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Guest glennsoe

What does wwe need in the near future ??

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Guest glennsoe

Just wondering what the company needs now more than ever in the next few weeks....You guys are the "smarks" on the net, as HHH would say - so you must have some thoughts as to what the wwe needs to do in the next few weeks !!


* Do you think they'll once again join the 2 brands and go from there ?


* Do you think they'll find someone new for "brock's slot" ?


* Do you think thy'll develop more main eventers ??

- You have to remember that in order for someone to step up, someone must step down.


* Do you think they'll have "roster switches" ??

- Rvd and Booker to Raw for Edge




You also have to remember that after mania this sunday MANY stars could be gone; Goldberg, Brock Lesnar, Rock, Mick Foley, Ric Flair, Rvd, Booker T, Shawn Michaels and Scott Steiner all have reasons for not hanging around wwe much longer !!

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I was always against ending the brand extension, but without Lesnar they might have to. He leaves such a big gap that they can't hope to fill it with any of the young guys coming up. Benjamin has the tools, but he's a few months away from being credible. They need somebody now.

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They have the Big Show and Cena and Edge. They have the guys sitting and waiting so it's not like they can't fill the Lesnar hole.


I'm not so sure ending the brand extension would help at all as I don't think the locker room would like the idea of a completely controlled Kliq WWE.


Just fill the hole left by Lesnar with Cena or Show. Being building an up and comer (perhaps break up the Bashams) and go from there.


But to panic when everyone expects you to panic is a huge mistake. That just kills morale even more.

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Guest Coffey

I don't know if they have to end the "brand extention" but they should definitely seperate them more. Make one show (probably Raw) the focus of Tag Teams & Women wrestling along with the main event scene. Make Smackdown the Cruiserweights & Middleweights along with the main event scene.


Each show would feel different from one another. Hell, they could make the "B" shows matter. Have the Intercontinental Division on Sunday Night Heat & the United States Division on Velocity.


Put all the people together. Why is the Hurricane away from the Cruiserweight Division? Why are The Dudley Boyz & The World's Greatest Tag Team not able to compete in the same tag team division? Why do we have "T&A" women's wrestling matches on the same card where the women's title is one the line?


None of it makes sense! Matt Hardy moved to Raw to get a losing streak? Why doesn't he get a shot at the Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship? Where's Lance Storm? Val Venis got a title shot against Randy Orton...what did he do to earn the #1 Contender title?


A reincorporated ranking system would go a long way. Especially within each division.

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Guest JMA

If the brand extension DID end, wouldn't that mean Triple H would be the only World champion again? Do we really want to take that chance?

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

I've always been against the brand-split.


I mean, sure, it gets lower-carders on the shows (occasionally), but the weaknesses of both shows then start to show.


Rejoin the brands, as was speculated for after WrestleMania, and, if Brock Lesnar does indeed take off after it, then they may have no choice if they don't want SmackDown! turning into Raw, but not for the same reason/s, although Raw has been pretty damn good as of late.


With the right booking, guys like Lance Storm, Ultimo Dragon and others not given the time of day would get their 'big-show' pay-cheque.

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WWE needs the brand extension right now. It is the ONLY thing that is keeping them alive, IMO. Without the brand extension, we'd have Triple H terrorizing two shows a week.


That, and remember how awful WWE shows were becoming in the final few months before the split? It was possible to go for weeks on end without seeing some of the lower card guys at all.

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What if HHH convinces Vince that he IS the answer to Brock leaving???

What if he convinces Vince that both shows NEED the star of Triple H now?


HHH must have pictures of Brock as a cabana boy at Vince's house!


We are all doomed.

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Ending the brand extension would be the worst possible thing ever. I can't get over how many people on here actually push for this idea. It's terrible. We'd have two programs with Triple H burying everyone?


They need to revamp both programs and they need for Vince to seriously take a look at his product again with the same open eyes that he did when WCW were winning the Monday night wars. He has to tell his yes men to stick it. The Stephanie experiment as head of creative has to go. Gerwitz has to go as well. He should consult with the wrestling minds that he has on his payroll. Paul Heyman, Eric Bischoff and Jim Cornette. To some degree each of these men played a significant part in the business in the 90's. They know the business and there are other people in the locker room who know the business as well. Mick Foley and Tommy Dreamer for example. A new plan needs to be outlined and followed through. The company needs to basically start over just like they did in '97 and create a new feeling.


