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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

Care to back this up?


I mean, your constant badgering to me over MSN about them makes me think that they have something to offer, at least to you, so tell us why.


And folks, if you like "Piano Rock", ala Coldplay, maybe you should try Keane.


The fact that their name makes them sound like just another generic shitty boy band is what is making me have my doubts.

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Unfortunately, I wasn't able to back it up with you, although you have to admit that I was more than willing to back it up.


Not everything is in a name, and if there is any other way I can make you see what they can do, then let me know.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to back it up with you, although you have to admit that I was more than willing to back it up.


Not everything is in a name, and if there is any other way I can make you see what they can do, then let me know.

What are you talking about? Back it up!


Put it this way: If I walk into Sanity or something and there CD is there to listen to on the headset, then I could listen to it - but if it's on the headset, there's every chance that I won't.


And I agree that everything is not in a name - it just seems like it here. But I mean, the Backstreet Boys, they tricked us big time.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I've heard nothing but bad stuff about this band, except for this right here, and you like three doors down a lot, soooo....


I'm not dying to hear them at all. Especially if they're a derivative of Coldplay. Eck.

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Keane are very bland. If you like the second Coldplay more than the first one, you'll like Keane. Fools.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

I like some of Coldplay's more underground stuff from Parachutes and A Rush of Blood to the Head, but I'm not a huge fan or anything.


Jack, admit it - Keane are Brit Pop, aren't they?

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Keane are terrible, no-guitar, piano-led balladry for people who find David Gray too edgy. They are a band who I stumbled upon at Reading, heard a few of their songs, realised they were joss and thought I'd never hear of them again, then looked on in amazement as they went on to have successive UK Top 10 hits. Blander than bland

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I like a couple of their songs, but I couldn't listen to a whole album. They're still better than anything else in the British chart at the moment, which isn't saying much I know.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking
Keane are terrible, no-guitar, piano-led balladry for people who find David Gray too edgy. They are a band who I stumbled upon at Reading, heard a few of their songs, realised they were joss and thought I'd never hear of them again, then looked on in amazement as they went on to have successive UK Top 10 hits. Blander than bland

Yeah, but what did you expect? The mainstream music industry is fucked these days.


How do you think people such as Liam Lynch and songs such as Milkshake got into the charts?



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Keane was highly recommended by John Buccigross (hockey writer for ESPN) and he seems to be on-point with a lot of his recommendations. He did specify that 'if you like Coldplay, you'll like Keane' (paraphrase, not an actual quote).


Other than that, this is the first I've ever heard of them, good, bad, or otherwise.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Holy shit they suck. I mean, bad. A girl I know who's obsessed with the english had this album downloaded on her computer. I made it through two songs, and fell asleep. Then a tiny sad raincloud formed over my head, and it wasn't quite yellow.

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Piano based?


These tossers think they can make a career without a guitar?


They should have consulted Billy Joel or Randy Newman then. This music is just the same old mush that we get served nowadays. Mushy orchestration, plus studio gimmickry which are there to hide the fact that none of them can play piano in an interesting manner or that neither of them could write an interesting tune even if they were helped by Brian fecking Wilson.



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Guest wayzing

Obviously it's easy to write them off when everybody are in such a hurry to compare them to Coldplay. That's just lazy. Hey, they have loud pianos in their songs. They must be a Coldplay clone.


The Coldplay hate is running so rampant pianos are now officially banned in England it seems.




For all the NME flavour of the months that come and go, I think Keane will be special. They have stronger songs and better lyrics than the usual hypes do. On top of that they've got a vocalist who will carry them a looong way once people start seeing them live.


In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the last song on the album, Bedshaped, becomes a modern classic if they get through the festival summer with their momentum intact.

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Oh my God. Whilst coldplay should be shipped into a South American prison for their aural assaults on my human rights, I can safely say I hate Keane for their own lack of substance, soul and originality, rather than for coldplay's. Coldplay also have a fucking child abuser for a frontman (naming a kid 'apple'?) so I will accept Keane cannot be held accountable for all the same reasons coldplay can. Yet. The singer's a child, and probably abuses himself, I'm not sure if that counts. But seriously, I do not understand how anyone over the age of 10 could be moved by something so transparent, I remember seeing them on Jools Holland about 6 months ago and thinking, surely they won't fool everyone into thinking they're good? That's the only talent they have. The Franz Ferdinand talent for sucking idiots up like dead skin in a dyson. Commendable in a sense, but that doesn't justify letting them into a studio. The lot of them can Fuck right off, like any twat who would shell out for their CD to keep them in shirts that make them look like they're from New York. God I'm angry. But I like music, you see.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

Coldplay have written some decent music, but some brand them as "Radiohead rip-offs", and that they try to give an alternative through soft 'Piano Rock'.


If you listen to some of their music, you'll notice that they're not ripping anyone off and are their own style. I commend them on that, but wouldn't buy one of their records.

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And Starsailor, maybe the only Coldplay-rip off act I hate as much as Keane. "Alcoholic"=the most disgustingly mundane song I've had the misfortune to hear in years

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I liked both of the singles so I decided to buy their album and apart from one song (Bend and Break) and the singles I didn't like it at all.


I remember thinking about 6 songs in that I was sure the singer was just sticking together random chords for his words because none of it seemed to link together.


Oh well back to Aqualung.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking
And hey, they opened the door for bands like keane.

Oh, we can't forget that.


Seriously, when he told me about Keane, I pictured something like Blue.

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And hey, they opened the door for bands like keane.

Oh, we can't forget that.


Seriously, when he told me about Keane, I pictured something like Blue.

You must have felt really let down.

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