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Civilized human being talk (because Dr Tom asked)

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Guest Dazed



When I first received this, and seeing who it was from (namely “Who the FUCK is this?” was my first thought), I couldn’t help but laugh. This guy, who had only been on the board for a week and somehow had the fortune to ascend to mod-hood, was calling a standard post of mine “trolling” and telling me I could be banned for it. Still laughing, I responded in total defiance with the two word response, because I still couldn’t take it seriously. An hour later I found myself embroiled in a more civilized discussion with Sass about it. I admitted to Sass that I was hoping for a second PM from him where I would send a more intelligent (but still scathing in my own personal fashion) response for how stupid I felt Nik was. This PM never came, though.


Was it wrong, in retrospect? Probably


Will I apologize? No, especially not now, in the wake of this.


Right, let's try to get this cleared up.


First of all, calling someone a "time waster" out of nowhere was unreasonable. It's petty sniping, and there was no need for it. I made a judgement call, which was that you were indeed trolling. Trolling is bannable. Hence the PM. NOWHERE did I say "you can be banned for that comment", as it was a minor infraction. The latter part of the PM was included as a reminder. Had you come to me and asked or made any sort of effort, I would have clarified that with you. Perhaps my original PM wasn't clear, I accept that.


There's no "probably" about you being wrong, and we both know that. Disagreeing with my decision is one thing, but blowing it out of all proportion as you have done is asinine. This could have easily been resolved quickly and quietly, without having to resort to three million threads on the subject.


Finally, I don't see why I should send you a "second PM" regarding the issue, as you clearly demonstrated no willingness to listen.


What I do take issue with is if any little typical sarcastic remark I may toss about in the WWE folder could now, in the wake of Tom’s statement, constitute my banning from this board (Something I don’t want to see </captainobvious>). I can just see the following happen the next couple days


I don't know where this came from. There is no way that "sarcastic remark" will lead to bannings. Don't be silly.




I have to honestly say this is the first Poster to Mod promotion I disagree with. He told AngleSault to cite problems and place them civily. Well Anglesault didn't take him up on his offer but I did and his response was "Who are YOU to judge what I do?". That Napoleon complex others have mentioned is apparent.


You told me to merge threads instead of locking them. Didn't ask, TOLD. My exact words were: "And why do I even have to justify my choice of closing over merging to YOU?"


Not to mention if things are going to go in the direction he seems to want them to go in, then as of this moment you might as well ban RRR, Lord of the Curry, Downhome, and 80% of the other WWE posters(myself included as I'll make fun of blatantly stupid decisions on the WWE's behalf) because that's what this is leading up to.


What is this "direction"? All we are trying to do is cut back on some of the crap, not "mak[ing] fun" of WWE or anything.

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Dames, Goodhelmet and I didn't create TSM to have the thesmarks.com moderating fiasco(read: SK and mod Nazi's) happen all over again. Look, Tom and I don't get along, but he's done a respectable job, a job that is alot of work, very thankless, and pays shit. Same goes for the other mods.


But, I do see a two-tier system, and I think people on both sides are being inflexible, intolerant, and letting their personal feelings and others personal attacks get to them. Now that's a lesson I learned the hard way.


So what I'm saying here is perhaps we need to tone down the combativeness on both sides, mods and posters. You'd certaintly get farther with an understanding, clearly thought out suggestion and a clearly thought out non-antagonistic response. There are ways of disagreeing that aren't combative.


I don't like FS, but his beginner's guide was a very good step. Perhaps Nik he did overstep bounds and acted arrogantly. There's no reason for you to not have taken a higher road though and ignored the presumed arrogance.


The problem isn't the actions of the mods and posters, its how they're relating to each other. I'll go back into board obscurity now.



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Guest FrigidSoul


You told me to merge threads instead of locking them. Didn't ask, TOLD. My exact words were: "And why do I even have to justify my choice of closing over merging to YOU?"

If they're talking about pruning threads the better choice would be to merge, or after a few days delete the thread. Thus whenever the person doing the pruning goes to do it they don't need to go through 50 of those kinds of threads. Its a time saver.


What is this "direction"? All we are trying to do is cut back on some of the crap, not "mak[ing] fun" of WWE or anything.


It seems the direction you were taking it into was to just have full blown out serious discussion without being able to jest a bit here and there. That was the impression I got. I said in the beginning its going to take a month until people really see what direction you're going in though and I stand by that, if things aren't headed there then I'll step back from my comment.

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Calling someone a "time waster" out of nowhere was unreasonable. It's petty sniping, and there was no need for it.



If you think that's one of the worst insults you'll see thrown around here, you're in for a tough tenure as a mod.


I don't know where this came from. There is no way that "sarcastic remark" will lead to bannings.  Don't be silly.

As long as that's cleared up...

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Guest Dazed
If you think that's one of the worst insults you'll see thrown around here, you're in for a tough tenure as a mod.

I said it was "minor".

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Guest FrigidSoul
You are all 12 aren't you?

I'll agree to being 12 if I can call you "Uncle Rant" (you already remind me of somebody who would be my father's brother)

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
Dames, Goodhelmet and I didn't create TSM 



Oh Popick you crack me up.

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Guest goodhelmet
The mods are fine.  Quit whining, fags.

I agree 100% with this guy. Can somebody please mod him? Oh, wait....



As for Poppick...


Dames, Goodhelmet and I didn't create TSM


Where the fuck did this come from? You need a fucking history lesson.


