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Calling X-Box fanboys

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Okay, so I got an X-Box for 100 bucks, with a controller, cords, but no games. This is supposed to be such a great system, so what the hell do I do now?


Give me some game suggestions, and keep in mind:


Exclusive titles or multi-plats that are the best on this system.


Real games, not a load of "interactive" tripe.


First person games don't really interest me, so let "Halo" die in your wrists before typing.


I'm biased against 3D in general, so it had better be really good to perk my interest.


Anything with "Dead or Alive" on the cover licks donkey balls.


So, what am I left with, now?

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I'll just save everyone else the trouble.


You wasted 100 bucks.

Not really. They only had the one and if I don't want to keep it a friend is willing to pay me back the money I paid. :P


There's still Metal Slug, of course.

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Mechassault, Crimson Skies and Knights of the Old Republic. There ya go three titles worth the dough.

Why are the first two mentioned any good?


I'm not interested in KoToR.


How's Panzer Dragoon Orta? And how does it stack up against Squeenix's ripoff of it?

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Guest HungryJack

Hack it.


That's my advice. then you can throw games on teh HD, and get games for the cost of rental.



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Guest Askewniverse

Where did you get an Xbox for $100? I've been thinking about getting an Xbox, and $100 for a used one sound like a decent deal.


As for game recommendations, um...I heard Ninja Gaiden and Project Gotham Racing 2 are pretty good. ESPN NFL Football is great, if you don't already have it for another system.

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I know that you don't have the kind of PC to play Knights of the Old Republic, and I know that you and I are both Xenosaga haters (but for different reasons, IIRC), so I reccomend that game. It's story is not only better than Eps 1 & 2, it may actually be better than the original trilogy. The gameplay is great too.


Rent Ninja Gaiden and see if the difficulty raises your interest or makes you want to drive a controller into a wall.


If you care about sports games, the ESPN lineup is really good.


CRIMSON. MOTHERFUCKING. SKIES. The graphics are beautiful, the gameplay is like a shooter without the rails, the soundtrack sounds like a major Hollywood motion picture, and the variety of vehicles and quests are awesome. Also has great Live play, if you want to get into that.


Generally, multi-platform games look best on Xbox. So if you wanted to play something like 007 Everything Or Nothing (3rd person, and pretty good btw) it'll almost always be best on Xbox. The only exclusion is if it's from EA and you have a PS2 with a broadband adapter. EA is boycotting Xbox Live.


Mod chips also allow the console to do all sorts of crazy things, from play just about any kind of movie known to man on your TV (they can even be streamed real-time from your PC without any lag or problems) to using the Xbox as a one-in-all emulator of SNES, Genesis, NES, Atari Whatever, and even some limited PSOne support. However, you'll have to disable the mod chip abilities to use Xbox Live as machines are immediately banned if the chip is on to prevent cheating.



And for God's sakes, get the small controller if you have the big one.

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Guest TheHulkster

You seem to hate it a lot even though you just dropped a C note on it. What gives?

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How can you have no interest in KOTOR?


I don't like RPGs OR Star Wars...and the game still rocked.




are you getting Xbox Live?


That's a big factor in what games I recommend.

No X-Box Live. Zero interest in going online with it.


You seem to hate it a lot even though you just dropped a C note on it. What gives?


Lots of games that look good coming out or are out on it--although wanted recommendations. Plus, SNK. M$ doesn't seem to have the bitch-ass Nazi policies over which games can come to the U.S. that Sony has.


And for God's sakes, get the small controller if you have the big one.


How do I know which controller is which? I have rather large hands so I can hold it fine. It's kinda thick though.


Where did you get an Xbox for $100? I've been thinking about getting an Xbox, and $100 for a used one sound like a decent deal.


CD Warehouse. Primarily a used music store, but they dabble in used games as well.

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Give it 30-40 minutes, and don't play it on easy, go to legendary. :-D



Thats all I gotta say.

