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The ONE and ONLY WM's 10 Greatest Matches Thread

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Guest Choken One
Damn, how did THIS thread reach 10 pages? Smackdown is lucky to get to three.

Smackdown doesn't have Ric Flair getting progressively drunk before our eyes.

I guess that explains his lack of climbing the ladder for The #2 match and only went up 1 rung for WM X ladder match.

flair doesn't like high places.

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While I can't say I agree with the placement of, well, any of the matches, I must say that I really enjoyed the program. Very fun watch.

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While I can't say I agree with the placement of, well, any of the matches, I must say that I really enjoyed the program. Very fun watch.


I agree. The Triangle Ladder match shouldn't have been on there, IMO.


Anyone care to recap the list for those of us lazy folk who neither watched the show no wish to read through 10 pages of stuff




10. Angle / Benoit


9. Hogan / Warrior


8. Austin / Michaels


7. Hogan-Mr. T / Piper-Orndoff


6. Austin / Hart


5. Rock / Hogan


4. Savage / Steamboat


3. Michaels / Ramon


2. Triangle Ladder Match


1. Michaels / Hart

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
Damn, how did THIS thread reach 10 pages? Smackdown is lucky to get to three.

Smackdown doesn't have Ric Flair getting progressively drunk before our eyes.

I guess that explains his lack of climbing the ladder for The #2 match and only went up 1 rung for WM X ladder match.

flair doesn't like high places.

Don't you mean D'Von Dudley?



And more on Flair: He didn't start rtambling about WM XX until about half-way, meaning he was pretty much on the train to loaded.

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While I can't say I agree with the placement of, well, any of the matches, I must say that I really enjoyed the program. Very fun watch.


I agree. The Triangle Ladder match shouldn't have been on there, IMO.

Rock/Hogan, Shawn/Austin, Shawn/Bret & the Wrestlemania I tag match shouldn't have been on there either. Warrior/Hogan is iffy, but I can see its place if you bump the Angle/Benoit match.


Flair/Savage, Austin/Rock, Bret/Owen & Savage/Warrior should definitely been on there.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
It was a not so subtle reference to the Plane...

Oh....well, he does hate planes when Mark Henrys on them.

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Ok, how the hell can people say that Austin/HBK doesn't deserve to be on the list?


Sure, it may not be one of the best matches of all time, technically speaking, but it was a HUGE event at the time (probably the only time I've ever seen wrestling mentioned on the local news was because of that match) and it was Austin's final step in becoming *the* star.


Like, for historical purposes alone (and those DID count for this show, judging by some of the other matches) it deserves to be on that list.

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Ok, how the hell can people say that Austin/HBK doesn't deserve to be on the list?


Sure, it may not be one of the best matches of all time, technically speaking, but it was a HUGE event at the time (probably the only time I've ever seen wrestling mentioned on the local news was because of that match) and it was Austin's final step in becoming *the* star.


Like, for historical purposes alone (and those DID count for this show, judging by some of the other matches) it deserves to be on that list.

The only reason it was mentioned outside of WWE was because of Tyson, the same way Rose's "induction" into the WWE Hall of Fame gets mentioned by everyone today. Counter-productive, too, because they don't mention Wrestlemania AT ALL.

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Guest Deviant

I would complain about such stupid picks like the triangle ladder match, but I'm just glad to see Steamboat/Savage get its props, a healthy dose of Bret and yes, even the Iron Man (blow me, I liked it).

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I was very suprised to not see Hogan-Andre on there...I had pegged it for number 1...


anyone else notice how they never showed a clean Hogan win on the show?

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Guest TheHulkster

Good show. The only thing that bugged me were the dubbed Rocky chants. WHAT THE FUCK?! Do they expect everyone to forget something that happened only 2 years ago.

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Guest JMA

This was definitely one of the WORST top ten lists that I've ever seen. Every choice was either politically based or used to hype WM 20 (sometimes both). The fact that they left off Hogan/Andre makes this list completely useless. Christ, I knew there would be HBK ass-kissing and revisionist history, but this was just ridiculous. HBK is a GREAT wrestler and should receive a few slots on a top 'Mania matches list, but no way in hell his match with Bret was "the best ever."

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Guest Choken One

well take it up with the wrestlers who thought differently...if Politics was being played...clearly HHH/Taker would have gotten a slot.

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Counter-productive for the Rose thing, right? Cause Tyson got them their biggest buyrates.

Yeah, they actually hyped Tyson being AT Wrestlemania, not some pre-Mania dinner thing like they are doing with Rose. Tyson was a good thing, while Rose is just trivial.

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This thread got me thinking about some good matches I haven't seen in awhile. I went to download Austin/Rick from X-7 and couldn't find it on Kazaa. I also couldn't find Rock/HHH ironman from Judgment Day. Anyone have these?

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Guest Suicide King

I liked the list a lot actually. Of course it wasn't 100% accurate by any of our standards, but I think it is a rather good representation of the best of Wrestlemania. But as usual I am clearly in the minority here. ;)

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Counter-productive for the Rose thing, right?  Cause Tyson got them their biggest buyrates.

Yeah, they actually hyped Tyson being AT Wrestlemania, not some pre-Mania dinner thing like they are doing with Rose. Tyson was a good thing, while Rose is just trivial.

The Rose/Kane incident was harmless fun. Stupid but still funny.

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Guest Deviant

To everyone whining about the Iron Man getting top billing, just wait until next year when they put together a similar list that in no way resembles this one.

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10. Angle / Benoit


Sure, why not. As a #10, completely inoffensive.


9. Hogan / Warrior




8. Austin / Michaels


Deserving as well, but I might have put it at #5.


7. Hogan-Mr. T / Piper-Orndoff


Surprised they didn't make this #1. As high as this match should ever go on ANY top ten list.


6. Austin / Hart


I still haven't seen this match, can't comment.


5. Rock / Hogan


This should have been around #7 or #8. Not as significant as they'd like you to believe.


4. Savage / Steamboat


Top 3 match, not 4.


3. Michaels / Ramon


No issue here.


2. Triangle Ladder Match


Better than any after it (especially the shitty clusterfuck that was TLC II), but really shouldn't have been on this list with another ladder match. This kind of funky choice leads me to think that this really was a wrestler's choice show.


1. Michaels / Hart


It would be top three regardless, so why not. I don't think it's underrated, I just don't enjoy it nearly as much as my favorite Wrestlemania match ever, Rock/Austin from XVII, which should have been represented on this show somehow.


And once again, I don't understand why what used to be called Flair's "crazy old man" routine is now called Flair's "drunk old man" routine. I don't see anything that would suggest that he's drunk and not just being his usual self, unless he's always been drunk on camera during his career. If you're going to pick on him, just keep saying for him to retire. At least you don't have to make that up.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

Definately one of the worst lists I've seen. Nonetheless, I wasn't expecting much more from the WWE.........

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