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Guest Thrashist

Question about tape trading..

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Guest Thrashist

Is it common among tape trading circles for people to request personalized compilations with a bunch of matches from different events, or do just single events and trader-made compilations get dealt?


I ask this because I have a want list with a different bunch of matches from different events. I don't have any tapes to trade, nor would I purchase the whole event for these matches. I'd pay a good $20 if someone would just squash all of the matches on my want list on to a 6 hr tape, but I don't know if that's proper tape trading ettiquette or what not. Whatever it is, I'd like to know. :)

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yeah, that's common in tape trading. The only problem I see is the price, I don't think to many traders would be willing to do a 6 hour comp for just $20, as it does take a lot of work to do so, you have to have a day where you can just sit there for over six hours to make a tape.

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What I've seen a lot of guys do is $2 for every match/segment/whatever. Some people think it's too high, but when you have to sit and fish for a shitload of matches, you realize its right on.

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I do them for $2/match myself . . . Assuming there's at least 5 matches to at least make it worth the time. Plus, they're a lot rougher than just popping a ppv in the morning, setting the timer, and doing the same thing when you get home.

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