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Kurt Angle Mark

Raw ratings takes a dive

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I think Nielson does include Tivo recording...or they will start to do it when the new systems come out...they didn't include satellite in the past...but now they do.....With added households added to the system..it may just backfire on the WWE or help them...


Anyhoo....I predicted this would happen...nothing long term is set...sure we have the occasional good show...and a hot feud here and there..and when there are no new ideas..this is what happens each and every time....

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I dunno if Raw is really *in trouble* any time soon. Benoit-HHH program will go full-steam into Summerslam in Toronto. I expect Benoit to win there, and then drop it the next month to Hunter. From there, you could either do the long HHH-Edge program through the fall, or you could save that for Mania. There is also a HHH-Benjamin program that looks enticing for the future (maybe Mania 22), as well as the eventual split in Evolution. Edge-HHH, Edge-Shawn, Edge-Benoit, Edge-Christian, and Edge-Jericho are all fresh programs too.

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strange, because I am pretty sure that when there is a cage match on, then the ratings jump up a bit. Didn't Goldberg/ Christian draw highly? and I'm sure I remember Austin vs. Y2J in a cage drawing a high rating (day after Vengeance '01 I think?)

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Guest Trivia247

Vince is seen backstage having a fit with JR.


Vince: Raw is the A show! don't these god damn fans know whats good for them is what I say it is?


JR: Im telling ya the Ratings drop is due to the Loss of Stone cold! Damn Pond Sucking Japanese stealing our Red neck!


Vince: You gotta get over this Stone cold fixation.


JR: Thats like getting over BBQ sauce.


Vince: Whatever, But Smackdown better be worse than Raw. because that Smark friendly show simply can't be greater than My own genius-created Raw! Damn it Im Vince McMahon!


JR: Stone Cold! Stone Cold! Stone Cold!


(Heyman listening at the door)

Heyman: And these Fuckers beat ECW?

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Guest PowerPB13

Well, maybe I was right all along. This company is dying. Couldn't happen to a nicer pile of crap.



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There was one BIG difference between this RAW, and previous weeks. Chris Benoit wasn't advertised or expected to be on. Benoit is probably the biggest draw in the company right now.

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Let's face it, the 5 matches advertised weren't really anything to go Gung Ho about.


- HHH vs. Benjamin --- Well, this had an interesting premise going in but the match was cut off at the knees.


- Batista vs. Tajiri --- W/ no mist, Tajiri's character is next to worthless to casual fans.


- Orton vs. Edge --- Does anyone give a shit about Edge? The guy has shown less personality than a tree stump since returning and I HATE his spear. Mechanically, he's alright but if he jobs to HHH 4 weeks in a row, I couldn't care less.


- Eugene vs. Conway --- Alright, I'm sure this segment had to do alright. It had to have been one of the more eagerly awaited debuts in quite a while. Eugene + Regal = Super Happy Fun Times for the Viewer!


- X vs. Jericho --- Well, we've seen these two go at it several times recently. We've seen cage matches seemingly every month so this didn't really have much mystique going for it. Plus, the winner was inconsequential. There was nothing on the line either way. Still a good match but the general viewer probably wasn't too emotionally attached to the match.

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Guest Super Pissed Smark

Perhaps it's as simple as people starting to clue into the fact that Austin, Foley, Rocky and the G-word aren't going to be on the show any more, leaving Vince to try and draw an audience with all those new stars that he could never be bothered to build while the old ones were still actively wrestling.

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Guest sanyo

Let's face it- I

ts warm.

There's playoffs on TV.

Shows are having their season finales.

The two biggest stars were on the first 15 minutes- the HHH match should have atleast been on at 10 if not main event. People tuned out because of that.

None of the matches meant anything.

Van Helsing's out so many maybe went to see it.

Did anyone find out if a huge chunk of an area had a power outage?

The arena was visually unappealing (atleast for me which is why I kept turning it off and on).

Cage matches mean nothing unless the title is on the line.

Orton sucks so nobody watched

The women had two segments which turned people off

Kids are about to start exams so they could have been studying

Maybe everyone just forgot it was monday.

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There was one BIG difference between this RAW, and previous weeks. Chris Benoit wasn't advertised or expected to be on. Benoit is probably the biggest draw in the company right now.


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There was one BIG difference between this RAW, and previous weeks.  Chris Benoit wasn't advertised or expected to be on.  Benoit is probably the biggest draw in the company right now.


Deny it all you want, but ratings went up substantially after he won the belt and Backlash drew their highest number in years. HBK/HHH have shown before that their program isn't a big draw (Armaggeddon 2002), so Benoit is the new factor that can point to the bigger audience.

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Guest Dark Pegasus

Just a few things:


Re: Ratings - Very few of the Nielsen ratings are guaged by "the little boxes" or by Tivo, satellite, whatever. Much of the Nielsen rating is dependent on polling. They simply call random houses and survey them. They also give out diaries which you must fill out when you watch a show. This is where the bulk of the info comes from. Sounds scientific. :D


Re: Business/Buyrates/Etc. - I think it's still too early to tell how the Benoit experiment is going from a business standpoint. The revised buyrate for Backlash was around 280,000 (which will probably be revised upward when all is said and done. :huh: ) That's around what Armageddon did in December. However, house show and attendence for Raw was up nearly 20% in March and April. Ratings also went up before last Monday.


Re: Why the drop? - Uh. I don't know. The number doesn't give the "share" which would be valuable in a case like this. It could be a number of things and it's hard for someone who's seen virtually every Raw, like me, to step outside and think of what a casual fan might think.

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