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IWA Mid-South's Upcoming Shows

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Thought I wouls post the cards for the two upcoming IWA Mid-South events, just because the cards look awesome. Leave any predictions and thoughts in here, and hopefully we'll post the results here as well.


IWA presents "April Bloodshowers 2004" on Friday, April 9th, at the Community Center Gym (located at 235 Hoosier Ave.) in Oolitic, IN. Bell time is 7:30pm. Tickets are $15, $12, and $8, and will be available at the door.


***Fans Bring The Weapons Match***



***IWA World Heavyweight Title/30 Minute Iron-Man Match***



***IWA Light Heavyweight Title Match***

[Champion] MATT SYDAL vs. "The Tremendous" EMIL SITOCI


***Wolf's IWA Career Versus Unknown Stipulation***



"The Phenomenal" AJ STYLES vs. "The New Age Punisher" B-BOY















IWA presents "Simply The Best 5" on Saturday, April 10th, at the Lincoln Center (located at 2450 Lincoln St.) in Highland, IN. Bell time is 7:30pm. Tickets are $25, $20, $15, and $10. Tickets will be available at the door, and are also currently available in advance at the Lincoln Center box office.


***Main Event***

"The Phenomenal" AJ STYLES vs. MATT SYDAL


***Battle of former IWA World Champions***



***IWA World Heavyweight Title Match***



***Six-Way Elimination Match***

"Barbaric Berzerker" JIMMY JACOBS vs. "Anarchist" ARIK CANNON vs. PETEY WILLIAMS vs. RODERICK STRONG vs. "Spyder" NATE WEBB vs. "The Tremendous" EMIL SITOCI


***Tag Team Title Tournament Qualifying Match***



***Women's Division Tag Team Attraction***



Plus SAMOA JOE, "The New Age Punisher" B-BOY, BJ WHITMER, CORPORAL ROBINSON, ADAM FLASH, AUSTIN ARIES, "Metalhead" STEVE STONE, WIFEBEATER, TRIK DAVIS, and more of your IWA favorites in action.


I'm guessing a possible B-Boy vs. Samoa Joe match for Simply the Best, and Corporal Robinson vs. Wifebeater in some kind of deathmatch.

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Yeah, they kind of had to, since Corporal Robinson completely f-cked up and blurted it out during his promo last night. You could even see Ian off to the side, just shaking his head.


I can't wait until Simply the Best/April Bloodshowers weekend. I will be attending both, and they look loaded as hell.

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I'm planning on going to Simply the Best....I can't decide what I'm gonna do about Friday though. I could either go to Ooltiic and then go on to Highland or I could go to St Louis for the GCW show and then go to Highland. Or I could go to work like I'm scheduled and miss both. Plus chances are,I won't get back early enough to go to work Sunday. So in theory,I'll miss two days of work.


I think it'll depend on if I can get a Blues playoff ticket for next Tuesday.

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Guest Evolution

I'm pretty sure I'll be at the Highland show for Simply The Best 5, but Oolitic is slightly out of the way.

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Just got off the phone with my usual ride to the IWA shows...turns out I'm probably only going to April Bloodshowers because of some "day before Easter" tradition that his family has at his grandparents' house. Damn religious holidays.

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Hell, ONLY attending April Bloodshowers? Try living down here in North Carolina where I would kill somebody just to see one big independent name. But, just April Bloodshowers is better than nothing at all with A.J. Styles vs. B-Boy and B.J. Whitmer vs. Jerry Lynn.

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Hell, ONLY attending April Bloodshowers? Try living down here in North Carolina where I would kill somebody just to see one big independent name. But, just April Bloodshowers is better than nothing at all with A.J. Styles vs. B-Boy and B.J. Whitmer vs. Jerry Lynn.



I'd kill for ROH to come here, much less IWA or CZW.

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I'll in Oolitic I think, although I'll probably be flying solo... I'm only about 15 min away but I don't think I can rope anyone into going... most of the group I watch PPVs with is either 1) Not interested, 2) Going home for Easter, or 3) Working.

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Guest Deviant

Holy crap, those two shows look solid as hell. I'll probably end up getting both of those on tape, and it's been a while since an IWA-MS show looked as appealing as those two for me.

