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Austin offcially gone from WWE

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

This is a forum for discussion, it's fucking pathetic having people come here to go "NA NA NA...GOODBYE"


It isn't funny. It wasn't funny that last time someone was fired, or any of the 2000 other times someone was fired. If you're going to mock someone at least be creative and funny about it.


People wonder why others have issues with this folder? This is a prime example, every time we got a decent convo going in here someone had to burst in with a lame cliched rip off of a joke already told 2 pages ago.


Remember why NHB?HD was started? For posting things involving hatred of a wrestler for one thing. Some of you should learn that.


As far as him killing Owen's career. I dispute that, Yes Austin didn't want to feud with Owen but the bottomline is that Vince didn't have faith in Owen after Bret split.

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My Prediction:


Austin and Lesnar come back at some point thsi year have a match at WM 21.


Austin won't stay gone for long. The only reason he left is because he has no leg to stand on. He isn't wrestling and they probably felt that it was stupid to keep him around and allow him to stun everyone each week without it being able to lead to an actual match. Austin will eventually get medically cleared to wrestle again and he'll be back, as will Lesnar after his NFL experiment fails.

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Alright be honest with you I could really care very less that Austin is there, and I was being pretty much serious when I did the Nah Nah song. And he didn't get fired, he left on mutal terms and the door is open for him to comeback anytime he's willing to. The only reason why Austin and WWE parted was because they couldn't come on terms for the name. If you don't like what I have to say about things concerning the wrestling world then don't read my comments so you don't get so bent outta shape from my words. Besides I would have posted what I said eariler but I got on this site so late at night, it was already 3 pages in, so I didn't have a choice, I didn't even read what other people said or didn't say.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking
My Prediction:


Austin and Lesnar come back at some point thsi year have a match at WM 21.


Austin won't stay gone for long. The only reason he left is because he has no leg to stand on. He isn't wrestling and they probably felt that it was stupid to keep him around and allow him to stun everyone each week without it being able to lead to an actual match. Austin will eventually get medically cleared to wrestle again and he'll be back, as will Lesnar after his NFL experiment fails.

Yes, but it seems as if Austin and Vince have had a massive fall-out. Maybe Austin realised how stupid it was for him to be in the position and Vince didn't, I don't know.


I don't see what grounds they would base an Austin/Lesnar match on?

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

because it'd make money?




Or gee, Austin Stunnering Brock at WM?



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Guest croweater

What I think is ironic is the amount of Heel heat Brock will have if he comes back. Leaving and coming back later could be the best thing for his career.


Good Luck to Austin in his future. Hopefully if he comes back it will be to put people over. It should be in the wrestlers contract that before they leave a company they have to put someone over.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking
What I think is ironic is the amount of Heel heat Brock will have if he comes back. Leaving and coming back later could be the best thing for his career.


Good Luck to Austin in his future. Hopefully if he comes back it will be to put people over. It should be in the wrestlers contract that before they leave a company they have to put someone over.

That heel heat would be good for Brock if he did return as a heel, but the "You sold out!" chants wouldn't be.


I doubt that that should be in their contract either - you know how things can change.

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Guest croweater

Creative should at least have some idea about when contracts are expiring, so they should run angles to suit. Stone Cold just disapearing does nothing for no one.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

Yeah, the whole disappearance without an explanation or angle is pretty stupid, although an angle every time someone leaves the company would get pretty over the top.


Steve Austin, Brock Lesnar, Bill Goldberg and Nathan Jones, just to name some.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

It's not as if he "owned" it in the first place - it was just a tag.


Just like Vince didn't and doesn't "own" "Yooouuurrre Fiiirrred!"

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

Of course, but it's not as if it's patented or anything.

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As reported earlier, WWE has confirmed that Steve Austin has left the company. Sources indicate that Austin has been planning for life after WWE for weeks now. Austin is considering working some dates in Japan for huge payoffs. He may have already gotten in touch with parties in Japan through his representatives.


Interestingly enough, WWE.com's statement about Austin parting ways with the company did not mention the "Stone Cold" name anywhere. One of the major disagreements between Austin and WWE was over the use of "Stone Cold" name in non-WWE projects.


Also, many believe that Austin's most recent domestic incident with his girlfriend really hurt him in his negotiations with WWE. The belief is that WWE went from pushing to get a new deal with Austin done to thinking that he may not be worth the trouble anymore.


Credit: 1wrestling.com/411

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-iB-, a patent and a trademark are different things. Patents are applied to inventions and the like, whereas a trademark is applied to a recognisable name used by a company, 'Big Mac', 'Stone Cold Steve Austin' etc. You will find that WWE trademarks an awful lot of its wrestlers names.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

I suppose, but I'm just getting at the fact that noone can really "own" either of those phrases.


