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Guest Loss
Which wrestler has suffered the most from the Triple H effect??


Believe it or not, Test. From HHH stealing the woman he was supposed to marry and being booked to not even care afterward to being sidelined after a powerbomb through a table after he was starting to get over as a single in April of 2001, HHH has stopped Test's momentum at a point when he still could have meant something to the company.


Test is a lost cause now, but he was on the right track at first. And for all the RVD and Jericho talk, at least they're still over. Test is toast.

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Awesome work on the Jericho/HHH thing...also remember the Thanksgiving Smackdown in 1999 when HHH just had to get his little "Jericho doesn't know how to work" comment when meeting the homeless people with DX.

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Guest Choken One

He was supposedly supposed to have a program with Benoit but since Tazz went injured for a few months, that plan was scrapped and by then they couldn't really plug Tazz into a meaningful angle so he did some minor things and stood in the background until the InVasion came about and become one of the focal points of the InVasion and then it was on a whim after a nice performence from Tazz during the Ross/Lawler/Tazz angle where Tazz continued to mock and taunt J.R until he and Lawler had a match, where I believe Tazz put over the 50 year old announcer.


Tazz then did sporadic apperences on Smackdown as acting guest commentator for Alliance leader, Paul Heyman and then they decided to make it a full time gig.

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Guest Patorick
Tazz continued to mock and taunt J.R until he and Lawler had a match, where I believe Tazz put over the 50 year old announcer.

Wasn't that at Summerslam 2000?

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He was supposedly supposed to have a program with Benoit but since Tazz went injured for a few months, that plan was scrapped and by then they couldn't really plug Tazz into a meaningful angle so he did some minor things and stood in the background until the InVasion came about and become one of the focal points of the InVasion and then it was on a whim after a nice performence from Tazz during the Ross/Lawler/Tazz angle where Tazz continued to mock and taunt J.R until he and Lawler had a match, where I believe Tazz put over the 50 year old announcer.

The Tazz/Lawler/Ross angle was a year before the Invasion angle.

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Guest Choken One

right but I was refering to since he wowed over Vince, he kept him in consideration for a role because of his performence durin that angle

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I think that a lot of Tazz's depush in 2000 had to do with the Radicalz sudden jump throwing off a lot of the WWF's immediate plans (that's the only way I can rationalize bringing him in on such hype and doing absolutely nothing with him in the long run).


There's also the idea that the WWF was biased against wrestlers from ECW due to the whole Public Enemy debacle from early 99 (something about them "believing their own hype" and being egomaniacs), and from that point on decided to put ECW wrestlers through a humbling process, forcing them to job for a few months to bring them down to earth. The Dudleyz fell victim to this process in late 99 (feuding with the Acolytes and giving Bubba the old stuttering gimmick again) before being pushed seriously in 2000, and they appeared to be repeating this process with Tazz.

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When Tazz came in, he said he wanted to start at the bottom of the ladder and not pushed directly to the top, he was also being taken as to serious in the lockerroom and many of the wrestlers making fun of him, of his hieght or gimmick. D'lo even put a orange towel on his head to mock Tazz. I thnk it was the fact that people were bitching that he was to serious helped depush him. Oh and also the fact the WWE wanted to change his style because Austin wouldn't been able to take all of Tazz's suplexes. And yes Austin was the person who the WWE used as a reason to change Tazz's wrestling style.

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Guest Choken One

It's shame that Tazz and Benoit never worked a program, I think Benoit and Tazz's Intensity would have interesting to see paired up, and Benoit easily would have covered Tazz's shortfalls (pardon the pun) as a worker...I think they wuld have had a nice stiff suplexamania.

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Guest Patorick

Moving on,


What was the point of the Lita/Chyna fued and what was with Eddie just standing there watching it? (JD 2001)

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Guest Choken One

I guess Lita/Chyna was supposed to be the Austin/Rock of the women's circuit...but they decided to do the whole playful sexy tease sell and it made ZILCH sense and wasn't Eddy still playing the Latino Heat role at this point, Wasn't Chyna still his Mamacita.

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Guest wildpegasus
It's shame that Tazz and Benoit never worked a program, I think Benoit and Tazz's Intensity would have interesting to see paired up, and Benoit easily would have covered Tazz's shortfalls (pardon the pun) as a worker...I think they wuld have had a nice stiff suplexamania.

They had a couple of matches in ECW around 1994 or so. One was a handheld which I've never seen and the other was a TV match.

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Guest wildpegasus
Awesome work on the Jericho/HHH thing...also remember the Thanksgiving Smackdown in 1999 when HHH just had to get his little "Jericho doesn't know how to work" comment when meeting the homeless people with DX.

HHH also buried Jericho up here in Canada before their Wrestlemania match by saying how Jericho was just missing that little something to be a true heavyweight superstar. Since we're kind of on the topic of Jericho's title reign, I believe Meltzer wrote something on wrestlingclassics.com once on how Jericho's title reign was seemingly sabatoged. Interesting stuff.



We should probably number these questions to make things easier to organize. I'll start. Follow if you want. Don't follow if you want.



1) I heard word before that Benoit was actually going to win the title in 2000 but the HHH heel/face/heel turn and the whole car incident thing screwed everyone up in the storylines. Does anybody know if this is true about Benoit winning in 2000?

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I guess Lita/Chyna was supposed to be the Austin/Rock of the women's circuit...but they decided to do the whole playful sexy tease sell and it made ZILCH sense and wasn't Eddy still playing the Latino Heat role at this point, Wasn't Chyna still his Mamacita.


Nah, they had split for a while by then.