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Guest Markingout

As a huge mark for Delirious, I cannot wait for his match with Nigel and Jerry. Him vs Nigel will own. I'm excited about Delirious vs Lynn because Lynn can pull great matches out of younger guys, and really makes them look great.

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IWA Mid-South Wrestling returned to the Community Center Gym in Oolitic, Indiana on Friday night, April 9th for "April Bloodshowers 2004." Here's what went down...


1. MICHAEL SHANE def. ADAM FLASH & "Spyder" NATE WEBB in a three-way opening contest after superkicking Flash and pinning him.


2. MsCHIF def. DAIZEE HAZE with the Desecrator, after first blowing the green mist in Daizee's face. Both women wrestled a mainly submission based match.


3. "Barbaric Berzerker" JIMMY JACOBS (w/ Becky Bayless) def. RODERICK STRONG following the Contra Code. Strong made a strong showing in his IWA debut.


4. DELIRIOUS def. NIGEL McGUINNESS with a cradle as both men were quickly exchanging nearfalls, and Delirious held his shoulders down for a count of three.


5. MATT SYDAL def. "The Tremendous" EMIL SITOCI following a moonsault belly to belly suplex to retain the IWA Light Heavyweight Championship.


6. BJ WHITMER (w/ Jim Fannin) def. JERRY LYNN two falls to one in a thirty minute iron-man match to regain the IWA World Heavyweight Championship. Whitmer scored the first fall with a rollup while holding onto the second rope for leverage. Lynn later tied the match after a cradle tombstone piledriver. Whitmer scored the deciding fall following an exploder suplex with less than 10 seconds remaining.


7. "Anarchist" ARIK CANNON def. CHAD COLLYER following the Glimmering Warlock.


8. MARK WOLF def. DANNY DANIELS (w/ Jim Fannin) to retain his IWA status, and the ability to choose his own stipulation. Daniels used brass knuckles on Wolf, and went for a cover, only for B-BOY to come to ringside and pull the referee out of the ring. As Daniels took his attention to B-Boy. As Daniels took his attention to B-Boy, Wolf recovered to hit Daniels with an inverted DDT for the pinfall. After the match, IAN ROTTEN and DAVE PRAZAK approached Wolf asking what he is choice of stipulation is. Wolf asked for DAIZEE HAZE, to which he was told she has a boyfriend, and it isn't a choice IWA can grant him. Wolf pointed out that Dusty Rhodes once won Baby Doll for 30 days, but the argument didn't hold up, and he had to select something else. Wolf then turned to the fans and asked what they wanted, to which the entire building began to chant "Hero." Wolf said that Hero being permitted back in IWA is his selection, and Prazak announced that effective immediately, Hero is reinstated.


9. "The Phenomenal" AJ STYLES def. "The New Age Punisher" B-BOY following the Styles Clash.


10. JC BAILEY & NECRO BUTCHER (w/ Jim Fannin) def. CORPORAL ROBINSON & WIFEBEATER in a Fans Bring The Weapons Match when Wifebeater turned on Corporal Robinson and drove him through several chairs covered in light tubes.


Notes: The event was filmed by Smart Mark Video with two cameras for home video release, with commentary by Dave Prazak and Ian Rotten.



Didn't even know the show was last night, hopefully some people who attended will add thoughts but it does look like a solid show just from the results. I wonder if this means Chris Hero will be in Highland tonight? And please hold all applause, as I predicted Corporal Robinson vs. Wifebeater with a stipulation to be named later has been added to tonight's show.

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It wasn't a blow-away show, but it was pretty good. Nothing stood out for me except Lynn v.s. Whitmer, Styles v.s. B-Boy, and the main, although about every match had a cool spot or two. It may be better on video, but the show was right at four hours so it seemed too long in person (with mostly singles matches without anything to break it up).


Michael Shane didn't do too much because he was in the first match. The stuff with Webb and Shane was good, but this was fairly short. Not much reaction for Shane and he came out later to sign pictures and nobody came over to him.


Women's match was entertaining.


