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Calling X-Box fanboys

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The controls on PoP are anything but clunky.


Where the combat system lacks the platforming is sheer bliss.

NG seems to have both in spades, however.


And when your demo game has an annoying camera, that doesn't bode well for the game itself.

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PoP is worth at least a rental. It's very fluid and the camera can be fully customised when making that crucial jump.

In the final, I guess. However, in the demo there's only one third-person view and the HUGE ASS BIRD'S EYE VIEW! Then when the camera "turns" it doesn't slowly adjust, it just "jerks" to an awkward position that's downright lousy for gauging your jump.

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Guest Flyboy

Andrew just doesn't have an open-mind. If you're not willing to try at least some the games that were mentioned, why'd you even waste the $100?

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PoP is worth at least a rental. It's very fluid and the camera can be fully customised when making that crucial jump.

In the final, I guess. However, in the demo there's only one third-person view and the HUGE ASS BIRD'S EYE VIEW! Then when the camera "turns" it doesn't slowly adjust, it just "jerks" to an awkward position that's downright lousy for gauging your jump.

Yes in the final, that is why I said rent the final version.


I never told you to play the demo.

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You know why I love my X-Box? Two words: EMULATED GAMES. I've got picture-perfect versions of almost every old NES game ever made, plus various stuff from other systems, and of course MAME roms for arcade games. The Box plays 'em better than any computer I've tried. Also, being able to just rent X-Box games and copy them onto the hard drive so you can play them forever and ever and ever is cool. All this stuff requires a mod chip, but it's not too hard to find one of those.

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Guest Skironox

This thread is funny.


Andrew says he got himself a new X box and wants to try out some games for it.


Everyone throws out some good stuff.


Andrew just says "NO!!! THAT SUCKS!!!"


Hell, I don't even like X Box, but I wouldn't no sell everything this way.

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This thread is funny.


Andrew says he got himself a new X box and wants to try out some games for it.


Everyone throws out some good stuff.


Andrew just says "NO!!! THAT SUCKS!!!"


Hell, I don't even like X Box, but I wouldn't no sell everything this way.

"Everything?" Where the hell have you been? Anything I haven't outright rejected is under consideration.


I have a pretty good list of suggestions, but some of "high profile" titles that people consider must-owns have zero appeal to me (except for Ninja Gaiden, Panzer, etc).


Until Halo (and for that matter Timesplitters 2) can learn precise 3-D movement without me having to piss around adjusting 2 analog sticks while under heavy fire, I'm not interested.


KotR is a semi-turn-based RPG, right? I hate new turn-based RPGs, period.


I'll give the full PoP a try, but they should have done a better job with the demo, because except for Ren I would have passed on it completely.


Sports games, GTA--nope.


MGS2 I've played already, and didn't like it then, either.


I have the 1st and 4th Exhibition discs now and I'm using it as an economical guide to decide what to buy.


Whacked! is quite the fun and insane little game. I'm not sure if multi-player is doable on one console and hopefully not all of games are so similar to one another, but awesome thus far.


Panzer seems good, although in the demo when I fight the huge-ass ship the enemy fire seems too heavy to counter, and it seems my shots aren't actually destroying anything shooting back at me.


Timesplitters 2 has the same annoying "dual analog" control going on. If you have to do something so needlessly complicated to do something like "turn around" I'll pass, thank you. I'll stick with Metroid Prime.


Haven't played the demos for Quantum Redshift, Splinter Cell, etc yet, though we'll see.


So far, games under consideration (at least for a rental):


Prince of Persia

Jet Set Radio Future

Crimson Skies

Ninja Gaiden

Hitman 2


Beyond Good & Evil


Buffy 1


May need a little more time for Voodoo Vince, Panzer, etc to make up my mind on those...


I know it is multi-plat and maybe not that great, but how's Evil Dead: Fistful of Boomstick? Just watched both versions of AoD back-to-back last night and itchin' to try it.


