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Could you please move this thread back to the...

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Could someone please move this thread back to the WWE forum please?


It's not a fantasy booking thread, we aren't booking any specific guys in some sort of efed type way or whatever. It's just a discussion as to what WWE could do to once again seem important. You wanted more in-depth discussion in the WWE folder, so here you go.


The original post wasn't even the only point of the thread. It was to discuss both that idea, as well as whatever anyone else presented to talk about how WWE could one again be looked at as important, etc...


Thanks a lot.




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Guest JMA

Hm. This doesn't seem like fantasy booking to me. It's more of a discussion. I agree that it should be moved back to the WWE folder.

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I agree as well since by putting it into Fantasy Booking has practically killed any discussion the thread actually has.


And I say "How To Fix It" in my sig, because that's pretty much you'd have to do, to enjoy the WWE again.

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