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Youth N Asia

Does anyone know what story this is?

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My cousin (11) was asking me the other day for good stories, and I remembered one I read at his age that I really liked, but can't recall the name.


It's a short story about kids/teens who when they reach a certain age can get a baby dragon. There's x amount of kids and x amount of dragons and the dragons will choose their owners. And after a certain number of years if you're not picked you just don't get one.


And this little squirt kid is in the running and ends up getting one, but he doesn't show up to get it cause he thinks he won't. And the jerk ass heel kid who's in his last year doesn't end up getting one.


Anyway, I don't know if that helps, but does anyone know the name of a story like that?

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Can't say I remember ever reading it.


If you want to recommend some fantasy to the young lad, just point him in the direction of Lloyd Alexander. Can't go wrong there.

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I wanna say it's something by Ursula LeQuin, but I'm not sure. I know she has a story out that's something like that, about kids reaching a certain age and getting a dragon, but I may be wrong

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Anne McCaffrey wrote three young adult books. Those are probably what you're referring too. I can't remember their titles at the moment though.


You could probably pick them up at Barnes and Noble still, though. Just look for the thin titles.

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Guest BDC

I think I know what you're talking about: one of those "Magic Shop" books where the kid gets a dragon and has to keep feeding it (milk if I remember right).

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