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Paul Stanley

Wal Mart has dropped the XBOX price

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I think it's permanent, because working at KB yesterday, we opened up a package of sale signs and whatnot, and we have the Xbox new price sign for $149.99 too. Now if only we had them in stock...

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It's permanent. Unless it's a special sale (ie Nintendo's Black Friday Gamecube), most video game companies won't run temporary sales. Plus Wal-Mart is calling it a rollback, which is basically "permanent markdown".

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That's right. Nintendo is the face in this three-way feud.


Gamecube: "This is the end of the road Galva...I mean, X-Box!"


::Gamecube then throws X-Box through the wall. Then Gamecube unleashes the power of the Matrix to blow up Playstation 2 to the tune of Stan Bush::

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If Microsoft weren't evil and trying to rule the world, I buy an X-Box...

Sony is evil too.

Actually video games is the Devil when you get right down to it... Video games bad!! Books good!!


Eh, maybe not. Truth is I'm not buying an X-Box because I can't be bothered to buy a second system...


Actually, Gamecube's position in the console war is best represented by Grimlock trying to beat Galvatron in a game of Scrabble.

Now I'd pay to see that (if, you know, it were real). A badass whose grasp on vocabulary is rather minimal, vs a badass who is insane. Yeah, they're gonna be focused on triple word scores the entire time...

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Eh, maybe not. Truth is I'm not buying an X-Box because I can't be bothered to buy a second system...


Heh, well, depending on the games you like, you may not want one anyway, but there are certainly a lot of good reasons out there to get one.


Now I'd pay to see that (if, you know, it were real). A badass whose grasp on vocabulary is rather minimal, vs a badass who is insane. Yeah, they're gonna be focused on triple word scores the entire time...


Exactly. In the console war, both of them are out of the markets they excell in (computer stuff vs. portable stuff). But "Evil" is a higher score than "cat," so I'll pick the insane one. Plus Galva-box can distract Grimtendo and steal its good letters. In the meantime, PS2-cron is hovering in to swallow them.

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Actually, I think the best TF-Nintendo analogy would be to liken the Gamecube to Bumblebee...the little cute system with a lot of heart that doesn't make much of a splash storyline-wise.

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Actually, I think the best TF-Nintendo analogy would be to liken the Gamecube to Bumblebee...the little cute system with a lot of heart that doesn't make much of a splash storyline-wise.

Bumblebee would be more like the GBA. And his transformation to Goldbug would be the GBA SP...

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