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Top Five Heels?

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I was wondering since there are no heels on the go at the moment who you just really love to hate who do you think were the top five heels of all time? Heres what I think.


05 Triple H: (Circa 2000) Yeah sure Trips is around now but he just didnt have that same awesomeness that he had 4 years ago. I mean the things he would do back then were all so evil, and now...well now he just wins the world title every two or three months...granted thats evil too but thats not the same.


04 Hollywood Hogan: Love Hogan or hate him (Personally I think hes great), you cant deny the fact that the guy was one of the best heels ever back when The nWo was at its best.


03 Ric Flair: Ric is one of the best heels ever just because of his ring work, The guy easily tells a story during a match, something that so many people lack these days, and in his stories he all came off quite the heel....at least when he wasnt a face.


02 Ted DiBiase: C'mon he actually made a 5 year old kid cry on TV...and then laughed about it! Heck is laugh was evil enough to make the top 5 itself!


01 Vince McMahon: Do I REALLY have to explain this one? He was quite evil while fueding with Austin, and just look at what he did last year. He fired the super fan favorite Hulk Hogan, tried to put the super fan favorite Undertaker out for good, beat the crap out of a one legged man, and forced his own daughter to quit the job that she loved by beating the crap out of her. As one man ever been so evil in the wrestling world?

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Guest Banders Kennany

I thought you meant the top five heels now. Maybe you should change your post and repost what you have now in the General Wrestling folder since it doesn't really fit here in the WWE spot.

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Shouldn't this go in the lists folder?


EDIT: Damn you and your quick typing Banders

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Wait.....if this is all time, why isn't this in General? God...damn it. McMahon as #1 heel ever I wouldn't say. I can't pin-point a #1.


Edit: Lists/Polls would be better.

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Guest Choken One

How can Randy Savage Circa 1989 be left off this list?


He treated Liz like shit...like property and dared to mock the Hulkster...stabbed Hogan in the back with his paranoia.


Savage Circa 1999 was also evil...As he brought Sid back to wrestling and enslaved three big busted blondes and even slapped them...tried to have Kevin Nash killed via A Hummer...


gotta give Bret Hart in 1997 a great mention as well...he was a rare heel that you knew truely believed what he said.


My Top 10


10. Shane Douglas- The stuff he did by spitting on the NWA TITLE, breaking Pitbulls neck, constant treatment of Franchine...the arrogance.

9. Randy Savage-1989/99.

8. Chris Jericho-Just an incredible heel in WCW with the Mask Trophies and the Theories and Ralphus

7. Owen Hart-1994. The whiney selfish little brother. played it to a T.

6. Triple H 2000-Amazing stuff with his McMahon/Helmsly regime, the stuff with Trish and the triangle...the heelness with foley...superb.

5. Bret Hart-1997. Just great stuff

4. Ted Dibiase-Amazing Heel stuff against Hogan and the like.

3. Roddy Piper- Such a brillant Heel.

2. Ric Flair-The dirtiest player in the game for a reason

1. Hollywood Hogan-Such an amazing character

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Dont know how I could of forgotten my Canadian hero Bret Hart. Well I guess Triple H Circa 2000 has to be pushed bact to 6.


As for Savage, I admit it was great and it lead to my personal favorite WrestleMania, which was #5 obviously, but yeah how many people have treated there girls like crap since Savage? Its been done so much it lost its effect. I'll give credit where its due though Savage was the best at the whole abusive Boyfriend thing.

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Jake Roberts was my favourite heel.


Edit:Rick Rude in 92 and Vader in 93 were awesome as well.

Edited by deancoles411

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Roddy Piper is the best ever. In 1984 he made MTV's top 10 most hated people in America list. Not just wrestlers, in general he was that hated. Hell he got legit cops after him after the Cyndi Lauper incident.


Anyways top 5:


1. Roddy Piper - 1984-1986

2. Hollywood Hogan - 1996-97

3. Ric Flair - 1984-1988

4. Ted DiBiase - 1987-1988

5. Vince McMahon - 1998-1999

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Guest Fook

My top five:


1. Jake Roberts (his feud with Savage alone puts him here)

2. Ted Debiase (such a great foil to Hogan's character)

3. Vince McMahon (from 1998-2000, a revolutionary character, his "evil boss" character worked wonders)

4. Shawn Michaels (his DX stuff was amazing heel work)

5. Chris Jericho (does this really warrant an explanation?)



I can't put Bret on the list for his 1997 run because as a Canadian, I never considered him a heel at that point.

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Super-Mega-Cocky Heel HBK is outright the most hateable motherfucker I've ever seen in a wrestling ring. I, of course, loved him during this time as I've always cheered for the heels, but his work was amazing.


Bret is a fucking cool heel too.



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Guest Darthlordofwrestling

I'd have to say the #1 heel is Jericho but i just started watching 2 years ago

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I'd also go for Cactus during the "Cane Dewey" era. I didn't watch it when it hapened, but having sen the promos and read about it in his book, Foley seems like he was the ultimate ECW heel. HHH during 2000, definately. Undertaker during the Ministry Of Darkness, although that might be ebcause he was THE heel when I got into wrestling. Brock last year when he was destroying cruisers left and right, quite possibly the best use of the character since he made Hogan pass out, and um...really nothing else particularly stands out to me. That's the problem with only watching wrestling for about 5 years now.

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Guest Stunt Granny

What about Austin in 2001? I really wasn't feeling it at first, but once he joined the Alliance and began feuding with Angle he got the paranoid psychopath villian down pat. I was also kinda getting into The Undertaker as "Big Evil" in 2002, but I think I'm alone on that one.

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Guest Choken One

Austin was amazing in that three month period from Summerslam to No Mercy as Mr. Paranoid.


The Summer Series with Angle with the skits is going to forever be remembered as THE defining moments in WWE Comedy history.


However this gimmick loses points because it begat the fucking "WHAT?" catchphase from hell.

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