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Guest MikeSC

I dedicate this to kkk

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Guest MikeSC

Well, according to Drudge, Michael Moore --- friend to the American worker par excellence --- has outsourced his website to Canadian firms.


Apparently, oursourcing is peachy --- as long as you're a tubby filmmaker.


...Shuold I even mention that, apparently, most Heinz execs support Bush over Kerry?

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I heard some Mikey Moore news on everybody's favorite cable news channel yesterday, but I couldn't "fit in" the time yesterday to find out what was exactly said -- something about how the Iraqis fighting us are like our American Revolution troops.


Get it? "fit in." Mikey's fat. ROFLMAO.


Oh, yeah. Anyway, Mikey likes Canada because they hate guns 'n stuff.


And speaking of "outsourcing" -- I bet that's Mikey's excuse for his ever-increasing waistline.


"My size 60 Wranglers just got outsourced after my third trip to China Buffet this week. Hello 62s..."

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Guest MikeSC
I heard some Mikey Moore news on everybody's favorite cable news channel yesterday, but I couldn't fit in the time yesterday to find out what was exactly said -- something about how the Iraqis fighting us are like our American Revolution troops.


Get it? "fit in." Mikey's fat. ROFLMAO.


Oh, yeah. Anyway, Mikey likes Canada because they hate guns 'n stuff.


And speaking of "outsourcing" -- I bet that's Mikey's excuse for his ever-increasing waistline.


"My size 60 Wranglers just got outsourced after my third trip to China Buffet this week. Hello 62s..."

I guess we should thank him for keeping the food industry doing well by himself.


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Guest MikeSC
Speaking of the food industry, remember a while back that guy made a film about him eating all fast-food for one month? Mikey could have just filmed his regular mealtimes and wrote them off as some work deduction...

Nah, he could never do that. The local McD's manager would be calling, worried because Moore was "cutting back" so much.


..."You're only here three times a day? What are you tryin' to do, watch your girlish figure?" --- could YOU handle that taunting?

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Oh, yeah. Anyway, Mikey likes Canada because they hate guns 'n stuff.

Hey now, Canada actually doesn't look all that bad. I've secretly thought about in my head the possibility of moving to Vancouver in my head. But I doubt I ever will.


I don't think I'm going to bother looking beyond a 1-2 state radius if I can help it.

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Just remember, go two states up north and you're in MrRant territory...

Wouldn't mind that. Went to Seattle for WrestleMania XIX last year. It's like all the good parts of San Francisco and none of the bad. The roads are actually sized to accomidate cars instead of buggies or clownmobiles (more clownmobiles, I guess). While many buildings downtown look historic and antique, on the inside they're usually modern and they're actually clean. I can cross the street without getting killed. There's less homeless hanging around. Etc.


I'd love to live around that area except that I was stuck in the tourist area of downtown and have no idea where most people actually live and what it looks like. Cost of living is probably at least as bad as the Bay Area, too.

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Oh, here's the Drudge article...






Advocate Michael Moore may have released a book titled DUDE, WHERE'S MY COUNTRY?, and may have vaulted to stardom documenting worker's rights and corporate malfeasance in Flint, Michigan, but that has not stopped Moore from outsourcing his website design and servers -- to companies based in Canada!


Cannes-bound Moore, the great protector of the U.S. working class, has outsourced the design of his Web site to a foreign company in Canada, records show.

PLANK -- based in Montréal, Québec -- is the development and design company behind MichaelMoore.com.


Meanwhile, Moore's site is hosted by a foreign owned company, Webcore Labs, of Calgary, Alberta Canada. [Webcore does maintain an office in Beverly Hills, CA.]

Moore did not respond to repeated requests for comment.


Moore is to get star billing at this year's Cannes Film Festival with the controversial FAHRENHEIT 9/11.



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It's like all the good parts of San Francisco and none of the bad. The roads are actually sized to accomidate cars instead of buggies or clownmobiles (more clownmobiles, I guess).

There are good parts to San Francisco?


Oh, and make fun of "my city" all you want. Pittsburgh is a shithole. I knew I was never going to live in Allegheny County again when, while waiting for a bus to go back home from school in '98, I had a homeless guy about seven feet from me pee on a building that was designated an historical landmark...

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Guest Goodear

Oh, and make fun of "my city" all you want. Pittsburgh is a shithole.


But they do make a nice sandwhich with french fries jammed into it.

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There are good parts to San Francisco?

We have boating, we have good theatre but it really depends on what's playing in town at the moment, we have historic buildings that will probably fall apart in the next quake, we have messy poorly-designed streets that look like they were diabolically designed to get you to collide with something else.



