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OAO X-Cup 3 4/7/04 TNA thread

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Since I don't order until 10pm's replay, I'm watching the Astros/Giants game lose it's feed while Clemens is owning the Giants.



Go Clemens!

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Guest The Midnight Rocking Warrior

I take it it's not a very good show?

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Guest Real F'n Show

I'm working so I won't be able to watch this until 10. What matches have been on so far?

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I'm glad I won $10 in a bet over the Preds making the playoffs, because I don't lose money on ordering this shitty show.


This is so bad.

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For the respect of my country, I ask that you don't judge our wrestling ability on the basis of four wrestlers from the UK's third biggest wrestling promotion, who spend most of their year wrestling at holiday camps.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Wooo! Clemens with 9 K's in 7 innings and only 1 hit allowed. Take THAT San Francisco....oh, whoops. Uh...damn this week sounds B-A-D. Thank God I saved a few beers from Wrestlemania XX :D

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Hopefully the UK team will change before the big X-Cup show they are building up to. Anyone know who the new leader of Team Canada is, and if Teddy Hart is still on the team?

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Hopefully the UK team will change before the big X-Cup show they are building up to.  Anyone know who the new leader of Team Canada is, and if Teddy Hart is still on the team?

Teddy's knee is okay now, so expect him to be the Captain.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
Hopefully the UK team will change before the big X-Cup show they are building up to.  Anyone know who the new leader of Team Canada is, and if Teddy Hart is still on the team?

Teddy's knee is okay now, so expect him to be the Captain.

I think his knee injury in TNA was fake because he even said when hes upset, he tends to "fake" or think he has injuries that don't exist.



Unless he injured himself somewhere else, because I don't follow the guy.

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The matches sucked just like the spoilers said. It's odd that they couldn't have just brought over Jonny Storm, Doug Williams (even though he isn't an X-Division style wrestler), and maybe two other decent UK wrestlers instead of bringing in 4 nobodies that we haven't even heard of before that aren't too impressive in the ring.


I can understand if Storm and Williams were too busy wrestling in the UK, but TNA could have at least gotten better UK wrestlers instead of fucking Xtreme Dean and James "Clotheslines and Kneelifts" Mason. I know Raven does them a lot too, but when he's motivated, he can put on a decent match.

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Guest Real F'n Show

Screw it, I didn't order the replay after hearing how horrible it was from you guys. Who won the Tag Titles? And please don't say Kash and Dallas ;)

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
Screw it, I didn't order the replay after hearing how horrible it was from you guys. Who won the Tag Titles? And please don't say Kash and Dallas ;)

Kash & Dallas.


And I can't order it because Comcast Cable is having technical difficulties.

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Yeah, I didn't bother ordering this one and it sounds like it wasn't worth it. No buldup + Unknowns + Poor reports from the tapings won't make for a high buyrate.

Kash and Dallas won the tag titles? Yee-ikes. Someone want to rate the tag title match?

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Being in England, I only get to see TNA I download, and that UK team doesnt make me want to even do that. It's fairly awful. Presumably they couldnt get Jonny Storm, he would have been a much better fit. But TNA seem to me to be going overboard on these national teams, they shouldnt be putting them together just for the sake of it.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

The problem was that they couldn't get Team Japan together in time for this so they had to get a Team U.K. on short notice.

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Guest TDinDC1112

I really didn't think it was that bad. It was on the low end of average. Problem is they need to have a great show every week, which they just can't seem to do.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

I really have nothing to add as I thought the show was awful.......

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Guest The Last Free Voice

This was by FAR teh worst XCup ever. The entire thing was A BAD IDEA. Whoever said "let's take four English guys, who are all mat wrestlers and put them against Lucha Libre workers who are spotfest artists" should be FIRED. It was horrible in theroy and even worse in exicution. The tag title match dragged and there was NO redeeming quality to this show. NONE. And all this coming from me, a guy who has missed three weeks of TNA.

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See, I don't think Robbie Dynamite was that bad. His first round match with Heavy Metal was 5 minutes of good mat wrestling, but that's it.


Terrible, terrible show.

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