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Guest wildpegasus

House Show report

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Guest wildpegasus

From the Wrestling Observer website:




WWE house show report 5-22 Philadelphia




by Mark Myers




Mark Myers - Philly, PA


Just got back from the Philadephia WWE Raw Brand House Show at the Wachovia Center. Crowd was pretty light after coming off of the Royal Rumble being there last.


First up the show begins with the Coach coming out and telling us he is our ring announcer/host for the evening. We all stand for the National Anthem and....

La Resistance music hits! Instant crowd heat. USA chants start.


Match #1- La Resistance vs. Rosey and the Hurricane. Good opening match, back and forth. Hurricane and Rosey win via pinfall after a double team drop/stunner combo.


Next we get Trish and Tyson Tomko sans Christian. We were supposed to have Y2J vs. Christian in a steel cage. However, Trish tells us he couldn't compete and she had a "doctor's" note. Y2J comes out and bad mouths Trish and calls her the Bottom feeding trashbag Ho thing. Johnny Nitro comes out and informs us that Eric Bischoff has left him in charge and their will be a cage match with Y2J vs. Tyson Tomko! Trish and Tomko are pissed and the match is set for later in the night.


Match #2- Rhyno vs. Garrison Cade. Rhyno was way over here in Philly. ECW chants galore! Coach tries to interfere and receives a gore for his trouble. Eugene wonders out during the match with his jackethood covering his face. He played "peek-a-boo" with the crowd and caused a distraction for Cade who received a gore of his own. Rhyno covers for the win! William Regal comes out and takes young master Eugene to the back.


Match #3- Batista vs. Shelton Benjamin. Batista comes out and says Shelton has beaten all of Evolution members except him. Tonight Shelton adds another win by beating Batista and a great match by pinfall.


Match #4- Test vs. Matt Hardy. Test comes out first and puts his hand out to the crowd to shake some hands. Someone actually fell for it and Test said yeah right and pulled away. Pretty funny. Hardy comes out to a hot pop without Lita. Match ends with the Test Pump handle slam. If that wasn't enough Kane comes out and beats down V1 and says he was looking for Lita all day and it's a good thing she's not there. Also says he's glad she said "YES" on RAW. This leads into....


Match #5- WWE World Champion Chris Benoit vs. Kane. If this match is any indication to what is to come at Bad Blood, fans are going to be pleasantly surprised. Lots of domination by Kane with Benoit coming back with not one but two flying headbutts to which Kane sat up after each of them! Several attempts of the Crippler crossface until finally Kane couldn't get away and had to tap! Winner and still champ Chris Benoit via submission.


Coach tells us about a brief inrtermission while the cage is set up.


Match #6- Chris Jericho vs. Tyson Tomko (w/Trish) in a steel cage. Well they brought out the 80's blue cage and that was a surprise! Not the chain link fence they normally use. Crowd was actually not into this and i feel Christian would have generated more heel heat and no one cared about Tomko. Trish generated some heat by slapping Y2J as he tried to escape the cage door. She came in the ring with a chair at one point and got spanked for her troubles. Cage was very wobbly and I was afraid with all of Tomko's weight it might buckle. Jericho wins after knocking Tomko off the cage back into the ring. Trish attempted to stop him but it was too late. Winner Chris Jericho via escape of the cage.


During the break of taking the cage down, Coach and the T-Shirt gun guy prepared to launch some shirts into the "close" crowd at ringside. Usually they shoot up in the upper decks but no one was there. This brought out Eugene again and he shot some shirts to the crowd. Coach wasn't thrilled with Eugene being there and told Regal that he better take him out of there or he will tell Eric Bischoff about it Monday Night. Coach then gets the shot in the nuts from the gun by Eugene. Coach sells it in the corner and Johnny Nitro comes out to yell and he then got his own ballbuster from Eugene. The crowd loved it and Regal seemed to be laughing hysterically. This definitely killed the time it took to disassemble the cage.


Match #7- IC champ Randy Orton vs. Edge. Pretty technical match. Crowd wasn't into it. Lots of rest holds. Actually heard a few boring chants. Randy wins by pinfall after Batista runs in and Edge ends up in a RKO. The aftermatch beatdown continued until Chris Benoit ran in for the save.


Match #8- Women's champ Victoria vs. Molly Holly. Good match for these two. Victoria pulls off Molly's wig and it distracts her enough to be set up in the widow peak and then the pinfall. Crowd wasn't into this one either but Victoria looks smokin in person!