They don't at the moment, anyway.

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Guest croweater

Does anyone know the definition of a Trademark is and what it intitles its holder to?

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As far as I understand it, if a phrase or a picture or something is trademarked then no other company may use it (or something very similar to it) for the purpose of marketing. So if a small burger chain started selling 'Big Macs' or ROH promoted a wrestler called 'Stone Cold Steven Austin', there would no doubt be infringement lawsuits a-flyin'.


So, -iB-, you could in fact construe WWE as 'owning' the Stone Cold name.

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Guest Adrian 3:16
Owen Hart, for one.


Rumor had it that Austin said he'll never work with the guy after SS'97.

Umm... did you happen to catch a little PPV called Summerslam? Do you really blame the guy? You want to blame someone for Owen's career, blame the Kliq (who had no legit excuse to avoid working with him like Austin did), blame Vince for not having faith in him, hell even blame Bret for leaving and and putting Owen in the postion to take the fallout.


I'll repeat the question: when did Austin ever ruin the career of a GOOD wrestler?


All this Austin hate is annoying, and its always the same corny, cliched reasons. "OMG he went over heel midcarders and took their heat by stunning them!" Good, because most of them suck anyway. "What kind of a message does it send to hurt Stacy for not drinking the beer wha wha!" It says next time she better drink the damn beer if she knows what's good for her. Stop taking everything so serious; it was meant to be funny.


And LOL at the idea of Austin having bad matches in 2001, all because your favorite guys didn't get the win. Austin had great matches with everyone he got in the ring with that year. He also made Angle and Benoit look like better threats than anyone who faced them before, including your beloved Rock.


As for leaving and not putting anyone over, his last televised appearance was helping to build up Shelton Benjamin (what people here would call a verbal blowjob if it was done to any Evolution member).


Always remember kiddies: at the end of the day,


Austin > your favorite wrestler

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I'll repeat the question: when did Austin ever ruin the career of a GOOD wrestler?


None, but he's still a bitch for not wanting to put Lesnar over and walking out plus I was really looking forward to that KOTR match against Eddie.

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Guest Adrian 3:16

We've been over this; he didn't mind putting him over, he just wanted there to be buildup and make it a meaningful match. The proposed plot made no sense anyway; why would Austin be entering King of the Ring again anyway?


And I think now that since your boy Lesnar left, bitching about Austin leaving 2 years ago takes on a whole new irony, wouldn't you?

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Okay, I'll conceed that. I'm not saying Austin is without fault but there have been times where Austin was willing to work with younger wrestlers such as Eddy, though I believe that got derailed due to the walkout.

No Austin wanted a match with Eddie but, then when he got it Austin bitched about it and said he didn't want to work with him and then he walked out leaving Eddie and Benoit lost for a few months. Cause if Austin really wanted to work a match with Eddie he wouldn't have left him hanging.

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Guest Vitamin X
You've ruined numerous careers and become the very imbodiment of a wrestler who put himself as being moe important that the well-being of the company and your fellow wrestlers....



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We've been over this; he didn't mind putting him over, he just wanted there to be buildup and make it a meaningful match. The proposed plot made no sense anyway; why would Austin be entering King of the Ring again anyway?


I don't know. To win it again? Look at Owen and Kurt, they tried the same thing.


And I think now that since your boy Lesnar left, bitching about Austin leaving 2 years ago takes on a whole new irony, wouldn't you?


At least Brock was a little more PROFESSIONAL about it and giving them the God damn courtesy of letting them know ahead of time unlike Austin.

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We've been over this; he didn't mind putting him over, he just wanted there to be buildup and make it a meaningful match. The proposed plot made no sense anyway; why would Austin be entering King of the Ring again anyway?


Actually the whole buildup between Austin and Lesnar was suppose to start then and there. Lesnar was going to attack Austin then F5 him to leading to whatever they were gonna do with the two. Austin wasn't going to enter the King of the Ring tournament he was just suppose to have a match against Eddie.

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Guest MikeSC
My Prediction:


Austin and Lesnar come back at some point thsi year have a match at WM 21.


Austin won't stay gone for long. The only reason he left is because he has no leg to stand on. He isn't wrestling and they probably felt that it was stupid to keep him around and allow him to stun everyone each week without it being able to lead to an actual match. Austin will eventually get medically cleared to wrestle again and he'll be back, as will Lesnar after his NFL experiment fails.

Given Austin's neck problem, I don't expect to see him ever work a match with anybody but a small list of people.


Suffice to say, I don't think Lesnar is on the list.


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Guest MikeSC
Creative should at least have some idea about when contracts are expiring, so they should run angles to suit. Stone Cold just disapearing does nothing for no one.

Remember, you ARE discussing WWE creative. At this point, I'm glad they stopped poking their eyes out with pencils.


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