First off, the board already existed, therefore, we didn't create shit. If you want to talk about the main site, once again, the three names mentioned did not create shit. All praise and criticism goes to areacode212 and possibly Mike.


Poppick- helped fund the site until Dames paid him back. Will not let anyone forget it.


Dames- bought the domain name about 5 minutes after voting stopped.


Goodhelmet- proofread new writers for the main site.


Yep! We created this modern marvel of the internet.


to have the thesmarks.com moderating fiasco(read: SK and mod Nazi's) happen all over again.


There is no fiasco. It is a couple of posters acting like little bitches because other people became mods, not them.


Look, Tom and I don't get along, but he's done a respectable job, a job that is alot of work, very thankless, and pays shit. Same goes for the other mods.


No, it isn't that you don't get along. It's that Tom doesn't like you because of your self-absorbed idiotic statements like the one above and the fact that you must constantly remind everyone that you SAVED the board. Your dislike for him is merely reactive, like the mangy cat who got kicked out of the house when the big bad dog came in even though you were trying to lick his nuts in the beginning.


I'll go back into board obscurity now.


That would be best for all parties involved. And next time, when you want to put my name in one of your posts, don't. If you do, at least get your facts straight.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
No, it isn't that you don't get along. It's that Tom doesn't like you because of your self-absorbed idiotic statements like the one above and the fact that you must constantly remind everyone that you SAVED the board. Your dislike for him is merely reactive, like the mangy cat who got kicked out of the house when the big bad dog came in even though you were trying to lick his nuts in the beginning.


Popick lick nuts? No way man. Why are you being so negative Willy boy? If it wasn't for Popick there would be NO TSM, NO OAOAST, and damnit I don't think the internet would be in very good shape without him either!


Popick's my hero. No one is so oblivious to hatred as he is. Most of the people he quotes in his little sig can't stand him.


He'll forever be remembered as the guy that wouldn't get over himself because he lent someone money on the internet.


Hey you know, I think I saved the board too. If it wasn't for my sabatoging of every board that ever competed with it then who KNOWS what could have happened?


Get a fucking clue Popick. No one cares what you once did. The people you mention as working with saving the board don't like you. The people who founded the Efed you took over don't like you. Even your imaginary friends are a little choked too.

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The mods are fine.  Quit whining, fags.

I agree 100% with this guy. Can somebody please mod him? Oh, wait....

I agree with gheyhelmet. :lol:

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Guest FrigidSoul

Lately all of Will's posts have been getting me aroused. I'm in suspense over who he'll yell at next.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

Anglesault or Popick some more I bet.


And I'll be waiting in the wings to pick at the carcass's.

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I totally agree that posters should not be banned for what is considered an offense by one mod and a borderline suspension by the others. Perhaps TSM could introduce a voting system (in cases of establiashed posters), whereby if someone commits what one mod thinks is a bannable offense, he takes his concerns to the mods folder, and the mods vote for and against. If its a tie, Dames/Tom has the deciding vote, the decision is made, and the poster is either banned or suspended. That way the mods agree that the poster should be banned, and the wider community can't question the judgment of one particular mod, all mods were included in the process.


Keep in mind this is only for established posters, not trolls or gimmick posters. I feel that any established poster who is under threat of being banned should be a big issue amongst the mods, and they should all be involved in the decision, because what may seem like a bannable offense to start off with may have been a misunderstanding, or a suspendable offense.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

The moderators here work like the supreme court. We can mutter amongst ourselves about things, but if one of us tells a case to fuck off, you're hit.

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Can't it be like the Australian High Court, 7 judges, and a majority decision on all cases wins?

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For the record, CWM totally trimmed the quote and misrepresented what I said.

Thanks CWM, for ruining the actual good message I was TRYING to say. And don't presume to know how the people in my sig feel about me.


Goodhelmet-When we had live chat meetings, it was the three of us who went through alot of it together, getting on new staff etc. AreaCode and Mike did awesome work on the site, but we did something too. You shouldn't discount yourself there either. I was expressing the viewpoint I had when we started it. You could've expressed yourself without attacking me.


And to the rest. I was just trying to make a point I felt pertinent. There's far too much animosity running back and forth in alot of threads right now to have a healthy board.


And as for the rest...two years ago I held such things of saving the board over everyone's head. I haven't since, and have stated that several times.


People need to let some things die.

Edited by Stephen Joseph

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You're just as responsible for this pussy fighting as CWM is, as neither of you are willing to let the other have the last word.


And his "presumptions" are mostly correct, it's pretty well-known that JSYK doesn't like you, Marney has since apologized for making said quote in your sig, and I doubt that IDRM gives a fuck about you either.


And yes, GH *could* have expressed himself without attacking you, but it's a hell of a lot easier to do what he did. Seriously, you're just begging to be mocked every time your fingers touch a keyboard. Seriously, re-read your post. You're acting pretty high and mighty for someone who's supposedly over "saving the board."


I'm thinking maybe next time you go back into "board obscurity", you should stay there.


And I hope they have plenty of Kleenex.

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Marney has since apologized for making said quote in your sig

That was one of the greatest recantations ever

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

It's fun when Popick gets all morally outraged.


I go easy on him, there's way more that I could say that's much worse but I'd probably get banned so I'm not going to do that.


Bottom Line is that Popick was a bit player in "Saving the board" at best and that he EVER held it over people's head is really fucking gay.


I realize it's repetitive to target Popick but he just continues to post utter garbage to make himself look good.


I'll try to hold back until the next time he really annoys me. Then I bust out The Classic Popick Quotes again.

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