Match #9 and MAIN EVENT- Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels. Huge pop for HHH and HBK. A rematch from the Royal Rumble. Shawn blades and blood goes flying everytime HHH punches him. Spit goes flying when HBK hits HHH. Real sanitary match for the crowd!

Match ends with a bump to Referee Mike Chioda, then Randy Orton running in and trying to distract HBK. Batista ran in to but HBK somehow hits the sweet chin music and HHH is down for the count. Yes HHH jobbed to HBK by pinfall. Kinda suprised me but it was only a house show. After HBK left HHH got on the mic and the real show started. This guy is great when he is unrestricted like he is on TV. He ripped on the crowd with Batista and Orton, which the crowd liked. Philly is definitely Evolution country and next time Flair better be there! Another funny spot happened before the mic work too. Batista and Orton helped HHH to his feet after getting Sweet chin music and they thought he was balanced and steady. HHH then crashes to the mat. Batista and Orton tried to hide their smiles but it was pretty funny.


Good card over all, Smackdown taping scheduled for Tuesday July 20th next time for Philly. Here are the POP and HEAT lists:



1. Benoit

2. Eugene

3. HHH

4. HBK

5. Edge



1. Coach (especially when he announced the Philly Flyers lost Game 7 and are out of contention for the Stanley Cup....great heel move!)

2. Kane

3. La Resistance (interrupting the National Anthem)

4. Cade

5. Trish

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It's amazing that Eugene is that over already, and he's only wrestled one match.


Sounds like a pretty good show. Batista/Benjamin, Orton/Edge, HHH/Michaels and Benoit/Kane all sound decent.

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All I can say is the Eugene segment with the shirt gun amused me more than it has any right to. It's incredible how well that gimmick is working out, oh, and why is the cage being used so much?

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Actually seems like a good card, and it also seems as if Bad Blood will seem even better then some people are thinking it's going to be.


And I have to say, no one should be surprised by HHH jobbing to HBK...that's the one person, he will lose too :/. Although I'll give him credit for the losses he's taken recently.

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I was planning on going to this show, too, but I couldn't get anyone together to go. Sounds decent. Next TV taping for Philly is a Smackdown, though? Count me out. I'll wait for Raw.

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Guest AndVen

I think it's amazing that WWE actually got Eugene's character right,.


Looked like it was a great show, and HBK blading on a house show surprised me.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
Test over Hardy? The point of that booking decision is......?

I was unaware Matt Hardy was upgrated from "Jobber" to "anything meaningful". At least Test is back, which will indicate Raw is going to suck again. (cries) PLEASE FIRE TEST~!

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Guest TigerDriver91

So Victoria is now wrestling Molly on house shows? Does this mean her angle with Gail is flushed down the toilet?

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
So Victoria is now wrestling Molly on house shows? Does this mean her angle with Gail is flushed down the toilet?

I hope so. Maybe Gail Kim will go with the spiral too.

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Guest TigerDriver91
I hope so. Maybe Gail Kim will go with the spiral too.

The entire women's division might as well go the way of the dodo bird, since it's pretty much useless and a waste of time.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
I hope so. Maybe Gail Kim will go with the spiral too.

The entire women's division might as well go the way of the dodo bird, since it's pretty much useless and a waste of time.

I can't argue that. Sadly, 3 or 4 people here LIKE the womens division. I could care less about it.


Tings I don't care about WWE:

1.) Womens Division

2.) Test

3.) Test

4.) Test


Oops, I repeated myself a few times.

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Guest TigerDriver91

So tell us how do you feel about Test's chances to win the world title? :lol: ;)

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Guest thatdude21601

1. Coach !)

2. Kane

3. La Resistance

4. Cade

5. Trish


Cade, La Res, and Coach?. That seems so wrong.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
So tell us how do you feel about Test's chances to win the world title? :lol: ;)

(Cries) That post made me sound like Anglesault....toned completely down, but still like him.

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Guest Mulatto Heat
Test over Hardy? The point of that booking decision is......?

The report at PWInsider has it the other way around.

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Guest ManKinnd

From what I remember, Matt won with the Twist of Fate.

And Benoit/Kane was decent, nothing great.

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Guest ian.

Just got back from a house show in Moline, I was gonna start a new thread, but the show was nearly the same as this, so what the hell.


