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Guest Mikey2Dope

The "What Film(s) Did You Watch Today" Thread

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Some of the stuff I've watched in the last two weeks:


The Life Aquatic - finally opened in Sweden, as I'd been longing for it for months. Thankfully I adored it.


On Guard! (Le Bossu) - fun, old-fashioned swashbuckler. Very well cast (Daniel Auteuil and Fabrice Luchini especially), directed with an admirably light touch.


8 Women - pretty much a non-stop parade of camp, which admittedly was pretty amusing, but it was pretty thin in the end.


Lovers on the Bridge - not sure how I feel about this. Visually stunning, some really good scenes, and Juliette Binoche was really good in it, but it never really coalesced into a satisfying whole for me.


Million Dollar Baby - like The Life Aquatic, I'd been waiting for this to open in Sweden for quite some time, meaning my expectations for it were pretty high. They weren't let down.


Shattered Image - I've been interested in sampling some of Raul Ruiz's work for some time, and this was the only stuff that was available for me to rent. The script felt like a silly mish-mash, but Ruiz's playfully irreverent handling of the material made it a lot more fun than it really ought to have been, conjuring up some tremendous shots along the way, plus an authentic paranoid edge in some places. Ruiz, to me, definitely seems worth exploring further.


After that, I went on a surrealist film binge, during one day watching Blue Velvet, Un Chien Andalou, Mulholland Drive, L'Age d'Or and Belle de Jour. Good times.

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The Amityville Horror Remake-4/10-Inspite of some good acting (especially from Ryan Reynolds) this is nothing special, with the only scary parts belonging to Reynolds.

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The Clearing (7/10)

A really well acted film. The scenes between Robert Redford and Willam Defoe are great. However, it just seems to plod along to a dissapointing conclusion.

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Last Night/This Morning:




I give it a 16/18.


Well written and well acted. My favorite moment was during Miles' Pinot description. It got a bit silly near the end with the wallet fiasco, but I really liked it.

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I give it a 16/18.




Last House On The Left


I think I've never seen a movie that constantly changed from hilariously bad to shockingly good like this one. Most of the scenes with the villains and the girls are great, very intense and violent. But all the stuff with the policemen and the acting in some sequences is just SO bad. Awesome soundtrack but some strange choices concerning the placement of some songs. Despite its flaws it's still recommended viewing to see Wes Craven developing his craft, and there are some scenes that are really fucking good. Hopefully there will be a true uncut version released some day because even in the longest available version the cuts are painfully obious.

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The Amityville Horror 2005


5 out of 10


Ryan Renolds was very good and believable in the film. The scares just weren't there. They tried to do too many back to back.

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I got this as a free rental, and I got to say I don't wee what all of the hate was about. Maybe it's because I'm not a comic purist, and maybe it's because I don't know all of the backsotry about Elektra and Daredevil, but I thought this was a good, action-packed movie with a good cast and a good plot. In my eyes, the real drawback to the movie was the trailer, which just about killed all interest (for me, and a lot of others) in the movie.


Just looked at the deleted scenes, and I got a kick out of the fact that they got Ben Afleck to do a two minute cameo reprising his role as Matt Murdock. Though I got to say he looked-weird.

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I've watched about 20 movies this week:

Lethal Weapon 1-4 7.5

Out Cold 6.5

Tomorrow Never Dies 6

Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barells 9.5

get shorty 8

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The Incredibles-10/10


The Night of the Hunter-10/10 (If you hate this movie, then you are officially worthless in my eyes. Great, great movie)

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The Untouchables - 8/10


Great movie. I still can't stand Kevin Costner (you can especially notice his totally lame acting when he shares a scene with Connery or De Niro), and the music was pretty retarded. It was either too epic and swirling or just weird and out of place. The slow-motion shootout in the train station was pretty cool, if not a little ridiculous by the end. Nice save by Andy Garcia.


Still, Connery and De Niro were their usual good, and I liked the ending.

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I like that Fargo cover.



Gal and I saw Sin City. I give it an 18/20. Very unique movie with the black-and-white look and very well acted (reaffirming my man-crush on Clive Owen).

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Guest wildpegasus

Kim Possable: So the Drama








She-Go's clothesline has to be seen in this. Fantastic.

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The Interpreter (7/10)

Started slowly but really got a lot better when things heat up around the half way point. Sean Penn is awesome as ever.

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