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So how are you going to see WM20?

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Guest Deebo
I'm babysitting my neice that day so I'm just going to order it at my sister's house and stick her with the bill. Probably order a pizza too.

I love you man...


*Deebo puts little Niece to sleep*

*Deebo orders Mania*

*Piazza arrives*

*Mania is over and Deebo is pleased*

*Sister comes home and thanks deebo*

*Deebo turns down the pay saying "I had more then enough fun*

*Deebo leaves with a evil smirk*


Three Weeks later


*Deebo is minding his business at home*

*phone rings*


Deebo: Deebo here.


Deebo: Might have...

Deebo's Sister: I HATE YOU! $50.00 FOR THAT FAKE SHIT! I HATE YOU! GO TO HELL! YOU will NEVER EVER see my daughter again!

*Hangs up*


Deebo: At least Benoit went over.

Haha. Everything about that was pretty right on except for the fact that she doesn't pay me anything to do it, so what the hell.. ordering a PPV oughta cover it, right?I figure she still owes me anyway from the countless amounts of money I let her borrow in high school that I still haven't gotten back yet.

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Section 420, Row B, Seat 3. Heading from Boston to NYC on Friday night, going back on a red-eye Greyhound after the show, hoping to get back to school in Worcester by 10 AM on Monday for my first class. Should be a fun trip, though.

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Guest Just Looking

Yankee Doodle's in Santa Monica, unless I can find somewhere closer to Studio City/Burbank.

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A friend of mine happens to be the grandson of the man who owns one of the local cable companies, so he gets free PPV. He also has a flatscreen TV. I've convinced him to watch WM for old time's sake.

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Guest Anglesault
50 dollars is too high


And the Bars around me want 30 dollars or more plus a two drink mim.


Screw that.


It sounds ok but no wrestling is worth 50 dollars.



The bars here are free

Not all of them.


And I tend not to like other wrestling fans or want to spend time with them.

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Well, I'm stuck here at college with no PPV so I rely on the webcast to see PPVs. Some of you are making me very nervous. How early is the webcast put up for ordering? Has there been any confirmation that there won't be a webcast? I really want to see this show...

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The usual gang gathers every month for WWE PPV and a ton of take out food at our friends place (God bless illegal satellite dishes)...this month will be no diffrent.


Like someone said before, whether the show is good or bad, it doesn't matter when you're with friends plus it's free anyway...but were hyped for this one (the 1st one since last year's mania) so it's all good!

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Being English I'll just stay up until 12 and watch it for free.We have to pay for 4 ppvs a year: Royal Rumble,Backlash,Vengeance and Armageddon and i usually just order Royal Rumble.

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Guest JumpinJackFlash
I am going to Virginia Beach for spring break and I am not sure if the motel we are staying in will have PPV for it.


I bid you welcome. But remember what my dad, a cop, tells me:


"Virginia Beach, come here on vacation, leave on probation."

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Guest JRE
I'll be there.  I'm making the Utah to New York trip Wednesday Night.



:huh: :huh:

...Was there something that confused you?

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The webcast is up for order now, $24.95 even. I'm going to order it, but if anyone would like to contribute to my doing so, maybe a few of us can split it or something.

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This might sound kind of strange but I am going to watch it at my grandpa's house. He was the one who got me started watching wrestling, he still watches Raw and Smackdown every week at age 80. For a historic event like this there is no place I would rather watch this event at.

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Guest OctoberBlood

The same as I have the past 6 years (haven't missed one ppv :o) - on PPV, splitting the cost with some friends.

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Guest Basswitch

I dont have 50 bucks right now.

I just put my system in my car and bought tickets to A sweet concert.... so, eh....


Im still a huge fan though.

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The webcast is up for order now, $24.95 even. I'm going to order it, but if anyone would like to contribute to my doing so, maybe a few of us can split it or something.

::rubs hands together::

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Me and my friend are leaving Toronto 5am on Friday to head to New York. I can't fucking wait. I've always wanted to do something like this. Watching WrestleMania X on PPV back in the day, i never would have imagined 10 years later heading to the same venue to see WrestleMania XX.


The thought Chris Benoit holding up the gold to end the show is euphoric. It's going to be an unbelievable show. I can't imagine how any wrestling fan can pass up the oppurtunity to see the show live. If wasn't going to be at the show live, i'd order on PPV in a second like I do every year. Hell, i may even order the encore when I get home.

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The thought Chris Benoit holding up the gold to end the show is euphoric. It's going to be an unbelievable show.

It's not gonna happen... :(

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The thought Chris Benoit holding up the gold to end the show is euphoric. It's going to be an unbelievable show.

It's not gonna happen... :(

Oh , it's going to happen


*Benoit is winning...Benoit is winning...Benoit is winning*

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Guest hhheld_down

ill be having a friend over and we are going half on WMXX, i am really pumped for this show and even if my friend wasnt comin over to split the cost i would still order it. This weekend is also my birthday as well (saturday), so it will be a great weekend (hopefully)

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Going halves with my good friend, damn its good to be an Australian sometimes. 20 bucks, so I only have to pay 10.

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Guest Coffey

As of right now, my options are pretty limited. Usually for PPV's that my friends and I care about, we get them over at my friend Eric's house on his Direct TV. He has to work Wrestlemania Sunday however. So, that puts myself and a few friends left in a bad situation.


We've been trying to come up with a solution for a few days.


We do have some options available to us that would allowed us to still see the event live.


We could go to the local BW3's Sports Bar/Restaurant and watch it. Thus, we'd only have to spend the $4 cover charge (on PPV nights) and food cost. The problem is the benches are really uncomfortable, and most of the people are trash. This PPV being as long as it is, the situation would get even worse. Especially when people start getting drunk.


As bad as that is, it's still better than our other few options.


Out of all of us that want to watch the show, only one of us has a cable box which grants us the ability to order the show. His house is not able to accomodate us all however. He has a very small living room and television...and trying to cram four dudes in there (three of which are 300lbs+) is not going to happen. To make things worse, he lives with three other people and a dog...all of which would be bothering us. At least at the Sports Bar we could get food and watch on a big screen.


The final option is to get the webcast. The problem is where my computer is located. My computer is in my walk-in closet in my bedroom. It gave me more room in my bedroom for my other furniture that way. So, there is no way that four people could get around my computer to watch the show. So, we could run a cable from the computer to my television and watch the webcast on my TV. Again, this creates more problems. My tv is only 13" and there isn't a lot of room in my bedroom to fit four people around it. Especially since my bed is in the way.


The final solution requires us waiting until a later date and catching the replay on PPV when my friend Eric is off. The problem with that is that most of my other friends work during the week. Hell, one of them is only going to be in town for the PPV. Besides, that would mean that we would have to not read internet sites or watch Raw live to avoid having anything be spoiled for us. That's too big of a hassle!


So, as of right now it appears as if the drunken white trash infested sports bar is the front runner out of the options available to us.

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I'll be there at MSG, section 97 IIRC. This'll be my third Mania after 2000 and X-7. I'm sure it's gonna be a terrific show and I can't wait for sunday.

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