I will not play it with Bjork, eating pork, or with some one from New York. I do not like it Live or dead, why don't you get it, Red?

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And for God's sakes, get the small controller if you have the big one.


How do I know which controller is which? I have rather large hands so I can hold it fine. It's kinda thick though.


Older, bigger:



Newer, smaller:


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I'm no Xbox fanboy, but you really should at least try KOTOR.



Buffy is one of the better post 16 bit era beat em ups.


HOTD III is a pretty cool old school lightgun shooter.

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If you're going to get Buffy...get the first one.


I like it better than the second one...and you'll find it used for probably 10 bucks at this point.


The second one...you can get used for under 20...but I really didn't like it anywhere near as much.

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And for God's sakes, get the small controller if you have the big one.


How do I know which controller is which? I have rather large hands so I can hold it fine. It's kinda thick though.


Older, bigger:



Newer, smaller:


Thanks. I have the newer/smaller model, although I could still probably bludgeon someone to death with it.


I'm no Xbox fanboy, but you really should at least try KOTOR.



Buffy is one of the better post 16 bit era beat em ups.


HOTD III is a pretty cool old school lightgun shooter.


Okay, I should have said "fanperson." My bad. :P I'm pretty sure I'm going to hate KOTOR anyway, but at least I can give it a fair shot before hating it.


Buffy--eh, maybe a rent at least.


Does HotD3 pretty much require a lightgun?

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I'm not an Xbox fanperson either.


I play HOTD III without a lightgun, but most people seem to hate the genre using a controller.


Also if you like lightgun games they just released a collection of all 3 Silent Scope games and there's a new Sniper controller out.

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I'm not an Xbox fanperson either.


I play HOTD III without a lightgun, but most people seem to hate the genre using a controller.


Also if you like lightgun games they just released a collection of all 3 Silent Scope games and there's a new Sniper controller out.

I like them, but on the other hand they're like puzzle games to me: if you have one good one, what the hell do you need anymore for? :P *


And what I was referring to was that a game like Silent Scope doesn't require a lightgun the way it plays, but most of the other shoot 'em ups pretty much do.


Anyone know of a good universal gun? It's lame to have to pay for a gun that works on only one console.


*Well, Puzzle Bobble is actually different from the other bajillion "stuff falls, match up colors" puzzlers.

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I don't know of any good universal guns. I have one for Saturn and PSX but it really sucks. The only console lightguns I use are the two Guncons.


I love that genre though.

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I don't know of any good universal guns. I have one for Saturn and PSX but it really sucks. The only console lightguns I use are the two Guncons.


I love that genre though.

Ps1 Guncon only works with PS1 games and the PS2 one only with PS2 games, right?


Now THAT is supremely lame.

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Guncon 1 works on PS1 games and some PS2 games.


Guncon 2 works only on PS2 games.

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Guest KJ Brackish

I'm going to say.....erm.... Grand Theft Auto Double Pack, Halo and ESPN Football 2K4.


The reason I say HALO is because there is something nobody else mentioned. You can play it online as I do and it's free. It sure beats friggin Xbox Live (even though I've got it...he he). Me, T®ITEC, and 2 other buddies played HALO online yesterday and spent over 6 or 7 hours non-stop! It was sooooooooooo friggin fun!



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Guest KJ Brackish

I absolutely HATE regular HALO, but playin LAN's or with Friends or ONLINE~!............that game fucking rawks da casbah. I've never had more fun with a game such as HALO online. (except for Socom I and SOCOM II for PS2.)



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Guest KJ Brackish

I know you wouldn't like it, but as I said...........ONLY get Halo for ONLINE play.



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I know you wouldn't like it, but as I said...........ONLY get Halo for ONLINE play.



In conclusion, I have no use for Halo.


Well, no games yet, but first impression: I like the controller. With the basic design and the memory card slots it is like the bastard offspring of the Dreamcast and Playstation controllers.


As opposed to the Gamecube controller, which is like the N64 controller got together with a third party NES controller and had a retarded child.

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