Andrew just doesn't have an open-mind. If you're not willing to try at least some the games that were mentioned, why'd you even waste the $100?


Show me where I said "all of these games suck!", asshole? How about working on your reading comprehension, or have the Texas schools failed again? There are plenty og games I'm interested in, so shut the hell up and pay attention. Or, you know, contribute something.


*Note to others: it's okay. I know Adam Kent Wade West (Flyboy) here quite well; we do this all the time. :P*

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Prince of Persia: Sands of Time is a decent game, but very hard at times, really long, and kinda repetitive too. I'm stuck about 2/3rds of the way through at a part where I have no idea how the hell to get past it, and it's pretty frustrating.


Hitman 2, also a decent game, is exactly the opposite: a lot of variety and fun things to do, but it's too short and too easy; you can do all this neat stealthy assassin stuff, but sooner or later the guards will spot you and it'll turn into the inevitable massacre with you mowing down every man, woman, and child in a five-mile radius.


I'm a fan of the Max Payne games too. Try one of those if you haven't already. They do rely on the dual-stick controls (one stick walks, the other turns) but it's much smoother than on most games like that.

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I loathe RPGs more than anything in games.


I have played some...and thoroughly enjoyed only one.


Knights of the Old Republic...AND I HATE STAR WARS.


Give it a rental. I hated the idea of it too...but everyone said how great it was...and they were right.

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Prince of Persia: Sands of Time is a decent game, but very hard at times, really long, and kinda repetitive too.  I'm stuck about 2/3rds of the way through at a part where I have no idea how the hell to get past it, and it's pretty frustrating. 


Hitman 2, also a decent game, is exactly the opposite: a lot of variety and fun things to do, but it's too short and too easy; you can do all this neat stealthy assassin stuff, but sooner or later the guards will spot you and it'll turn into the inevitable massacre with you mowing down every man, woman, and child in a five-mile radius. 


I'm a fan of the Max Payne games too.  Try one of those if you haven't already.  They do rely on the dual-stick controls (one stick walks, the other turns) but it's much smoother than on most games like that.

Well, two out of three ain't bad.


If MP uses the dual-stick controls, I'm not interested, sorry.. Thanks for letting me know, though.


I may skip PoP and go right to Ninja Gaiden, but Hitman 2 might be a pickup since it sounds like a blast. Not dual-stick setup on that one, though, right?

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I loathe RPGs more than anything in games.


I have played some...and thoroughly enjoyed only one.


Knights of the Old Republic...AND I HATE STAR WARS.


Give it a rental. I hated the idea of it too...but everyone said how great it was...and they were right.

Is it on one of the Exhibition discs, and would the demo do it justice?


I'm trying to pick the Exhibition discs up--why pay 5 bucks for one rental when you can try 9 games for a couple bucks more?

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Hmm--anyone know what's wrong?


Every time I turn the X-Box on/off I have to set the clock again. It saves my data just fine, but when I turn the console off and unplug it it does it. Does that happen no matter what if I don't leave it plugged in, is there a dead battery somewhere, or what?

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I think the battery backup only saves the time and date for a certain amount of time (15-30 minutes or so) before you have to reset it all. I learned that the hard way when I couldn't play KotOR for a long time because the autosave would lock up and I couldn't figure out why. Now whenever I get home from a Halo night I just check it to be sure.

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The battery is only powered as long as it's receiving power.


Never unplug your Xbox, then. THough the clock sets itself when you connect to Live.

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Guest Vitamin X

When you unplug your Xbox, it resets the clock and time (although everything saved onto the hard drive is still accurate and keeps all information). Everytime that you will have to plug it in again you will have to reset the date and time, so just don't unplug it and you should be fine.


I have a G-Pak for the Xbox so I have absolutely no problem transporting it and my games place to place, and best off you can play the Xbox right out of it. It's a nice accessory to have, anyways.


Anyways, game-wise Jet Set Radio Future is a really odd game and I personally think it was worth it for the price I got it (free with segaGT2002 on a disc that came with the Xbox itself). I don't think I'd pay for it.