As to why Eddie was just standing there, there was a storyline leading into the show where Eddie had allied himself with the Hardyz, and they seemed to be suggesting that Eddie was trying to steal Lita away from Matt. I'm not sure where it was going, since Chyna was taken off TV right after this, and Eddie went into rehab. Chyna was in the midst of a heel turn though, so I wouldn't have been surprised if she and Eddie ended up back together when all was said and done.

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Guest Choken One

Where EXACTLY were they going with the InVasion had HHH not been injuried?


Where was the Benoit/Jericho Vs Two Man Power Trip headed?


Was it gonna be a Double Main Event at KOTR with Austin/Benoit and HHH/Jericho or vice versa or was that end of the rivalary after That night anyways...


I'm pretty sure they HAD to be planning to go with HHH Vs Austin at Summer Slam, only with role reversal...HHH would have been the WWE face against his wife who would be managing Austin and that would have been the subplot that everyone would be expecting HHH to turn his back on WWF just like Austin had...

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Since we're kind of on the topic of Jericho's title reign, I believe Meltzer wrote something on wrestlingclassics.com once on how Jericho's title reign was seemingly sabatoged. Interesting stuff.

Here it is:


I don't know what the word was. At first, it was company arrogance. There is a feeling, and even when WWF was losing in the ratings, that WWF was "the show" and if you were a main eventer and/or a big draw in WCW, it somehow didn't count. If you were a main eventer and didn't draw in WWF, somehow you were a proven commodity. WCW fed into that perception by being marks for anyone WWF casted off (huge contract for Brian Adams when Vince fired him).


Jericho got over on his first TV show huge, but to them, he was unproven and instead of taking advantage of it when he was at his hottest and they had a chance to make a real superstar, he had to pay his dues. They missed on everyone that crossed over besides guys who they saw as their own creations because of that mind set. I've got some great Hogan vs. Flair stories from 1991 that I'm saving that will illustrate this. Because his ring style was a combination of what he learned in Japan, Mexico, Canada and WCW, it was different than the ring style used in WWF, especially at that time before guys like Benoit, Guerrero, Mysterio and Angle were there. Also, he wasn't big, and Vince, being a big man, gets this feeling when seeing someone smaller than him that "I can kick his ass" and it's a lot harder for him to see you as a headliner.


Because his style was different, the main eventers, who are paid based on their position on the card, so guard their spots, tagged him with the "he can't work" label. It was so funny having seen him in so many great matches for years before that.


His best chance was that period where he had the fake win on Raw over HHH. That match was awesome and he came off like a superstar. The fact they took it away from him didn't hurt him at all, because he was made a viable contender. From that point on, he never got the big win and that did hurt.


His next big chance was after the San Jose match where HHH got hurt. I think that's what really hurt him and Benoit both. They finally got the big win and Vince had no confidence in Austin vs. Jericho as a draw, threw Benoit in there, and the two guys together, as everyone figured them as a team, still couldn't beat Austin. When two babyfaces have a two-on-one on a heel and still lose, that is death for them as faces.


He struggled for a while. Was in mid-cards for a while. When the decision was made for the final four for the undisputed title to go to him (which was just for a guy for Hunter to beat as the plan for months was him getting the belt when he came back from the injury), they figured since he was winning, he could job to everyone first since he was going to beat Rock and Austin on the same night. He did that clean job to Austin, which would have been fine for an established strong championship caliber guy. But he wasn't that. He wasn't strong enough to be booked like one would normally book the next champion (ie lose a bunch before winning the title to create future contenders). I remember the day he won the title, I had a bunch of friends over watching and they asked who was going to win. When I told them, they groaned. They thought he was the one guy of the four who didn't deserve it.


The only guy who put Jericho over the right way was Rock, and he almost single handled saved him. The build-up for Mania with champion Jericho playing second fiddle to Stephanie and a dog is now legendary. It should be noted that by this time he adapted to the time, so now he "knew how to work" but people didn't think of him as a top guy so he "couldn't draw," which I knew would be a problem on top.


Sabotage? Yes, a little, and at times a lot, by other wrestlers getting in Vince's ear telling him he didn't have what it takes to headline. But it was also another example of a weak organization creatively, that both didn't take advantages of someones strengths and instead focused on their perceived weaknesses, and cut their legs off. And also, an arrogant organization that had to prove they were "the show," and that if someone arrived and fans wanted them to be hot, they had to lose to the established stars first because they had to earn their spot. Fans then perceived them as not being worthy. Other guys have climbed the ladder, but when they got to a certain point when the company decided they would be a superstar (Rock, Austin and HHH), they were pushed super hard with the ideas of making a superstar. When Jericho was in the spot, it was a half-hearted push that was taken always taken away three weeks later because someone would say he hadn't immediately gotten over and thus wasn't ready. Fans lost confidence in him and he became an entertaining guy who had good matches, and was a step below a star.

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Where EXACTLY were they going with the InVasion had HHH not been injuried? 

As you said below, Austin/HHH were supposed to meet up somewhere between Summerslam and No Mercy, with HHH leading the WWE. Basically, he took the role that Angle had actually done during the Invasion (save for the heel turn at the end of the InVasion).


Where was the Benoit/Jericho Vs Two Man Power Trip headed?


Austin/Benoit and HHH/Jericho at KOTR, with Austin winning, but costing Trips his match. It would've furthered the rift between them, but Austin would plead innocence until the actual heel turn he made at InVasion.


On another note, I have NO idea where Rocky would've fit into the equation throughout this entire proposed deal.

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Guest Corino 1000
Is Molly Holly a virgin? If so, what is her phone #? If not, what is her phone #?

Wait in line! :shotgun:

Is there a fast pass like at Disney? :P

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Guest Real F'n Show

When was Ken Shamrock's last televised match in the WWF, and who was it against?

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