Perhaps each show has a booking committee who outlines the wrestling storylines and then go to one or two Hollywood writers on staff to put together the show?


They need to totally change the way the product is produced. The backstage skits need to go. It doesn't work with the old school in ring style they are trying to push. If you are going to push that style of wrestling than Crash TV elements of booking won't work. You need old school booking as well.


You hear so much about how HHH and others feel that shows like Tough Enough ruined the believability in the product. No. What ruined the believablity in the product was the fact that wrestlers outline their strategy for an upcoming match right in front of a camera crew. Of course people aren't going to react positively when Rico has an armlock on Val Venis because nobody cares why these two are in the ring against each other because more time is devoted to having a CEO being run over by a GM/Sheriff on an ATV than giving guys a convincing reason to be in the ring together.


Each show should be centered around four matches each given at least ten minutes of time. No more 1:39 matches between Chris Benoit and Matt Hardy. What the hell good does this type of match do for ANYONE? It doesn't make Benoit look like he just defeated a great competitor. I saw jobber matches in the 80's where Mario Mancini, SD Jones and Jose Louis Rivera lasted longer than Matt Hardy? Matt has talent and a character which is over. Don't use a Hardy caliber talent in that role, call up an indie guy to job, Hardy-Benoit could be a worthy PPV match down the road. Yet this company doesn't look at things in this manner because they have nitwits outlining the programs.


They are wasting talent when they need to get the absolute most out of them as possible.


The matches should be announced at the beginning of the show with interviews and video packages to build towards them. The rest of the time can go towards a few jobber matches and interviews/angle development with talent not competing that evening. And when I say interviews I'm talking like old Mean Gene style interviews or pre match mic work from the competitors in the ring. Nobody standing backstage chatting oblivious to the fact that they are being filmed.


I'm not saying you can't occassionally book a Holy Shit moment like The NWO running over The Rock. But these moments need to be used just time to time so they don't lose their meaning. Just like the company feels about high spots.


End the GM crap. Paul Heyman is a manager. Eric Bischoff is either a manager or announcer. Steve Austin is a color commentator.


Goodbye Jerry Lawler. Maybe put Ross/Bischoff and Austin as an announce team but I'd move Cole to RAW and move Josh Matthews up to work Smackdown with Tazz.


They need to realize that the future of the company is in guys like Matt Hardy, John Cena, Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Haas, Paul London, Steven Richards, Rob Conway, Jamie Noble, Johnny Spade and Matt Capoletti - not just Randy Orton and Batista, although they both can be players if they didn't elevate them so early to the point where the obvious weaknesses are exposed to the masses. The guys above need protected and developed into big time players. Other guys like Angle, RVD, Booker, Eddie, Mysterio should have their time NOW while those guys are being developed.


They also need to look at indie talents like Chris Sabin, CM Punk, Michael Shane, Christopher Daniels, Teddy Hart and Lo Ki. Get Spanky back. There you had someone who could have got over big time in my opinion with just a little Ricky Morton style booking but that would the creative team would have to know who Ricky Morton was.


Bring back managers who can cut promos for guys like Cade, Jindrak, Morgan, etc. who need help. Coach, Teddy Long, Bischoff, Shane mcMahon, sign James Mitchell, Joel Gertner, etc.


And with any luck, HHH bones someone while on set of a film, word gets back to Stephanie and the McMahon's fire his ass.





Listen to the Pittsburgh music scene on Live 365

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Guest Super Pissed Smark

Ending the brand extension would risk real tragedy: I might have to start watching again, and none of us wants that.

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They can't end the brand extension. They've already planned house shows far in advance and sold tickets to them. Plus killing off half the shows they do would cause them to lose a shitload of money.

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What if HHH convinces Vince that he IS the answer to Brock leaving???

What if he convinces Vince that both shows NEED the star of Triple H now?


HHH must have pictures of Brock as a cabana boy at Vince's house!


We are all doomed.

That means that they'll be putting the world belts back together and you know what that means.


HHH: "Eddie your kind of people are a disgrace to wrestling. You're not even in my league. You should be on the corner selling drugs"


And then at the next PPV HHH beats Eddie in the ring 1,2,3 to the one and only world champ in the WWE.

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They don't HAVE to run less shows if they end the brand extension. That's the argument for the brand extension I never really understood. You can still have two touring groups and one 'brand'.


