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Guest Franchise Rper 4 Life

One fans rage on bushit that took place on Raw

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Guest Franchise Rper 4 Life


~This commentary is strictly from my own point of view. People who read this might not agree, the party mentioned might not agree or simply would disreguard this message, the web master of this site and board might use his right to censor of remove this post. Those who know about me would understand my passion on things that are unique to certian people.. I might even receive messages of ingnorance, stupidity, and hatred for my mark like approach but after all this my view and no one else's.~


I don't know about you guys here but unlike half the people who actually still visit this web site. I still support The Franchise Shane Douglas as one of the better performers in this business. First time I heard another wrestler besides Sting get labeled as a company Franchise it was believable because Sting was loyal to WCW throughout it all. I respect Steve Borden for what he has and continues to do in this business but he's pretty much done. But right now, tonight as Raw in on the air. I have sat back tonight through out this program and it has made me sick to my damn stomach! You would think that Ric Flair would have learned to finally respect Shane Douglas and wouldn't mock him in any way what so ever.. But now this has gone to damn far! I might get chastised by people on this board for my markish views.. I feel that this has to happen!


Triple H has pissed off almost every Shane Douglas fan by claiming to be a Franchise! That's right, right here in my hometown Triple H declared himself a Franchise like he's the only man in this sport that has done something. Sure Triple H has been in the WWE/F since 1995. Sure Triple H has been Vince McMahon's b*tch since day one. And yeah he's actually married to the daughter of the boss.. Triple H doesn't want it to happen and Vince McMahon sure as hell doesn't want it to happen.. But there has never been a time more needing than now. I believe that the time has come for Shane Douglas to reconsider.. Personally I think Triple H needs to learn a lesson in not how to screw with things he doesn't understand. You know.. Troy Martin probably doesn't check out this site hardly anymore and that's fine but if he does come across this and in particular this post..


I want to be the first person in his fan base to be vocal about this.. I challenge the man who has transcended this business to the route of extreme in a promotion that meant nothing at first. A promotion that was a subculture if you will, of the NWA establishment on the east coast. Shane Douglas, the character helped to build ECW. There's no doubt! And I know there's a little friction between Vince and Troy. You hear about it on every radio, Internet, and transcripted interview around the world. And I hope this is one of those nights that he rarely tapes WWE programing because I think now's the time for that phone to ring.. The call to be made for negotiations.. Petitions, E-Mails, whatever! The blatant disregard of respect for an icon like figure that helped the fans look deeper into the business than before, the one figure who made it possible to mold a prototypical blue print for the piece of sh*t that invades our TV's every Monday night..


I understand that Shane is one to full fill obligations made to promotions and that takes not just someone who's collecting pay, loving the work he does, but it takes class. And class is what's missing from a lot of people in the WWE. Now I could keep ranting on and on and sound like that crappy Dean Douglas gimmick but I won't do that. I am above that! The reason why I make this personal invitation or challenge to the performer known as Shane Douglas is to find out if the many endless arrays of shoots he's pulled out against the WWE are nothing more than a hyped up way of getting over and getting Vince to give in and call him for work, or is he willing to attempt to vent this frustration he talks about. To attempt to prove that those who he seldom critiques and put it to use. Make good on his hype. I think it's time for Shane Douglas to put Triple H in his place.


A Franchise Fan,

Travis Smith




Get this.. My friend Chris went to Raw last night on my behalf with a "Where's the REAL Franchise?!" sign in order to put over my site and Shane Douglas and WWE security ordered him to hand over the sign! This is a fucking outrage!! That the fans of this sport/entertainment world have to suffer by bringing in their own home made signs to put over the business and have some dick ruin their fun. I hope Flair.. Triple H.. Vince McMahon and the entire WWE got the damn message because the shit stops now!

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Guest Franchise Rper 4 Life

I don't oppose your sarcasam because I stated before that this was stricktly opinion. And no I'm not Shane Douglas nor do I have any ties to the Franchise.

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Guest Repo Man Reborn

Doesn't McDonald's own the right to the name "franchise"?

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Ok here's the deal pretty much with "Franchise" being trademarked. Anyone can say the word "Franchise" as much as they want, or even be called by someone or theirselves a "Franchise". The only way Shane Douglas can get anything out of it is if they try to sell the word "Franchise" on merchindise and whatnot. Its sorta the same thing with the Larry Z. "Living Legend" bullcrap he had with the WWE and Jericho. Jericho started calling himself that, WWE tried to market on it, Larry threw a hissyfit and threaten to sue if WWE marketed Jericho as a Living Legend, since Larry trademarked "The Living Legend". Besides as much as I hate to say this, HHH is the "Franchise" of Raw since all major storylines on Raw someway or another envole him. Eddie G is pretty much the "Franchise" of SD! because he's carrying SD! on his shoulders at the moment. John Cena has no reason to call himself a "Franchise" Mainly because he hasn't been around long enough or done anything good enough to be even considered anything major, besides he's already starting to get stale with people as it is. So yes, anyone can say the word "Franchise" but no they can't market it, if someone markets it other than Shane Douglas without his permisson since he has it copyrighted or trademarked or whatever, Shane Douglas can put a stop to it, otherwise if no one markets it, he can't do a thing.

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