Well, okay, we have boating. :P But honestly, there's a number of reasons to like SF, but many many more to dislike it, such as that it's a hell to move around in if you insist on taking your vehicle or are driving in from out of town. None of my reasons for hating it are the reasons you'd probably hate it (disproportionate amount of people with a leftist political mindset) but some are related (homeless problem.)


I'm not there anymore, though. Like most people that say they're from the Bay Area but chop off the "San Francisco" portion before it, I don't live near SF or Oakland or San Jose but instead in a city connected to it an hour or two down the freeway.



I mostly just stick around these parts now and while there's no massive anti-war protests or anything happening here, there still are enough hippies who want to "keep the town small" by not allowing the evils of CHAIN RETAILERS to enter. We voted last year to finally build our first mega minimall ("mega" because it sure is big to us in a town where the largest building is Walgreen's) to save our economy and keep public services like police going, but the hippies keep getting signatures to put it on the ballot again and again, rephrasing the question until they win. Idiots.

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Guest Cerebus

I love visiting San Francisco, but God knows I'd never be able to live there, the only reason I can function in New England is that I've lived here all my life and I'm NOT in Massachucets or Vermont.

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Guest Wildbomb 4:20

So what if we in Massachusetts take ride down the Pretentiousness Turnpike?


I'm a Masshole and proud of it.


Speaking of which: we're not as liberal as everyone thinks :ph34r: Think about it. The last governors: all Republican. Big Dig? Was greenlighted in the '80s by the feds. Talk about a mistake. Then you've got our taxes, budget deficits, you know, the works. And education is in the shitter. Well done.


But it's still my state, Boston is my city, and it pains me to talk about my sports teams in the following months: January, April, and October. Except for the Patriots the past couple of years.

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We have boating


In water polluted with seal poop. Next.


we have good theatre


Like I'm going to go to the hippie theater. Strike two.


we have historic buildings ... we have messy poorly-designed streets that look like they were diabolically designed to get you to collide with something else.


Crappy buildings and roads -- in a CITY? You don't say.


None of my reasons for hating it are the reasons you'd probably hate it (disproportionate amount of people with a leftist political mindset) but some are related (homeless problem.)


Believe it or not, I do have "some" love for hippie-filled towns. Sure, State College PA, where I used to live for two years, is my vision of hell (college students, academia and recknecks -- oh my!), but nothing gives me greater joy than to mock some stupid pseudo-hippie handing me a flyer telling me that Mumia was framed, or to laugh at some homeless guy asking for change. (Bastard probably makes more money in a day panhandling than most of us make at our jobs.)


the hippies keep getting signatures to put it on the ballot again and again, rephrasing the question until they win. Idiots.


Finally, something we agree on. On a side note, I LOVE how groups (doesn't just have to be hippies), when they don't like a certain law (or when they try to create one of their own), keep trying to get their way by putting it on a referendum or taking the measure to court, hoping for a like-minded judge to rule in their favor. When I lived in Ohio I remember there was this town whose public servants did some fuzzy math and the school district ended up in the red. Every election season it seemed there was some referendum that would have increased taxes to bail out the district, and every time it failed. Funny stuff.


On the "other side" note:


Oh, and make fun of "my city" all you want. Pittsburgh is a shithole.


But they do make a nice sandwhich with french fries jammed into it.


They're over-priced and they don't fill me up. You are right about them being good, but seeing how Pittsburgh now has the highest parking tax in the country, I'll rather just drive to my local eatery (I live in a nearby county), park for free and stuff myself there.


Fuck Pittsburgh...

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Guest Razor Roman

Normally I'd be above condoning name calling in a political discussion, because it generally makes people tune you out immediately and they don't listen to your ideas. But this is coming from a guy who wrote a book called "Stupid White Men" who is buddies with the author of "Rush Limbaugh Is a Big, Fat Idiot"


So screw Michael Moore. He makes me look like HHH. :-)

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Crappy buildings and roads -- in a CITY? You don't say.

Seattle, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, all have roads that are better than San Fran.


You drive in LA and then you drive in SF. Sure, the LA roads are confusing, and clogged with traffic, but the SF roads are confusing and clogged with traffic in TIGHT SPACES so that we can fit a cable car station in the middle of the road or have another lane that heads down a hill, or whatever. Other cities are proud not to have SF's roads, because they feel like they were designed by Satan himself to draw you into his underground hell (but we call it BART.)


nothing gives me greater joy than to mock some stupid pseudo-hippie


Wow, you really are THAT political. :P


or to laugh at some homeless guy asking for change. (Bastard probably makes more money in a day panhandling than most of us make at our jobs.)


