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John Cena Getting Along Well Backstage

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Guest FrigidSoul
Your opinion sucks and doesn't matter though, so I'm in the clear

I'm sure it is everyone's opinion. I am just jumping on a bandwagon I know exists.

Ask around, I assure you it isn't


Also, which PBP poster are you?

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
I'm telling ya he still juices up, his aereola(sp?) are still close to white which is a symptom of steroid use.



Thanks Doc!

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Guest FrigidSoul
I'm telling ya he still juices up, his aereola(sp?) are still close to white which is a symptom of steroid use.



Thanks Doc!

the area around your nipples dude. Those along with the nipple begin to turn really pale and can reach certain shades of white on caucasians. That, hair loss, and inability to get it up are symptoms of steroid use.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
I'm telling ya he still juices up, his aereola(sp?) are still close to white which is a symptom of steroid use.



Thanks Doc!

the area around your nipples dude. Those along with the nipple begin to turn really pale and can reach certain shades of white on caucasians. That, hair loss, and inability to get it up are symptoms of steroid use.

I know... butm why are you staring at his nips dude?

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Guest FrigidSoul

my aunt pointed it out and told me back when he debuted the White Lightning gimmik. From then on I began to look at every insanely built wrestler's nips to see if they're juicing. Its habit now.

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Guest Coffey

There are a lot of other signs too...like back acne, which Eddie Guerrero & Rob Van Dam both suffer from.

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Guest Choken One

Eddy is Clearly juicing...RVD? Nah...


Edge is the worst case of Bacne...after Angle.

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Guest MikeSC
John Cena Getting Along Well Backstage


Cena said to be respectful of business....


Despite his big push, most of the wrestlers backstage get along very well with John Cena and feel that he is very respectful of the business. He has not let his push go to his head like others in his situation have. Cena is also said to be very clean cut, as he does not drink or do drugs.


Credit: PWTorch Newsletter

All right.


Torch bringing the hard-hitting content!


What next, a grueling expose into the vicious "noogies" being doled out backstage? How about how Lesnar whipping Holly in the back with a towel is a sign of them two having a real life feud?


...Good lord, I've seen middle school children concern themselves with weightier matters

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Guest FrigidSoul
Edge is the worst case of Bacne...after Angle.

unfortunately a mixture of the medicines I'm on causes me to have bacne. Just need to make an appointment with a dermatologist and see if there's something I can take to counter-act whichever chemical causes it.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

I've also seen people break down because they found out that their favourite Superstar wasn't all that he or she was cracked up to be.


Indeed, good for John Cena.

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Guest OnlyMe
All right.


Torch bringing the hard-hitting content!


What next, a grueling expose into the vicious "noogies" being doled out backstage? How about how Lesnar whipping Holly in the back with a towel is a sign of them two having a real life feud?


...Good lord, I've seen middle school children concern themselves with weightier matters

Well I for one will sleep better tonight knowing how John Cena is getting on backstage ;)

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Guest Choken One
Edge is the worst case of Bacne...after Angle.

unfortunately a mixture of the medicines I'm on causes me to have bacne. Just need to make an appointment with a dermatologist and see if there's something I can take to counter-act whichever chemical causes it.

Bacne is also Genetic (I inherited it from my father)...But I don't recall seeing Kurt's Brother with Bacne...


So I don't think Kurt has that excuse...

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Guest Brian

That doesn't mean it can't happen. Two brothers don't inherit the same characteristics. The telling factor would be when they contracted bacne.

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Guest Mulatto Heat
even Orton admited recently he's been losing shape as he had a eight pack when he debuted...now he looks like a frat boy...give him 3 months and we'll start seeing a beer belly.

Yeah but it's not like his muscle turned to fat. He just seems to have just shed the pounds. He looks like skin and bones next to a muscle-movie-in-the-making like Deacon Batista.

Actually I think Orton was leaner when he had the eight-pack. He's somewhat bulkier (not much, but noticeable) in the middle, like in the obliques, and he's not as cut anymore.