Jacobs versus Strong was pretty decent, but some comedy spots. Strong is pretty stiff (you know a guy is stiff when they chop and everyone goes "ooohhaaa" instead of "woooo!') and had some cool spots.


Delirious v.s. Nigel was too much comedy for my tastes.


I think Sydal v.s. Sitoci had some crazy headropping spots


Lynn v.s. Whitmer was probably MOTN (I'd say around ****-ish, even if the Whitmer-controlled parts were pretty slow). There was some nice mat stuff and stalling in the beginning, then Lynn took over after the first fall and they brawled into the bleachers. Lynn did a jumping side kick on Whitmer into the gym wall and then later dived off the old basketball timekeeper's table (which was probaly 6-7 feet up) onto Whitmer. Pretty good stuff. Lynn had a long line to get signed pics all through intermission so he probably had a good payday.


Cannon v.s. Collyer had to follow Lynn so the crowd was dead.


Wolf v.s. Daniels I didn't care for... the house mic went dead and seemingly nobody knows how to yell loudly in IWA so we completely missed the angle after the match.


Styles v.s. B-Boy was good too, in the *** 1/2 range or so. Styles was great here and B-Boy kept up for the most part, but this wasn't anything you have to go out of your way to see.


The main event was a pretty plunder-filled garbage match with hundreds of light tubes, thumbtack bats, and some other stuff. I didn't even realise Wifebeater turned on Robinson, so that shows the lack of psychology here, but this was a sick garbage match if you like that stuff. Lots of blood, lots of people getting smashed through rolls of light tubes and onto the glass. There was so much stuff in the ring they could hardly get in and out without accidently smashing a light tube.


It was a pretty decent crowd, although it's not a small building so it's going to look empty... I counted about 180-200 people in the house (they could probably get 1000 or so in the venue). The smark half of the crowd made enough noise that it should come off well on tape.

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Quickie results for Simply The Best 5, taken from CZWFans.com who took them from ChicagoWrestling.com



Austin Aries beat Michael Shane

Mickie Knuckles/Daizee Haze beat Ms. Chif/Alison Danger

Danny Daniels beat Colt Cabana

Zach Gowen beat Trik Davis

Petey outlasted Jimmy Jacobs, Arik Cannon, Roderick Strong, Emil Sitoci and Nate Webb

Steve Stone beat Adam Flash

AJ Styles beat Matt Sydal

Jerry Lynn beat Dilerious

Collyer/McGuinnes beat Boz/Bradley

Samoa Joe pinned BJ Whitmer

B Boy beat the returing Chris Hero 2 falls to 1



I'd have to assume Joe/Whitmer was non-title as i doubt they'd do 2 title changes in 2 nights, especially with a guy making his IWA debut (though they did do it before with M-Dogg). Glad to see the B-Boy/Hero 2/3 falls match booked however long ago finally happened too.

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In the SMV match listing for Simply the Best 5, they list a Corp/Beater Tables match as well. I didn't see who won on the CZW fanboys board, maybe DVD knows.


EDIT: It was a 2/3 tables match ending in a draw. Tied at one, both men went off the top through a table, match was awarded to Corp. Crowd was not pleased, Corp said it was going to keep going, he didn't want to win that way, and odds are lots of profanity. They tried to use the commentator's table, but it refused to break. It was the same table Bailey and Webb tried to use in their Texas Death Match. After everyone realized that it must have been a cousin of those unbreakable Japanese tables, they finally called the match a draw. Good ol' tables. Good ol' CZW Fanboys board.


Also, the tapes are available at SMV, showing that a 12 hour turnaround for a tape is no big deal for them.

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Guest Evolution

Austin Aries beat Michael Shane


Good opener, most of the crowd was split between Aries and Shane. I didn't take notes, but I do believe the Sweet Shane Music was blocked into Aries' finisher for the victory.


Mickie Knuckles/Daizee Haze beat Ms. Chif/Allison Danger


Good women's match with Ms. Chif unable to cooperate with Danger and that leading to their demise. Mickie Knuckles got the green mist from Ms. Chif, and she GOT it. Mickie's face was absolutely drenched, and in the later moments of the show, it was still obvious that she was green.