My father's college friend had a rich dad who used to carry a can of canned corn in his car, and offer it to the people with the "NEED FOOD" signs. They'd usually call him everything under the sun and act all offended.


On a side note, I LOVE how groups (doesn't just have to be hippies), when they don't like a certain law (or when they try to create one of their own), keep trying to get their way by putting it on a referendum or taking the measure to court, hoping for a like-minded judge to rule in their favor.


Actually, this is just an issue in our little town. They don't want the big bad hardware store Lowe's to come to town, and a smaller chain store about 3-4 miles away pitches $10,000 at them now and then to keep delaying the issue and putting it on the ballot again and again.


The local paper has a timeline of this stuff but basically what you need to know is these parts:


Nov. 4, 2003: Cotati voters approve Measure B, which would exempt 52 acres in northwest Cotati from a city ban on big-box retailers. The election is the closest in city history -- approved by 34 votes -- and the most expensive. Supporters, funded entirely by the project's developers, spend $197,200. Opponents, backed with $26,000 from Lowe's rival Yardbirds, accrue more than $153,000 in expenses.


Jan. 20: Lowe's opponents submit 607 signatures seeking to force the city to either rescind the zoning ordinance for Cotati Commons or put the issue to voters. The referendum drive is funded by Yardbirds, which contributes an additional $10,000.


March 10: City Council requests the District Attorney's Office to conduct an investigation into possible campaign finance disclosure violations by opponents of Measure B.


April 14: City Council repeals contested zoning ordinance in an attempt to block special election and adopts new zoning guidelines that allow Lowe's project to proceed.


April 19: Lowe's opponents submit 512 signatures on second initiative that would cap retail buildings at 60,000 square feet and require pedestrian-friendly design on the same land covered by Measure B. Opponents need valid signatures from 349 registered voters to force November election.


There's a lot of people here who reeeeeeeeeally want to see the town remain as small as it always has been since my parents moved here in the 70s, but with the state handing out less money than it used to because of the budget problems in Sacramento, we kind of need to cash in some of this expensive empty land we've been cultivating to strengthen the local economy, or watch police and fire get cut away.


The city officials agree, but the hippies would rather watch the police coverage take a dive than accept a big store. They keep approving tiny mini-malls that don't get any kind of business because there's no notable store that people drive there for, so they eventually lose their tenants and empty out.


In 1997, the city was torn over a measure that was basically protectionism for a local faimly-owned (and expensive to shop at!! Egads, I like supporting my community but the prices are just too high) supermarket that was feeling threatened by the plans for a Lucky's to be built. The measure just barely eeked by to limit building size to smaller than what Lucky's would accept and that old issue is now being revived in this Lowe's.


Although I wasn't old enough to vote back then, I was hoping it would go down, and was disappointed when it past. I'm slightly happy it passed nowadays though, since we live one block away from the family store in question and it only recently hit me how bad it would be to live next to a giant empty box in the event Lucky's really did drive them into the ground.


When I lived in Ohio I remember there was this town whose public servants did some fuzzy math and the school district ended up in the red.


We're so anti-business that the school district had to shut down a school to save money. Overall, this district isn't exactly overly liberal (Bustamante got more votes, but not many more) but when you pay big money to live in a town where corporate America hasn't bothered to fill the joint with Starbucks shops and Clear Channel stations, you tend to fight to keep it that way, Democrat or Republican.


Every election season it seemed there was some referendum that would have increased taxes to bail out the district, and every time it failed. Funny stuff.


This reminds me of the ballots to expand 101 to three lanes in both directions when the amount of cars meant for the original two lanes went up exponentially. Voters would always pass the bill to expand the highway, but shoot down the bill that would pay for it.


Eventually it got widened, I think as part of Gray Davis' "I'll Improve Stuff In Your Town If You'll Like Me" efforts. The three lanes only go on for a number of miles and it's back to two, as I believe Arnold killed the plans to expand it further.


How timely, just now a local TV ad is promoting a $100 a ticket event featuring Erin Brockovich, who you might remember had her name attatched to a "Companies are EVIL PEOPLE!" movie.