I'm definitely no expert on the matter, but I'd guess that Cena does not take steroids. He obviously maintains his body with the utmost of care, especially since he doesn't drink or do drugs. The nipple thing is subjective as I've seen guys who are obviously not on steroids have the 'symptom' FrigidSoul described.


This news bit is just useless though, and not even done at the right time. Maybe last November when Cena was contending for the WWE Title, but right now he's just challenging for the US Title. He's still #5 on the Smackdown list. It's not the biggest push Cena has received.

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Guest Choken One

Cena is still the #2 babyface...





it really slips away from here

#4-Holly (?)

#5-Bradshaw (?)

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When we talk "juicing" are we talking bad, illegal steroids? Or are there supplements and stuff that are all natural that you can take that aren't bad for you? I guess I'm just no expert on the matter...

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Guest Mulatto Heat
Cena is still the #2 babyface...







it really slips away from here

#4-Holly (?)

#5-Bradshaw (?)


Jesus, does it ever. That's just sad for Smackdown. Thank goodness the top 3 babyfaces are so good.

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it really slips away from here

#4-Holly (?)

#5-Bradshaw (?)


Jesus, does it ever. That's just sad for Smackdown. Thank goodness the top 3 babyfaces are so good.

Yeah it is sad. It just shows you how much Benoit leaving SD hurt them and if Edge leaves SD to they're really screwed. I think they should ship Booker, RVD, and Hurricane(with the gimmick) to SD.

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Cena has a bachelor's degree in exercise physiology, so I doubt he'd be on drugs or drink anyway, and the guy keeps in excellent shape. Overall, there's really been nothing happening.






Great trio to build the show around, with Angle, Brock, and Big Show as the main heels.


it really slips away from here

#4-Holly (?)

#5-Bradshaw (?)


They DESPERATELY need Edge to remain on Smackdown as one of the top faces. When Bob Holly is in the top 5 faces list, there's a definite lack of star power.

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it really slips away from here

#4-Holly (?)

#5-Bradshaw (?)


They DESPERATELY need Edge to remain on Smackdown as one of the top faces. When Bob Holly is in the top 5 faces list, there's a definite lack of star power.

Then what do you suppose Edge would be? #4 face? IF Edge does remain on Smackdown, it's bad for Cena. Edge would probably be pushed as a main eventer over him.

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Guest FrigidSoul

They have an incredibly talented guy by the name of Ultimo Dragon that could be the #4 face, so I don't feel sorry for them. Its their fault they don't know to push the talented guys that are small(Rey has bulked up. Face it, if he was Rey of 2000 he would be doing what Tajiri is doing right now)

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it really slips away from here

#4-Holly (?)

#5-Bradshaw (?)


They DESPERATELY need Edge to remain on Smackdown as one of the top faces. When Bob Holly is in the top 5 faces list, there's a definite lack of star power.

Then what do you suppose Edge would be? #4 face? IF Edge does remain on Smackdown, it's bad for Cena. Edge would probably be pushed as a main eventer over him.

Would you rather turn Edge heel? Perhaps Edge and Cena could feud. Face vs. Face feuds are always fun, and I personally want to see Cena be a more edgy (no pun intended) face (his promo before his Dec 4th match vs. Benoit comes to mind). Edge seems like he can be more of a crowd pleaser than Cena, whereas Cena can still get pops by ripping everyone (either heel or face) to shreds, instead of poking fun at the guy's penis.

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Guest FrigidSoul

Actually I would prefer Cena go back to being a heel. A mix and match of Eddy, Rey, and Edge vs Angle, Brock, and Cena would be better than what they have now.

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Guest Brian

I assume they'll push him quick than scale back like they tend to do. Plus, as long as they don't prolong Cena's push too long, it could be good for him to get some time. He's pretty hot right now and they haven't started to push the crossover appeal he has. But I don't think they'd slow Cena down, they'd probably just drop Rey further. It's notl ike they don't have room anyways.

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