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Do you even care anymore...

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I care about wrestling's history, and I still watch good matches from the past, but the current wrestling product is okay.


WWE RAW- Yes. I look forward to watching it every week, and care what happens.

WWE SmackDown- No. I read the spoilers (and watch some of the first match every week), but beyond Eddie losing the title, I do not care what happens with this show.

NWATNA- No, I don't care.

RoH- I don't watch, but I read results.

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It's nowhere near as fun as it was say, back in 98. Almost no surprises, compared to back in 98-2000 something unpredictable happening every week. Their's way too much backstage crap, the storylines have gotten way too indepth. Can't two guys just fight because they want to move up the ladder and become a title contender? Their has to be all this other crap thrown in? Their's just way too many guys that don't ever seem to acknowledge that their is a World Championship they should be climbing the ranks and going after. On the otherhand, all a wrestler has to do is interrupt the champs promo, get in a cheapshot, and wait for Bischoff to come down and make a title match for later that night.


And as much as we want to see them build new stars, the most exciting part of the year is when the Rock shows up, if not only for a month or two.


The Brand Split is becoming a bust to me. Their's maybe 2-3 interesting wrestlers left on Smackdown, and the rest is garbage. Smackdown itself feels ultimately like WCW Thunder. Just a B-Show, hell it's a C-Show.

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Guest rpkteg

I have not watched wrestling consistently since mid-late 2000. I watched occasionally and read some stuff on the net until recently when I have lost pretty much all interest I had in the scene. What origanally drove me away, the crappy storylines and mediocre wrestling, just got worse and pretty much has ended it for me.

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Guest Choken One

Wrestling is a drug.


Raw and the few handful of ROH i can get is my junkie fix.

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I love wrestling. My interest in WWE may wane from time to time, but when I get bored with it there's always something interesting going on somewhere in the world.

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