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Guest Scuba Steve

The TRUE History of The SmartMarks

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Guest Scuba Steve



Gather around, my children, as I will now tell you the TRUE history of The Smart Marks.


To start this long tale we must first travel back to the year 1995. What a year it was. A year of the likes of King Mabel and Big Daddy Nash, but that's not all that was going on. For a young Mexican boy from New York, named Damien Gonzalez, had been contacted by the CIA several months earlier. The boy was put into training to become a secret agent for the United States. Using his hispanic background to his advantage, "The Ripper" as he was later called, was one of the greatest spys in the history of our country. He killed men left and right, within seconds of seeing him your eyes would be taken out or your ears pulled on whih hurt very very bad. This was all in order to accomplish his mission.


But Damien had dreamed about something more; something better. He had always hated the killing, and because being a spy was a one man job, he hadn't got much time to interact with people. When he found a new tool, called "the internet", he figured out what he was to do with his life. He retired from the CIA and move to Belize, where he took a liking to the sport of professional wrestling. He new he had to converse with young people about this sport over this "internet", but he lacked the proper funds to do so. So he contacted a man far more ruthless than he ever was. A man that he had worked undercover at a swing dancing club year earlier. That's right. He contacted....


Well I have to take a shit. I think that I will let the rest of the posters finish the story.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

The picture of the old man was a nice touch..........





















































too bad it was wasted on the rest of your post.

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Guest Jimbo

Scuba Steve doesn't smoke a pipe either, imposter. Could Scuba Steve hold his breath for long periods of time if his lungs were cosntantly being weakened by a smoking habit? Didn't think so, un-Scuba Steve.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
you try too hard.

I am choking on the irony

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

Meh. I thought we were getting a proper history.


And as soon as he proved that he's not a writer and has trouble spelling, I tuned out.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
you try too hard.

I am choking on the irony

Shouldn't you be lording your awesomeness over everyone or something?


Christ, I get it already. I care about TSM too much. Blah Blah Blah.


You're so boring now, you haven't done anything that's made me laugh in months and frankly I'm tired of defending you to others, "He's just having some fun, he's really a nice guy."


The fact you're going to be a teacher scares me, Banky. You're the last person who should be bothering me about taking things too seriously or trying "Too hard" considering your constant efforts at "working the board" and getting a reaction from people by starting threads in feedback about things you don't care about.


Oh, I forget when you do it, it's funny and insightful. When others do it, it's pathetic and they need to get lives.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

oh christ.


I'm not working anyone. I'm tired.


Last time wasn't a work on my part either. Banky decided he wants to be a dick to make me look bad and then expects me to laugh about it when he decides he was only kidding.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

you're ruining my enjoyment of tsm. I will make it my newest crusade to get you banned.


Expect a 100 page memo on Dames's desk on Why you should be banned by 6AM tomorrow.


Wait...the lack of alternate skins is annoying me...I have a NEW crusade!

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
I would actually be quite interested, and even briefly entertained, by the notion of a crusade against me.

I'm sure I could whip something up but I'd have to put aside my work on the Popick Crusade and frankly...I'm just not prepared to do that at this time.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
Well, just keep me in mind for your next crush ok?

oh...you're on the list

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

Nah, It was going alright but then I went off to be a Lumberjack and IDRM/Banky were left in charge.



I geuss they all got wrapped up in working TSM with Paul and it just sorta died.


Right now I'm a Super Mod at WDI and I've been helping at Rant's new messageboard (link in the sig bitches).

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I didn't do that, they did that on their own.


Well... you don't know what we can discover. Why don't you come with me, young female, on a supernatural floor covering journey.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

hmm. Figures. I never thought you'd be one for working the board.


I missed that whole era. I remember coming back and seeing that Paul had been rebanned.

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Guest FrigidSoul

Nobody pimps my board. In fact if my board was a woman and members were money she would have starved to death by now from lack of coffee and ciggerettes.

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