Coach comes out to some pretty nice heel heat, tells us that Bisch left him in charge, so its all coach, all night, all the time.


Opening Match -


Rosey/Hurricane vs Frenchies -


Some big 'USA' chants strewn about the match. Standard raw tag, cept about 10 minutes longer. Kind of a fun match. *


Segment -


Trish's music hits, and out comes Tomko and her. She gets on the mic and says that it was nice of us to come, seeing as most of us were on welfare. Nice. Says Christians not here, so they're gonna leave this pisshole. Cue Stacy Keibler. She comes out and says that since Christians not here, its gonna be Tomko vs Jericho, in a cage. All leave, but Eugene wanders out. William Regal follows. Usual shit, but Cade comes out and decks regal and eugene, and out comes shelton for the save and we have a match.


Match 2 -


Shelton Benjamin vs Cade -


As good as you thought it would be, which is bad. Neat spot where Shelton leaps and cade moves, shelton lands on the top turnbuckle, spins around, and hits a cross body. Finish came with shelton using the powerslam. 1/2*


Match 3 -


Womens Title - Victoria vs Molly Holly


Nice little match, same spots you'd see on any tv show, Vicky pulls off the wig, Molly goes into shock and then widows peak. *


Match 4 -


WWE IC Title - Edge vs Randy Orton


Arm work to start the match off, and that basically fills up the entire thing. Nothing to write home about. Last 3 minutes was really good, Batista ran out, Orton runs into him and Edge rolls him up for a two that got everyone on their feet. RKO and we're done. **1/2


Match 5 -


Cage Match - Chris Jericho vs Tomko


Jericho gets a huge pop coming out, Tomko gets nothing. Better than it had any right to be. Jericho bumping like a madman, and tomko just being a big lug out there. Trish came in and got the lion tamer, not the walls of jericho. Jericho gets over the top of the cage for one of the bigger pops of the night. ***


Eugene and Regal come out and do the same deal with the tshirt to the nuts thing.


Match 6 -


Shawn Michales vs Batista


Basically a copy cat of their earlier matches. Demon bomb gets counted into a sweet chin music and a 3. **


Match 7 -


Steven Richards vs Rhyno


Rhyno gets a standing ovation and tons of ECW chants which threw me off, and him too. Match was punch, Stevie fakes an injury, gore. DUD


Match 8 -


Matt Hardy vs Test


Nothing match, punch kick punch kick till Kane comes out and almost chokeslams Matt, till lita stops him. DUD


Cue Benoit


Main Event -


WWE Heavyweight Title - Benoit vs Kane


Went about 25 minutes, and was really good. Some neats spots, including one where kane tries to big boot Chris in the corner, benoit moves, Kanes foot gets caught in the rope, and Benoit dropkicks his free leg. Kane counter the crossface 3 times before finally tapping out. ***1/2


Aftermath -


Benoit gives kane an ovation, then says that he joined the 'you tapped out' club. Says coach should too, and eggs him on. Coach comes in, says benoit got lucky at the rumble, mania, backlash, and so forth. Benoit with the crossface and coach taps. End of show.


Biggest Pops -


1. Benoit

2. Shawn Michaels

3. Rhyno

4. Jericho Winning

5. Eugene


Biggest Heat -


1. Kane

2. Trish

3. Randy Orton

4. Coach

5. Frenchies

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Guest wildpegasus
Just got back from a house show in Moline, I was gonna start a new thread, but the show was nearly the same as this, so what the hell.


Coach comes out to some pretty nice heel heat, tells us that Bisch left him in charge, so its all coach, all night, all the time.


Opening Match -


Rosey/Hurricane vs Frenchies -


Some big 'USA' chants strewn about the match. Standard raw tag, cept about 10 minutes longer. Kind of a fun match. *


Segment -


Trish's music hits, and out comes Tomko and her. She gets on the mic and says that it was nice of us to come, seeing as most of us were on welfare. Nice. Says Christians not here, so they're gonna leave this pisshole. Cue Stacy Keibler. She comes out and says that since Christians not here, its gonna be Tomko vs Jericho, in a cage. All leave, but Eugene wanders out. William Regal follows. Usual shit, but Cade comes out and decks regal and eugene, and out comes shelton for the save and we have a match.


