghettoman flamed you, you flamed him. when the thread was closed there were still people talking about Hilton.

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yes. all I do is bitch.

That's pretty accurate, yeah.


I would invite you to take Jack's advice, but I'm sure you'll ignore it. I'd also invite you to leave the board if you're sincerely that upset about the way things are being done, but since you'd just be back in a week (like you were the other times you've "left"), I know it wouldn't do any good.


teach me how to be more like you.

Step 1: Stop being a whiny bitch.

Step 2: Stop being a barn for other people who make the points before you do.


Work on those for now, then we can get to the rest.

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Guest FrigidSoul

Since I refuse to copy and past that whole thing, I'll make things simple


That fat chick picture which was basically a massive blob of flesh and nothing could be noticed...you know, the one you didn't like...the joke thing? You deleted that cause you didn't like it, yet go through the LSD folder and you'll find pics of attractive women with their titties showing and everything. I'm not gonna go searching through-out just to find an example but you know they're there.


I also don't name the names of people who haven't agreed to be named. Its kind of rude, but it appears they're showing up in this thread now to also give their distaste for you.


Seeing as how its more than me and CWM who's complaining I guess the masses are to blame for the board sucking because they don't like you.


Other mods, if shit is flying PM people(at least as far as it goes with me) and talk about it there, while staying calm and cool...you give one line slams, tell the person to shut-up, and then close the thread so they stay shut-up.


You don't do what's right for the board, you do what's right for Tom and what Tom likes.

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Where do you have this idea that I go around closing so many threads?

In the past month, I'm aware of you closing three threads:


-The Rawmvp thread


-The Paris Hilton thread


-The Anti French-Sentiment thread


Three threads in less than a month. Two of which should not have been closed in the first place. I'm not even going to go into the amount of threads you may have locked in 2003.


Perhaps this is why some get the idea if you being somewhat of a dictator on this board.

Yes, because an entire month is indicative of everything I've done in the past two years...

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

I'm not leaving the board. Yes I've done that before only to come back. But that's because I like TSM. I still do. I DON'T like what you're doing to it.


TSM is the best board in the IWC but that won't last much longer

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I always thought it was "perks," with a K.

It's short for "perquisites," if I remember old English classes correctly. It can be spelled both ways, but as a Word Whore, I think it looks cooler with the Q, and opt for that one.


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