Danny Daniels beat Colt Cabana


The crowd was behind Colt all the way (although he seemed pretty bored/upset about something outside of his match), but Daniels pulled off the victory. His second match I've seen live with Daniels was as good as the first, and like I said, the crowd loves Colt.


Zach Gowen beat Trik Davis


Zach was looking pimptastic with shades and a cane, cutting a heel promo including a repetition of the line "My name is ZACH MOTHERFUCKING GOWEN" and "I went from Brock Lesnar to THIS?" Sportz entertainment all the way in this match, as Gowen doesn't seem to be proving himself to the IWA:MS fans yet. Gowen took off the leg and got a distraction from his manager, allowing him to nail Davis with the leg for the quick victory. It was good that it didn't move on much longer. Gowen jawed with the fans for a long time after the match, and invited one fan to come and fight him. Gowen started chanting "He's a pussy" and it caught on, but so did a chant in defense of the fan: "He's got two legs." Also, "single-leg takedown" was a popular chant among the other fans in my section of the Center. Gowen teased the single-leg moonsault on Davis, but then went all heelish and didn't do it.


Petey Williams defeated Jimmy Jacobs, Arik Cannon, Roderick Strong, Emil Sitoci and Nate Webb


One word: HUSS.


Crowd was strong behind Jacobs, chanting "Huss" (while stealing looks at the Bodacious Bouncing Barefoot Big Booty Baby Becky Bayless), but Petey Williams was just awesome in this match. Scary moment when Nate Webb scaled to the top rope with the other 5 men on the outside, scooting over off the turnbuckle and doing a moonsault off the top rope, overshooting his mark and landing hard into the second row. Nate would get up about 3 or 4 minutes later to the delight of the fans, although he was eliminated shortly after. Arik Cannon played a good heel, and Roderick Strong played a...well, strong heel before Petey finally finished off the match with an awesome finisher that earned him and the other five men a standing ovation in a contender for match of the night.


First intermission, and last intermission.


Steve Stone beat Adam Flash


Not much to talk about here. Pretty average heavyweight match, with most of the crowd behind the Metalhead and some scattered disrespect towards CZW in the crowd.


AJ Styles beat Matt Sydal


Another candidate for match of the night, put a little early onto the card after being advertised as the main event for so long. Sydal refused to be put in the Styles Clash, but Styles just plain powered his way to a victory. After the match, a fan (for some reason), threw quarters into the ring, and Styles pitched them into the crowd. Styles then talked to Sydal, saying that he shouldn't try to be "The Next AJ Styles", but "The First Matt Sydal" as mixed chants of "A.J.," "Matt," and "Please Come Back," came from the crowd.


Jerry Lynn beat Delirious


A good mix of comedy and wrestling as Delirious played with a small easter bunny, a running joke throughout the match. Jerry Lynn picked up the victory with the cradle piledriver, and then got on the microphone, apologizing if he wasn't too good in the match because his back gave out during a spot on the outside (I do believe Delirious dived on Jerry Lynn), but the crowd didn't care, loving Lynn and Delirious.


Collyer/McGuinnes beat Boz/Bradley


Good tag match, Nigel is very, very good and so is Collyer (although I'm not quite sure what was on the back of his tights). Boz/Bradley worked well as a power team, but Jim Vannon(sp?) cost them the match. Afterwards, Jim was let go as Boz/Bradley's manager, and then Ian Rotten and Prazak agreed to a match between Boz/Bradley and the Pitbulls at an upcoming show with Bobby The Brain Heenan as manager.


Samoa Joe pinned BJ Whitmer


Non-title, and a pretty big squash for Joe, as the crowd loved him. Stiff as expected, and Joe picked up a convincing victory. More chants in praise of Joe and in hopes that he would return.


B-Boy beat Chris Hero 2 falls to 1


Samoa Joe came out before the match, saying that he came to IWA:MS for Hero, and basically setting up a Joe/Hero match down the road. Excellent way to wrap up the show (goddamn main event). The finish was B-Boy countering a Hero's Welcome into a backslide for the victory. After the match, Samoa Joe came in and set up an offer for a match with Chris Hero (despite chants of "Three Way Dance"), and Hero tried to explain that he wanted to tag with B-Boy in the upcoming Tag Title Tournament. However, Joe called Hero a bitch in so many words, and Hero then decided that he wasn't going to back down, setting up Joe and Hero for an upcoming show.