Anyway, I'm far more concerned about the Indian Casino being proposed for the nearby area (technically a different town, but we live right on the edge.) I don't want a casino in town because it's hurting Nevada and I enjoy taking trips to Vegas and doing my gambling over there instead of some crappy reservation casino. But I still can't bring myself to support the people trying to recall the city council and whatever else to prevent EVIL GAMBLING WHICH STEALS MONEY FROM OLD PEOPLE WHO ARE FORCED TO GAMBLE AND ARE NOT ALLOWED TO LEAVE THE SLOT MACHINE AND WALK AWAY WITH THEIR MONEY SO WE CLEARLY MUST LEGISLATE TO HELP PEOPLE NOT GET ADDICTED INTO LOSING CASH.

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You drive in LA and then you drive in SF. Sure, the LA roads are confusing, and clogged with traffic, but the SF roads are confusing and clogged with traffic in TIGHT SPACES so that we can fit a cable car station in the middle of the road or have another lane that heads down a hill, or whatever...

I will say this about you guys over there -- your roads are CRAZY! About 8 years ago I was in CA and couldn't believe the roads. Great weather, though.


Wow, you really are THAT political. :P


It really doesn't have to deal with politics -- even before I started voting, I would just do/or say things that would piss people off.


My father's college friend had a rich dad who used to carry a can of canned corn in his car, and offer it to the people with the "NEED FOOD" signs. They'd usually call him everything under the sun and act all offended.


Reminds me of that "Don't be a Menace..." scene with the panhandler that holds up a sign saying "..Fuck it, I'm just lazy."


In Pittsburgh, I remember seeing people out on the street begging for change, and then having another person take their spot when their "shift" was up.


Actually, this is just an issue in our little town. They don't want the big bad hardware store Lowe's to come to town, and a smaller chain store about 3-4 miles away pitches $10,000 at them now and then to keep delaying the issue and putting it on the ballot again and again.


You know, if you don't want the big stores in your area, that's fine. I'll take 'em. There's a fight going on in my township about putting up a Wal-Mart. The argument is that there are Wal-Mart's 15-20 minutes away on both sides of town and North Huntingdon (where I live) doesn't need another store. Of course, when I was getting ready for an interview I needed an ink cartridge to continue updating my portfolio and had to drive all the way out to one of those Wal-Marts to get it because no other store carried a decent amount of ink cartridges. Man, was I annoyed.


When this mega-Wal-mart gets built here (and it will) it will probably put one of the grocery stores out of business -- either the local Foodland or Shop 'n Save. And I say good riddance -- those two stores are dirty.


How timely, just now a local TV ad is promoting a $100 a ticket event featuring Erin Brockovich, who you might remember had her name attatched to a "Companies are EVIL PEOPLE!" movie.


Ugh. I hated that movie. My old man, an old-school union Democrat, didn't speak to me for months when I told him I thought that movie was a piece of crap. He loved that movie because of the whole Corporations SUQ theme to that movie.


Anyway, I'm far more concerned about the Indian Casino being proposed for the nearby area


Oddly enough, in PA there's a big debate about whether to allow gambling, or something of the sort. I'm not sure on the specifics, but all I fucking hear about is how if we don't have slot machines we won't be able to fund pre-school programs, fund arenas and pay for all this other spending. Opponents are arguing against it for moral reasons. Personally, I don't care either way. If an idiot wants to flush his or her money down the toilet, let it be done here instead of in a neighboring state. Of course, if anyone thinks this will be the end-all answer to PA's money problems then they're smoking crack.


Damn, we're having a civil conversation about something other than Big Media, George W. HITLER, FAUX NEWS or Mikey Moore. Need to get this back on track.


Fuck you, hippie.


That's better...

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You too, buddy.


Oh, and in yesterday's print newspaper, they talked to a bunch of readers, all libs it seems, about what they think about the draft proposals. I love this response:


Margaret Chau, San Francisco


I hope not. I don't want anyone to be forced to go kill some strangers. But then again, maybe the rich white folks will reconsider supporting any war if their children will have to join the military.


I actually did a double take when I read that. And then I thought I was reading The Onion. I can't believe she said "the rich white folks" with a straight face.

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Guest OctoberBlood

This is hilarious.


No, not the story about Moore. Everyone knows he's a complete bafoon.

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Oh man, I love it when local media go out and interview people like that. I'll never forget this one time the North Hills News Record did some story YEARS ago about how hard it was for city people to find jobs in the suburbs (or something like that), and just about every city person they interviewed was a walking stereotype. The article was filled with quotes like "I ain't got no job." Hilarious stuff, although one time, right when the Clinton impeachment scandal just started (It was like the first day or second that the story broke and they were doing man-on-the-street interviews), I was one of those people. I said something like, "It's way to early to accuse anyone of anything." But before you all start laughing at me and calling me a moderate, I then added, "He should resign for other reasons."


My liberal/commie professors at school loved that quote...

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