Ending their Brand Extension would be good for business. It would consolidate the WWE's depleted roster, allow them to cut the fat and still run the same amount of TV. The WWE were making money in 2001 before the brand split, why is today different? Business is still down, all the brand extension does is limit the possibilities for new feuds and angles and make for stale house shows.


And the argument that it's necessary to create new stars is crap too. The WWF created new stars during 97-00, and they didn't have the need for a forced split. Overhaul creative, merge the brands and then you've got a marketable product.

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And the argument that it's necessary to create new stars is crap too. The WWF created new stars during 97-00, and they didn't have the need for a forced split. Overhaul creative, merge the brands and then you've got a marketable product.

Yes but, they didn't have HHH married to Steph running roughshot over the fed. Or a crippled Austin taking up time that could be used for wrestlers.

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In the years of 97-00 WWE had to make new talent. Thats when WCW was around. It really hasn't been that important as of lates, but pushing wrestlers have been. Making new talent will be important again after WM through.

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And the argument that it's necessary to create new stars is crap too. The WWF created new stars during 97-00, and they didn't have the need for a forced split. Overhaul creative, merge the brands and then you've got a marketable product.


They also had one main television show which was RAW, saw the majority of their "stars" leave for WCW and were getting their asses handed to them in the ratings! They took a chance and changed their product and that consisted mainly of creating new stars. They didn't have any alternative but to create new stars. The wrestlers were actively encouraged to make suggestions for their characters, they were given free reign on the mic with their promos and if something wasn't getting over like The Ringmaster and blue chipper Rocky Maivia - it was changed and eventually got over BIG TIME.


I understand the point about the brand extension limiting matches and feuds. It's bothered me too but there are other ways around that by roster trades, guys jumping, etc. They haven't done any of those effectively. You need the balance of the split or else you have Austin on his ATV on both shows and Triple H giving boring promos and burying everyone getting over.


If you told me they would end the extension and book both shows to feature entirely different stars and lineups every week - so you don't get guys who were on RAW on Smackdown, I'd be cool with it. That wouldn't happen however.



Listen to the Pittsburgh music scene on Live 365

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Guest reshad974
What if HHH convinces Vince that he IS the answer to Brock leaving???

What if he convinces Vince that both shows NEED the star of Triple H now?


HHH must have pictures of Brock as a cabana boy at Vince's house!


We are all doomed.

I smell World champion Triple H beating WWE champion Kurt Angle at Summerslam (or even sooner) to become the first undisputed World champion (Chris Jericho'reign would be forgotten of course) with the right of being the only WWE wrestler allowed on both brands.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

It really makes you think - will this reign of Triple H's ever end?


I mean, you always picture something great happening, like at WrestleMania - but will his reign ever end?


Of course it will, belt-holding-wise, but...

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Guest Goodear

What WWE really needs to do is cut out this 'guest star' mentality of having guys show up and disappear all the time. I love Mick Foley. I love The Rock. I kind of like Goldberg. But they aren't doing us any favors by disappearing all the time and then showing back up for PPVs matches. If its me, I don't push people that can't or won't agree to be on the shows all year round. The regular shows are basically the advertisements for the PPVs and I'm not being enticed to buy a Goldberg match if he's not around to promote it. The habit of going back to the past stars like Foley, Rock and Austin are also a bad idea since it breeds a sense of helplessness for the new people that know no matter how hard they work, that they'll still be pushed aside for the old timers. Why the fuck should Chuck Palumbo even be trying anymore? He has to know that he'll never be moved off Velocity despite having the easiest character in the world to write for because the WWE needs room for people that aren't working anymore.

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Guest wrestlingbs

I think the biggest problem with ending the brand extension (aka. the split) has already been pointed out: without separate brands HHH would have free reign and ruin the ME scene for SD as well.

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We need a little Christmas, right this very minute.

Xanta Klaws?

Bet me to it!


As the questions that were first posted...


I don't think that they will or should end the brand split. Sure I don't like it but at least it gives things a little bit of variety and Triple H isn't squashing people on both shows. Mind you some people have brought up the rather scary idea of Triple H being used as some kind of saviour once Brock goes. I mean it could happen.


I think if they build up guys like John Cena and Edge they could be groomed to take the spot left by Brock Lesnar. That seems the way to go. Not only that but I think they should also try to groom some new guys for the top to avoid the potential gap left by Lesnar without feeding them to vetrans like Undertaker first so they don't become heatless.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
No more Evil GMs, no more McMahons, no more HHH with the title.


Gimmie that and I'll be alright


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