Wifebeater draws Corporal Robinson


Ugh. Awful main event. Awful, awful, awful. Pure garbage, and not even good. Wifebeater cut open the Corporal with a pair of scissors, and the rest was just as bad, as the three tables in the match were broken in 5 minutes or so. The fourth table was obviously not going to be broken, as only one of the legs was bent (apparently Bailey and Webb did more damage to their unbreakable table). Match was declared a draw, a small "Table Won" chant started up.


Sorry for the rather non-specific review, but like I said, I didn't take notes, but I can say with the exception of the main event that the show was very, very good, and well worth the $10 I paid to sit in the bleachers.

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I was at both shows, and to say that both shows were really great is an understatement. I wasn't into April Bloodshowers as much as I should have been due to a headache and overall head cold, but it was a tremendous show.




Michael Shane over Nate Webb & Adam Flash (Nate and Flash tried, Michael didn't seem to be)


MsChif over Daizee Haze (For a heel, MsChif is over as hell as a face; MsChif broke out all kinds of really cool wacky, stretchy hold, and her inverted armbar DDT thing (you have to see it to know what I'm talking about) is freakin' awesome)


HUSS! over Roderick Strong (Strong beat up Jacobs like he owed him money, and Jimmy took it like a maniac)


Delirious over Nigel McGuinness (I thought the comedy at the beginning was pretty funny (Nigel: "Whatever you're smokin', I want some!" Delirious: "PCP!"), and the funky Euro-style matwork after that was tremendous. Sidenote: Nigel is now selling a "Best of" DVD, including a 55-minute HWA match against Chad Collyer. Too bad I barely had money to even eat, let alone buy stuff)


IWA-MS Light Heavyweight Champion Matt Sydal over Emil Sitoci (Fun match, and Matt gave Emil a ton of offense)


BJ Whitmer over Jerry Lynn to win IWA-MS Heavyweight Title (It wasn't the usual Jerry Lynn formula match, and therefore I liked it; they inserted a lot of crowd brawling, and Whitmer even bladed; the post-match teased a Whitmer face turn)


Arik Cannon d. Chad Collyer (Really good technical match, and Cannon shined)


Mark Wolf over Danny Daniels to win his "unknown stipulation" (Wolf physically looked as good as I've ever seen him; another really good match, but this is where my details start fading more and more, as exhaustion from the long day started sitting in. Post-match, we find out that Danny Daniels broke the microphone when he threw it down after his pre-match promo, and they had to do the angle where Mark Wolf got Chris Hero back into IWA w/out a mic)


AJ Styles over B-Boy (Excellent match, match of the night, stiff as hell, and I thought the finish was cool...how's THAT for details? hehe)


Fans Bring the Weapons: JC Bailey & Necro Butcher over Wifebeater and Corporal Robinson (A violent, violent spectacle that left me with my mouth opened in shock half of the time based on the stuff that these guys were doing to each other (that might be more because I've never seen a FBTW match in person); match ended after both Robinson and Wifebeater nailed each other, leading to Wifebeater putting Corp. through a lighttube table with a double-handed chokeslam; the ring was a sea of lighttube glass and blood by the end of the night)


April Bloodshowers was a really good show, but the best was yet to come...




Austin Aries over Michael Shane (Shane was again down with a case of "resthold fever", but Aries busted his ass to make this one good)


Daizee Haze & Mickie Knuckles over MsChif and Allison Danger (Mickie busted her ass off and bumped like a demon while she was in as the face-in-peril; the story happening here was that MsChif refused to behave as a partner for Allison (or anyone else, for that matter), and therefore we got a few miscommunication spots; post-match, Allison attacked MsChif, Mickie and Daizee saved MsChif, and then MsChif misted Mickie because she hates everyone, yet might be one of the most over workers in IWA at the Highland shows)


Danny Daniels over Colt Cabana (Total comedy match while Colt was on offense, besides for the few cool lucha spots he probably picked up while in Tijuana a couple of weeks back; the finish left an opening for a possible rematch, through Danny having to cheat to win)


