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Brock Lesnars

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Brock apparently thinks he's above the business that essentially created him. He's not.


Dude, the only people below the wrestling business are Murderers, Rapists, and Pedophiles.


... Oh wait.

More 18 month old Kane jokes...

meh...I think it was more of a week old RF joke.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
Brock apparently thinks he's above the business that essentially created him. He's not.


Dude, the only people below the wrestling business are Murderers, Rapists, and Pedophiles.


... Oh wait.

More 18 month old Kane jokes...

meh...I think it was more of a week old RF joke.

Oh...well, that was weird. I didn't no Feinstein murdered anyone...yet.

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As a Heavyweight Champion - or even a Main Eventer - you need to help out the other guys in the company if asked. You need to attempt to bring them up to your level, even if you don't believe they should be there.


This is such an odd statement.  It works well in theory, however when you think about it, why would you want to help elevate someone?  If you elevate them, then you're opening up a chance they could take your spot.  I'm not saying that's right, and I'm not saying that's wrong, I'm just saying don't fault the guy for protecting his spot because that's the way it is.

Because it's someone you can work with later and possibly have a real money-making program with.


Ric Flair tried to do it when he was the champion. (Sting, Garvin, the list goes on)


Shawn Michaels tried to do it when he was the champion. (Mick Foley sticks out in my mind)


Bret Hart tried to do it when he was the champion. (Owen Hart, The Patriot.....he made Steve Austin, although he wasn't the champ when he did it)


The Rock tried to do it when he was the champion. (Chris Benoit, Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho)


The Heavyweight Champion is SUPPOSED to help out other wrestlers for the benefit of the entire company.


Besides, Brock was still the youngest Main Eventer in the company. It was pretty much a guarantee that the future of WWE would be built around Brock. With his size, strength, technical skill, fan popularity, marketability, young age - there was no doubt he was who they would pretty much HAVE to build as the head of the company. I don't think you can be much safer than Brock's spot, unless you marry the owner's daughter. With that being said, I HIGHLY doubt his spot would ever be in danger from Hardcore Holly of ALL people.


Regardless of Lesnar's personal feelings on the feud, he still has an obligation as the Heavyweight Champion to bring people like Holly up to his level. It could wind up helping WWE, and making Brock a richer man in the business he dislikes so much.

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Guest Anglesault
Regardless of Lesnar's personal feelings on the feud, he still has an obligation as the Heavyweight Champion to bring people like Holly up to his level.

And he tried.


He ran like a pussy from a guy that scared no one on earth for over three months.

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Regardless of Lesnar's personal feelings on the feud, he still has an obligation as the Heavyweight Champion to bring people like Holly up to his level.

And he tried.


He ran like a pussy from a guy that scared no one on earth for over three months.

And dragged his feet on the blow-off match. One of the only things that actually meant something in the feud.

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You're still operating from the POV that Wrestling is a Group Effort, that it's all-for-one and one-for-all. It's not. It's very, very selfish. The "the more people I can do business with, the more business I can do" is all nice and good, but it's a fairytale. It's the politically correct answer. Reality says the more people in the boat, the greater the odds that someone might fall out.


Let's see.


Brock becomes chickenshit champion after pinning Kurt Angle at the ironman match.


Brock feuds with Taker (again). In this, he and big show looked horrible against Taker in a handicap match.


Brock has a lil spat with Benoit.


Brock plays chickenshit heel against Bob Holly.


Brock loses title to midcarder Eddie Guerrero.


Brock faces Goldberg at Mania, with Steve Austin being the central figure in the feud.


(Projected: Brock faces Undertaker... again. And loses.)


It's not exactly the best 6 months a wrestler can have. It would certainly give indication that his position in the company would be in jeopardy, given he wasn't treated NEARLY as strong as he was a year earlier. Brock's overness is based on his ability to be the monster, when they start chipping away at that, then his worth in the company greatly lessens.

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I seriously hate that reality of the wrestling business. It makes me sick.


So many moments in history have pointed out how much better of everything would be as a group effort. Bullshit politicking makes me want to rip people's faces off... as much as, in any business, people are really out to put themself ahead, it means nothing if you have nothing to go ahead into.


The WWE is on such a downward spiral that it could crash and burn if the right circumstances were in nice place... i'm surprised HHH hasn't just abandoned the Main Event entirely, that way he can say "this isn't my fault" when business continues to drop. I mean, he says that now, of course... but it's a big load of shit.


I have stated many times that if I was in the business, I would do what I could to help everyone, because I would rather be seen as an up-and-comer in a booming company rather than one that is sinking to hell.

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Well, you have guys like Foley, Benoit, Guerrero, Storm who still, in some ways, represent a brighter side of the business; and in other ways, represent the bad parts, whether directly or indirectly.


The Wrestling Industry is a piece of crap, which is why I find it funny how some people get in an uproar about something like Brock leaving when "they need him". For being selfish and not thinking about others. For being what the industry bred him to be. You can either accept it and go on, be a hypocrite and fault one person while letting others off the hook. This is a fundamental issue involved with being a wrestling fan. You support a seedy industry full of death, drugs, and dispair; you LOVE this industry. So why do you do it? I do it for various reasons, mainly because I like the matches and the wrestlers/characters in it (ie: the performances). Brock - for 99% of his inring career - didn't let his passion (or lack thereof) effect his performance, so I don't understand why people are bashing him for it.

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I'm the same way...quite frankly... the in-ring product entertained me and now it's engrained in me so heavily that hearing all of this only serves to make me a bit jaded, but I still love the in-ring product.


The only time I get a little off-kilter is the double-edged sword of having this knowledge and looking at things like HHH's steamroller runs over EVERYONE in the company. Had something like that happened in 94 or 95...I wouldn't have looked at it as such a bad thing as I do now, knowing what I know.


I could give up that knowledge and go back to being a niave mark, but that's impossible, and quite frankly I don't want to do that anyway.

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The HHH thing bothers me too. I really don't like what he does because it negatively effects the product and thus my enjoyment. Brock doesn't... or at least didn't. So I don't really care. I don't hate Hogan for doing it because when Hogan did it, it made me happy because I'm a Hogan mark. The only point where it did was his match at Mania (Brock, that is), so if that was indicative of him working unhappy, then I'm glad he's gone because it would have negatively effected his performance had he stayed. Only when it spills out on screen and effects my enjoyment does it really matter.

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Another problem I mentioned is that nothing means anything anymore. Hell, the US Championship doesn't even really mean anything to Cena, only just another way to piss off the Big Show.


The IC Title means NOTHING to Randy other than "look how pretty it is" ...the only reason he fights to keep it is that he doesn't like to lose matches. That's IT. As long as he wins, Orton seems as though he could care less if he has that belt.


And besides that...nobody else seems to care that Orton has it. They basically ignore it because Orton is too damn busy with Foley.



I could write a book based around all the problems I see inside that company. Yeesh.

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Fans get pissed of because they feel that a wrestler shouldn't care about his personal life and should devote his life to pleasing the fans, not realiziing that any profession (be it teaching, electrical, or sports, or wrestling) workers go for the money first, and the adulation next.

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Brock is nothing more than an overrated baby hoss with a huge ego, who only had good matches with Angle,Benoit and Eddy(3 guys that could have good matches with anyone).I don't miss his boring bad promos or his dull character, hopefully a true deserving wrestler gets the spot that baby Huey left for the ........lol.......NFL.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
7. He did not want to feud with the Undertaker. 'Taker had been telling people that he would "set Brock straight" and humble him if he didn't show veterans respect.

I highly doubt the Taker would have been able to do much if anything to Brock.....

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