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EVIL~! alkeiper

This Week In Baseball

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That was quite honestly the most insane game I've ever seen in my entire life and I've been watching Cubs games for a decade now. When they gave up the HR to Pena and were unable to get three runs in the 8th, I thought it was over for sure. The fact that Borowski got out of the 9th with no runs gave me hope and I just about lost it when Sosa homered. And to see Alou send it out of the park on the next pitch, well, it was like watching a movie, except I don't ever remember being that estatic over a movie. Unbelieveable.

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Guest OctoberBlood

Well, I could've hit those fast balls grooved over the plate by Gravey. God he is TERRIBLE. He has a low ERA and about 40 saves every year, but what you don't notice is how many games he blows. Stupid JimBo signed him to a big contract and now DanO and the Reds are stuck with it. I wish a team would just give us some cracker jacks for this guy. Ugh.


But, to the game .. AWFUL, GREAT, HILARIOUS, AMAZING, STUPID, and just plain bad can describe this. The Umpires were AWFUL, on both sides, soooo inconsisntant it's not even funny. Alot of STUPID plays by the Cubs, 3 if I can count correctly. But gotta give props to Rameriez and Alou. Great games by them two, even if that last pitch was on a tee.


Oh and Cubs annoucers again keep proving to me they are the worst ever.

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They aren't great, but I thought they were pretty funny today. Stoney's reaction to Griffey trying to lay down a bunt was hilarious.


And the strike zone was crazy today, on both sides. That pitch to Sosa would've been called strike three half of the game, but thankfully, it wasn't and well, you know the rest.

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Guest OctoberBlood
They aren't great, but I thought they were pretty funny today.  Stoney's reaction to Griffey trying to lay down a bunt was hilarious.

The reaction: Very stupid. Which basicly was the icing on the cake.

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You just can't cut any slack. Like them or not, Stone's comments on the Reds trying to bunt were funny. Think about it, what sense does it make to have your power hitter trying to bunt when the wind is blowing straight out at WRIGLEY?

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Guest OctoberBlood

Because they had the shift on. Bunt it down the 3rd base line, you got 2 easy hits. 2 on for your hottest hitter Sean Casey, followed by Adam Dunn. The whole little joke was stupid and way overused. They're such homers, and every person I know mutes WGN and listens to the radio when a game is on.

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Your team's going down ANGLESAULT.



















*Insert AngleSault comment about how the Red Sox are going to lose in October and King Kamala calling him an asshole since King Kamala's ran out of insults*

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Guest OctoberBlood





*Looks at Sox starting pitcher*





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Guest Anglesault

Hell, I'll go 0-19 if we can crush your dreams again in October.


You did ask for it.

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Guest Anglesault




*Looks at Sox starting pitcher*





We need a Yankee/Red Sox thread to keep out this riffraff. :P :P :P

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Guest Anglesault
Anyone else not watching the Red Sox/Yankees especially? I'll check in, but my attention is on the Phillies/Expos.

Screw that. This is what baseball's all about in Fenway.

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Anyone else not watching the Red Sox/Yankees especially?  I'll check in, but my attention is on the Phillies/Expos.

Screw that. This is what baseball's all about in Fenway.

It's April 16th.

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Guest Anglesault
Anyone else not watching the Red Sox/Yankees especially?  I'll check in, but my attention is on the Phillies/Expos.

Screw that. This is what baseball's all about in Fenway.

It's April 16th.

So? Baseball can't be fun in April?

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So when's Spongebob Splitfinger making his first appearance?


I dunno, after opening day/week, I just can't get THAT into it until at least the end of May. I guess I'm not a REAL baseball fan, but I'm not a casual fan. I fall somewhere in the middle.

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