Zack Gowan over Trik Davis (It wasn't really too much of a match; post-match, Shelley and Gowan beat on Trik, including Shelley cranking back on the Border City Stretch so far that it probably did legitimately hurt Trik)


Petey Williams over Jimmy Jacobs, Roderick Strong, Arik Cannon, Nate Webb, and Emil Sitoci (listed in reverse order of elimination) (Really, really amazing match; Strong again beat on Jacobs like Jimmy killed Rod's mom or something; Nate took a really hellacious bump that had almost everyone in attendance worrying for his health, as he overshot and overotated on a top rope moonsault plancha onto the other guys and landed back-first on the edge of one of the chairs; Arik Cannon, like MsChif, works as a heel in Highland but is way over as a face; Sitoci hasn't even been wrestling a year, but you cannot tell by how he works in the ring; both the match and Petey Williams got seperate standing ovations after the match)


Steve Stone over Adam Flash (This was alright, but it couldn't compete with all of the other really great stuff on this show)


AJ Styles over Matt Sydal (Second best match of the night; the story of this match was that Matt was the new young lion biting at AJ's heels, and was able to keep up with him at every turn; the best match I've seen Matt have where Delirious wasn't in the match, and AJ, by no means, had to make sure Matt was either keeping up with him nor did he have to noticeably carry him through anything; AJ cut a post-match promo where he said Matt was better than anyone's expectations that had him poised as "the next AJ Styles", and that he was "the first Matt Sydal")


Jerry Lynn over Delirious (Pretty good match, but they had a superbly tough act to follow; a lot of hijinx in the early part of the match regarding a small bunny rabbit toy that a fan gave Delirious, including Delirious taking it away from a female at ringside and first putting it into one guy's hat, and then down another guy's shirt (the schitck was funny, outside of the morons who wouldn't shut up about the bunny and kept repeating the same really lame "jokes" when Jerry and Delirious started to actually wrestle; Lynn's knee looked to give out during the match, and he even acknoledged it over the house mic)


Chad Collyer & Nigel McGuinness over Brad Bradley & Ryan Boz in a Tag Team Tournament Qualifying match (Another really great technical match, with the normally monster-style working Bradley hanging on the mat with Collyer and Nigel; Nigel played face-in-peril, and the heels beat the living tar out of him (though Nigel struck back just as hard when he got back on offense); Jim Fannin got into the ring as Bradley and Boz were going for their double horse-collar face plant finisher, which caused B'n'B to go tell Jim to leave the ring, which then gave Nigel and Collyer the opportunity to roll them up for the upset win; post-match, Carmine DeSpirito (B'n'B's other manager) fired Fannin as the advisor of the team, and begged Ian for another shot at the tournament...Ian agreed for May 9th in Highland, but if B'n'B lose, they split up forever...and two more details: their opponents will be the Havana Pitbulls, as managed by Bobby "The Brain" Heenan)


Samoa Joe over IWA-MS Heavyweight Champion BJ Whitmer in a non-title match (Better than their ROH effort, though I don't know if it's better than their PWG effort since I haven't seen it; Joe completely obliterated Whitmer with forearms and chops, and was over like hell)


In the big surprise match of the night, B-Boy over Chris Hero in a tremendous two-out-of-three falls match (Before the match, Samoa Joe came back out to try and get B-Boy to back out of the match so that he could fight Hero, but Hero said no, because he wanted to conclude his series of matches with B-Boy the right way; I literally cannot do this match justice because it was so good; the only negative is how annoying, rude, and ignorant some of the fans were, with a good portion of the crowd, all seeming to be either WWE marks or local workers that weren't good enough to get booked, either walking out of the show or chanting "Who are you?" at Hero. I don't want to end this on a negative note, so I'll say this: this match is worth spending the $15 on and getting the tape, though there's absolutely nothing bad on the show, and quite a few really good matches)


