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Mr. Johnson goes to Washington

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The Rock says he'd consider politics


WASHINGTON (AP) — Could there be another President Johnson in the White House one day? The Rock isn't ruling out that possibility. The action star and former professional wrestler, whose real name is Dwayne Johnson, spoke at both the Democratic and Republican conventions in 2000 to encourage people to register to vote.


When AP Radio asked whether he'd like to enter politics himself, he said: "Possibly, you never know. Maybe one day. Absolutely. ... I talked to Arnold (Schwarzenegger) about that, too.


"We'll see. One day, maybe President Johnson," he added with a laugh.


The Rock's new movie, Walking Tall, opens April 2. It's inspired by the 1973 original about real-life Tennessee Sheriff Buford Pusser.


Not really hard evidence but interesting that he is considering everything except wrestling.

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Guest CronoT
The Rock says he'd consider politics


WASHINGTON (AP) — Could there be another President Johnson in the White House one day? The Rock isn't ruling out that possibility. The action star and former professional wrestler, whose real name is Dwayne Johnson, spoke at both the Democratic and Republican conventions in 2000 to encourage people to register to vote.


When AP Radio asked whether he'd like to enter politics himself, he said: "Possibly, you never know. Maybe one day. Absolutely. ... I talked to Arnold (Schwarzenegger) about that, too.


"We'll see. One day, maybe President Johnson," he added with a laugh.


The Rock's new movie, Walking Tall, opens April 2. It's inspired by the 1973 original about real-life Tennessee Sheriff Buford Pusser.


Not really hard evidence but interesting that he is considering everything except wrestling.

I can see it now: A Ventura/Johnson ticket in 2008. It should be interesting/amusing.

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I can see it now: A Ventura/Johnson ticket in 2008. It should be interesting/amusing.

I'd rather see Rock as president.


State of the Union addresses would NEVER be boring again.

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Please, God, no.


People don't realize that Jesse Ventura worked in politics for years before running for statewide office.


Arnold winning the top office in California had made it look like anybody who's a celebrity with even the slightest amount of interest in becoming president one day (even if it takes a constitutional amendment) should run for office, regardless of past political experience, interest in public policy, or position on issues.

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Guest Choken One

All right...don't over react...




I'm all for a Celeb being our president, the last one was a GREAT celeb and he still made this country somewhat good...at least I had money.

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So, the Rock's going to be 35 when, exactly?


Arnold winning the top office in California had made it look like anybody who's a celebrity with even the slightest amount of interest in becoming president one day (even if it takes a constitutional amendment) should run for office, regardless of past political experience, interest in public policy, or position on issues.


That's only because it was in California, a whole state of raving loonies.

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I can see it now: A Ventura/Johnson ticket in 2008. It should be interesting/amusing.

I'd rather see Rock as president.


State of the Union addresses would NEVER be boring again.

And now, the 2008 State of The Union...

Finally....The Rock has come BACK...to Congress! You know, the people, they've been asking The President< President Johnson, what do you think about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction? Well, the President says this, Saddam Hussein, you can take your weapons of mass destruction, shine them up real nice and stick 'em straight up your candy ass!

Congress applauds starts chanting "Johnson, Johnson..."

Oh, yeah, oh yeah! Nancy Pelosi! President Johnson sees you staring at the people's strudel! No no no!

See, because I'm the fund raising, trail blazin, tax cuttin, never bicker, signed more laws than Ted Kennedy's downed liquor!

Congree roars with laughter

.....If you smelllllllll what The President of The United States....isssss cooking!

raises eyebrow, remixed "Hail to the Chief" with "The Rock Says" mixed in plays

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Guest JMA
I don't think so, since I'm almost certain Rock's a Republican.

Yeah, I think you're right. He's also good friends with Arnold.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

Imagine The Rock as the President of the United States of America. Just imagine it.


I wonder what kinds of decisions he'd make?

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Guest CronoT
Imagine The Rock as the President of the United States of America. Just imagine it.


I wonder what kinds of decisions he'd make?

Compared to the current President? Only good ones.

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Imagine The Rock as the President of the United States of America. Just imagine it.


I wonder what kinds of decisions he'd make?

Imagion Rocky visiting NYC after 9/11.


Finally, The Rock HAS come back to New York Citey!!


Imagine the heat....





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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking
Imagion Rocky visiting NYC after 9/11.


Finally, The Rock HAS come back to New York Citey!!


Imagine the heat....







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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

I completely forgot about Hogan ever running...


What does that tell you?

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Guest CronoT
I completely forgot about Hogan ever running...


What does that tell you?

That it was a work?

Darn, I wanted to say that. :P

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

Yeah, I'll accept that.


But also that I didn't give a shit.

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Guest Trivia247

Oh yea that will make the rest of the world take us seriously


like how some call the Canadian money the Looney?


President Rock.. Oh Jesus christ

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

President Dwayne Johnson...


Not a bad ring to it.

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Oh yea that will make the rest of the world take us seriously


like how some call the Canadian money the Looney?


President Rock.. Oh Jesus christ

Depending on Rock's stance on the issues, I would likely vote for him over any of the candidates we've had for quite a while, and I already like him more than Bush or Kerry.


Although if the economy turns around under Kerry, you can just forget another Republican president winning so soon.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

Yes, I ask - would the rest of the world take him seriously as President of the United States of America, or would it be a controversy, with them taking him as as joke?


I'm hoping the former.

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Yes, I ask - would the rest of the world take him seriously as President of the United States of America, or would it be a controversy, with them taking him as as joke?


I'm hoping the former.

Valid point, but with Bush making us a laughingstock, it's hard for things to get much worse in that regard.


Besides, how many respectable national leaders are out there?


Canada, France, and Mexico's leaders are all jokes. Britain's lost all his credibility. Russia's got far from the most respected President these days. Most of the others don't matter. Maybe Japan's still got a respectable leader (although he hasn't had to deal with Bush Jr. puking on him, yet).


If you didn't know Rock was a wrestler, it wouldn't really affect your opinion much. He can command respect in people in ways very few politicians can do.

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Guest Vitamin X

It would just be great to have him in character during debates...


"Mr. Johnson, what's your stance on--"

"whoawhoawhoawhoa....what were you just trying to ask The Rock?"




Then someone would have a fit with him being "The People's Champion", calling Rock a commie and whatnot. Why? Because people are idiots.

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