I think everyone here has missed most of the racing games.. Project gotham is decent, but I personally like Need For Speed: Underground on it A LOT. It may not be online (something EA may change in the future..BRING ON MADDEN ON LIVE BABY~!) but since I don't have Live yet (I have yet the money for a broadband connection + wireless set-up + subscription to Live itself) I couldn't care less. The graphics and gameplay are just superior in every way to the PS2 version, and from being a former PS2 fanboy and converting to Xboxism, I've found out a few things....


-The PS2 is vastly inferior, and the Gamecube, while a noble attempt at a video gaming system, doesn't have the DVD capabilities my broke-ass can't afford a DVD player of its own for. And thus, after I sold my PS2, and was looking to buy it back I had looked at the other options and neither the PS2 or Cube can even burn CD's let alone even play them on the Cube. Plus never have to buy memory card again? Xbox wins.


-Although much of the best sports games belong to EA sports, Top Spin is a fun game, as is ESPN Basketball 2k4. All other sports are under EA's control, as far as I'm concerned.


-Ninja Gaiden vs. Prince of Persia: I rented PoP, and played NG and I found the controls to actually react far too quickly with Ninja Gaiden, whereass with PoP I had sharper, more crisp controls. Both are good enough to buy, though.


-The whole KOTOR/Halo ordeal.... I personally couldn't care less for a generic FPS myself, so I only tried out Halo because everyone else said I should at least give it a try. So I did. And it's certainly better than all other FPS' I've played (minus the entire Ghost Recon/Rainbow Six collection...THAT SHIT IS FUCKING AWESOME~!), but nothing extraordinary. Knights of the Old Republic has great replay value, and is a fun game to play out, and you don't even have to think and be a Star Wars geek to enjoy it.


-Crimson Skies is DEFINITELY a game to buy, whether just for the single player storyline, or if you want multiplayer I couldn't even imagine how much ass that would kick. Highly recommended!


-All in all, buying that Xbox is worth it, especially since you only got it for $100 and there's really nothing on any other system that's worth buying that's not already out on Xbox. Plus, you seem like you have all the money in the world to apparently run around and buy games.. For me it takes a lot of consideration and the game has to kick serious ass in orer for me to buy it and then waste my spare time on it rather than just renting it, beating it, and returning it. So good for you, enjoy.

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-All in all, buying that Xbox is worth it, especially since you only got it for $100 and there's really nothing on any other system that's worth buying that's not already out on Xbox. Plus, you seem like you have all the money in the world to apparently run around and buy games.. For me it takes a lot of consideration and the game has to kick serious ass in orer for me to buy it and then waste my spare time on it rather than just renting it, beating it, and returning it. So good for you, enjoy.


Eh, each system has it's fair share of exclusives. Frankly, except for hardware power, I can't really agree with you that the PS2 is better. PS2's game lineup has far more depth, although it's mostly quality over quantity.


As for my game collection: you'd be surprised. I like games, but I'm also cheap and hate waste. I frankly don't see it as feasible to spend 5 dollars on a rental that you'll never get back. Usually I buy my games used, play them until I decide I want to keep it or decide I don't want to keep it. If I don't want it, I sell it back online. Thanks to stores like Gamestop and Electronics Boutique, I have a good selection of games to choose from at great prices. Often I can buy games from there, sell then back online, and actually make profits.


I couldn't do like Sakura does: it would kill me to have a bunch of games sitting around, taking up space, that I'm never going to play much again. On average, I probably have about a dozen total games for each of my systems. I have more Dreamcast stuff than I do for any other system.


So part of why I can afford to buy stuff a lot of time is that I keep my collection of games lean and minimize waste. You'll never see me pay $40-$50 bucks for a game unless it is made by a company that I like so much I want to give them my full support. So probably when Metal Slug 3 comes out on X-Box it will be the first time I've bought a game at full-price this year.