Wifebeater and Corporal Robinson went to a draw in a two-out-of-three tables match when the third table ended up being a reenforced table that would not break (Robinson broke the first one with his Boot Camp cobra clutch Russian legsweep, and Wifebeater broke the second one in some way that I forget. They seemed to accidentally break the original third table, so Corp. asked for the match to restart, and Nate Webb carried a third table to ringside. Unfortunately, the third one, like the Nate Webb/JC Bailey match from the month before, wouldn't break after countless efforts by both guys to break it. Dave Prazak tried making the announcement that the match was a draw due to an unbreakable table, but there were a bunch of morons that kept chanting "Bullshit!" because apparantly nothing up until this point was worth their money, and they wanted to see a man literally die because of a shitty table. This noticeably riled up both guys, so they tried breaking it a couple of more times before Prazak announced the match was over, and the following quote: "This contest has been ruled a draw due to a stubborn fuckin' table! The morale of the story is: tables don't always break."




I couldn't ask for anything more out of either show, and I hope the greatness of both shows translates to tape, since it would be nothing but beneficiary to IWA to have two shows this good out on Smart Mark Video for people to see and either continue to like the product, or jump on the bandwagon.

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Guest Evolution

Oh, Zach Gowen's manager was Alex Shelley? That's awesome. I didn't even hear his name announced from Prazak. Must've been out of it at that time or something.


In my group during the Collyer/Nigel vs. Bradley/Boz match, some idiots of the Jim Fannin fan club tried to start a boring chant, but we struck it right down yelling that it was not boring, and a "exciting" chant was started to counter it.

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Were you guys over in the bleachers? I was in the front row with all of the guys from Lafayette that go to all of the big IWA shows. Speaking of Fannin fans, my friend Todd that was sitting next to me is a Jim Fannin super-fan, and kept marking out for him during the night.

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Guest Evolution

We were in the bleachers behind the SMV camera, next to the wrestlers' entrance.


A huge guy was sitting with us, most of us were sitting on the row behind him.

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I remember you guys now. My group was sitting on that side of the building, but in the front row (if you guys were paying attention, we had Nick Maniwa and Tommy Thompson come over and talk to us more than once throughout the night).

Edited by Phoenix Fury Legdrop

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Guest Evolution
I think I remember you guys from the ticket line, if I got the right "big guy" in mind. Were you guys on the same bleachers as the guys standing on the top row of the bleachers just about every time I looked over there (the "Huss!" chant during the six-way, and I think during Hero/B-Boy too)?

Yeah, we were the group of guys featuring the "Huss!" guy and were the only people standing during Hero/B-Boy (which I thought would get the whole crowd standing by the end of the match).


And if you mean the right "big guy", he was pretty much the biggest one there.

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Guest Evolution
I remember you guys now. My group was sitting on that side of the building, but in the front row (if you guys were paying attention, we had Nick Maniwa and Tommy Thompson come over and talk to us more than once throughout the night).

Yeah, I remember. And was Todd the guy in the goofy hat with the sign?

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Yeah, I know who you guys are. Hero/B-Boy was a tremendous match, but you got to know that Chicago-area fans are total a-holes who don't respect good wrestling because they're jealous of how good an outside company has done after coming in just five months or so ago.


I don't know if you noticed, but there were plenty of area-indy workers at the show. I think the only two that didn't come to bash the show were Danny Dominion (who was standing over by you guys for most of the night) and D-Von Fury from Simply Marvelous (he also worked IWA for a while as "Orangejello" of the Jello Bros. tag team).


No, I was referring to the side of the building that had the entrance door, which is what I thought you were referring to directional-wise. We were sitting front row on the same side as where the wrestlers came out. I'm surprised you didn't recognized Todd, Tom, and/or Yan from other tapes, since they're front row at over 3/4th of the past two years' worth of IWA shows.

Edited by Phoenix Fury Legdrop

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Guest Evolution

Ah, this is the first full IWA show (I've only seen Hero/Punk 93 min) I've seen. And I did notice Danny Dominion over by us.


And I think I've deduced that Chicagoland fans did not come to enjoy IWA:MS, not in the way we were enjoying it (having traveled for 4 hours to reach the Lincoln Center). I didn't hear the "Who are you?" chants during B-Boy/Hero, though.


Oh, and also a good percent of the fans came to see Corporal Robinson and Corporal Robinson only.

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