Match 2 -


Shelton Benjamin vs Cade -


As good as you thought it would be, which is bad. Neat spot where Shelton leaps and cade moves, shelton lands on the top turnbuckle, spins around, and hits a cross body. Finish came with shelton using the powerslam. 1/2*


Match 3 -


Womens Title - Victoria vs Molly Holly


Nice little match, same spots you'd see on any tv show, Vicky pulls off the wig, Molly goes into shock and then widows peak. *


Match 4 -


WWE IC Title - Edge vs Randy Orton


Arm work to start the match off, and that basically fills up the entire thing. Nothing to write home about. Last 3 minutes was really good, Batista ran out, Orton runs into him and Edge rolls him up for a two that got everyone on their feet. RKO and we're done. **1/2


Match 5 -


Cage Match - Chris Jericho vs Tomko


Jericho gets a huge pop coming out, Tomko gets nothing. Better than it had any right to be. Jericho bumping like a madman, and tomko just being a big lug out there. Trish came in and got the lion tamer, not the walls of jericho. Jericho gets over the top of the cage for one of the bigger pops of the night. ***


Eugene and Regal come out and do the same deal with the tshirt to the nuts thing.


Match 6 -


Shawn Michales vs Batista


Basically a copy cat of their earlier matches. Demon bomb gets counted into a sweet chin music and a 3. **


Match 7 -


Steven Richards vs Rhyno


Rhyno gets a standing ovation and tons of ECW chants which threw me off, and him too. Match was punch, Stevie fakes an injury, gore. DUD


Match 8 -


Matt Hardy vs Test


Nothing match, punch kick punch kick till Kane comes out and almost chokeslams Matt, till lita stops him. DUD


Cue Benoit


Main Event -


WWE Heavyweight Title - Benoit vs Kane


Went about 25 minutes, and was really good. Some neats spots, including one where kane tries to big boot Chris in the corner, benoit moves, Kanes foot gets caught in the rope, and Benoit dropkicks his free leg. Kane counter the crossface 3 times before finally tapping out. ***1/2


Aftermath -


Benoit gives kane an ovation, then says that he joined the 'you tapped out' club. Says coach should too, and eggs him on. Coach comes in, says benoit got lucky at the rumble, mania, backlash, and so forth. Benoit with the crossface and coach taps. End of show.


Biggest Pops -


1. Benoit

2. Shawn Michaels

3. Rhyno

4. Jericho Winning

5. Eugene


Biggest Heat -


1. Kane

2. Trish

3. Randy Orton

4. Coach

5. Frenchies

Thanks very much for the report.


I'm curious on wether Benoit kicked out of the chokeslam. Of course that is if Kane hit it. I'm also curious if Kane used or teased any new offence we don't normally see him do. Thanks again.

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Guest ian.
Thanks very much for the report.


I'm curious on wether Benoit kicked out of the chokeslam. Of course that is if Kane hit it. I'm also curious if Kane used or teased any new offence we don't normally see him do. Thanks again.


Kane went for the chokeslam, but Benoit countered it into the crossface. Kane got out of that, then nailed a samoan back drop. Benoit got him into it again, sidewalk slam counter. Kane went upstairs for the clothesline but Benoit countered that for the crossface and Kane tapped,


Kane really surprised me, he was alot more agile and into it. A quick bearhug in the middle and that was the only resthold.


While kane was outside, he had benoit in the corner, took him when he was laying on his side, then dragged him against the ring post. He took his foot and pushed against the pole for leverage while benoits back was up againts it. Neat spot.

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Guest wildpegasus

Thanks very much for the report.


I'm curious on wether Benoit kicked out of the chokeslam. Of course that is if Kane hit it. I'm also curious if Kane used or teased any new offence we don't normally see him do. Thanks again.


Kane went for the chokeslam, but Benoit countered it into the crossface. Kane got out of that, then nailed a samoan back drop. Benoit got him into it again, sidewalk slam counter. Kane went upstairs for the clothesline but Benoit countered that for the crossface and Kane tapped,


Kane really surprised me, he was alot more agile and into it. A quick bearhug in the middle and that was the only resthold.


While kane was outside, he had benoit in the corner, took him when he was laying on his side, then dragged him against the ring post. He took his foot and pushed against the pole for leverage while benoits back was up againts it. Neat spot.

Cool, it looks like we're in for a fun match at the PPV.

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I'm pretty sure Kane is stepping it up since this is his first REAL feud since his one-sided loss to Triple H a few years ago. I am not looking forward to Tyson Tomko getting more matches though, has he even hit one good kick the past few weeks he's been on RAW?

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