One of the reasons I decided to get an X-Box is that there's a bunch of games I've heard that are good for it that are available at good prices. Ninja Gaiden I'll probably get--but not at 50 bucks--hell no!

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I couldn't do like Sakura does: it would kill me to have a bunch of games sitting around, taking up space, that I'm never going to play much again.

I only really do that for fighting games and a few exceptions. I do a LOT of trading in. If I don't like something or don't think I'll ever play it again I get rid of it, unless it's a fighting game or a big franchise I like(MGS, FF, whatever...).

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Dont you own aracade cabs? How the hell do you afford it?

She's a Princess, Ren.

Yeah but how much money does one make in order to buy multiple arcade cabs?

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Guest Vitamin X
-All in all, buying that Xbox is worth it, especially since you only got it for $100 and there's really nothing on any other system that's worth buying that's not already out on Xbox. Plus, you seem like you have all the money in the world to apparently run around and buy games.. For me it takes a lot of consideration and the game has to kick serious ass in orer for me to buy it and then waste my spare time on it rather than just renting it, beating it, and returning it. So good for you, enjoy.


Eh, each system has it's fair share of exclusives. Frankly, except for hardware power, I can't really agree with you that the PS2 is better. PS2's game lineup has far more depth, although it's mostly quality over quantity.

Um I think you meant that I said the PS2 is WORSE, not better. I used to have a PS2, and while I appreciate the huge game selection, I've found that most of the exclusive games are crap, and the multi-platform games found on it play much better on the Xbox. Only reason to have one now seems to be for the online capability, or for Final Fantasy, which one game franchise isn't enough to get me to plunk down a c-note or two for a system I'll use to play only THAT game and its successors. I can live. (Screw you SquareEnix! I'll never buy into your tyrannical merger!!! *runs away to play Elder Scrolls:GOTY Edition*)


As for the whole aspect of brand loyalty, I can't seem to ever quite grasp that... If you like the company/developer making a game, you'll buy it just to support the company? Hur?



.....No wonder WWE is still in business.

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Guest Vitamin X
I'm trying to pick the Exhibition discs up--why pay 5 bucks for one rental when you can try 9 games for a couple bucks more?

So that you can play the full version of it, and possibly beat it and leave it...


Besides, Blockbuster has that game freedom pass where you can rent as many games as you want for $20 a month..you can only keep one out at the same time, but you can feasibly rent one, fiend on it for 3-5 days, and repeat the cycle over and over again till you play like 10 games in the month, possibly beating at least a couple of them...


Where do you get those exhibition discs anyways?

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So that you can play the full version of it, and possibly beat it and leave it...


Eh, but if you don't like it from the outset, no sense beating it if you're not going to have fun doing it.


Besides, Blockbuster has that game freedom pass where you can rent as many games as you want for $20 a month..you can only keep one out at the same time, but you can feasibly rent one, fiend on it for 3-5 days, and repeat the cycle over and over again till you play like 10 games in the month, possibly beating at least a couple of them...


Sounds like something right up my alley, but I don't have a Blockbuster near me, so no go.


Where do you get those exhibition discs anyways?


I don't know if they have them at department stores, since I don't shop for games there often. However, usually the specialized stories like EB, Gamestop, Gamecrazy, etc will stock them. It doesn't just have demos--one of them allowed you to download secret costumes for DOA3, which is neat although I'm not too keen on the game itself.


Im not going to advocate buying an X Box, but Microsoft is droping the price of the X Box $30 starting sometime in April. I assume that makes it $119?


The new X-Boxes are $179.99 I think, so $149.99. However, that would probably effectively lower the price of pre-owned systems to around $119.99.


However, there are different packages offered by Microsoft, but I think those are the right prices for just the base unit, cords, and 1 controller.

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I have several cabinets, but they're not THAT expensive. Most of them are like only twice as much as a game console at launch. The most expensive was Tekken Tag.


But yeah, I'm a princess.

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